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Event Coverage LA Roadsters Fathers Day Show

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Blake 27, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. Deuce Daddy Don
    Joined: Apr 27, 2008
    Posts: 5,580

    Deuce Daddy Don

    Now yer' talkin'------Chase those lines!!!!!!!!!
    philly the greek, deucemac and OL 55 like this.
  2. oldpl8s
    Joined: Apr 11, 2007
    Posts: 1,488


    I'm waiting for info on swap spaces. The old process of waiting in line for 3 days only to find half the spots have already been roped off by their cronies sucked. People would pay for one spot then police tape off 20 spots for their buddies.
    seabeecmc likes this.
  3. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 31,941


    You would think they would try to mark the swap meet like they do at Hershey, LARS swap meet area is 1/10 of what we have in Hershey. Bob
    HellsHotRods likes this.
  4. PRE48V-8
    Joined: Sep 23, 2006
    Posts: 730

    from H.G., CA


    To begin, before you read anything further we must all accept the fact that (and this is from the mouths of current L.A. Roadster club members whom I've spoke to in the recent past in attempts to get an idea how the swap meet is going to be administrated, changed or re-arranged every year a month or two before the event) it seems a large group of the members (with the exception of the swap meet committee personnel who had always championed it to continue) felt they could do without the swap meet and the logistics it requires to set up, sell the spaces and monitor it during the show. Seems hard to believe, but that's been told to me over the years. Nevertheless, that's a moot point at this juncture because it has continued to be a part of the annual exhibition and seems it will be a major component this year as well (as long as like minded people keep showing up to participate as a swapper or spectator with regards to changes that would either improve or make the swap meet less enjoyable in the past and years to come). Bottom line: Whatever those in charge come up with, whether the club in the past or the new management hired to administrate on the club's behalf, it seems to me they are beholden to the Fairplex organization which has the contract from L. A. County to manage, promote & maintain the fairgrounds properly, staying profitable so long as they can pay the annual fee amount that L. A. County requires per their agreement with the Fairplex organization(NOTE: That's my understanding, but if anyone wants to add to or correct this, feel free...). What does this all mean? It means the Fairplex seems to make the rules, and the L. A. Roadster club gets the real estate over the Father's Day weekend that the Fairplex management allows them so they can fit in other events on their expansive property during the same time frame to maintain profitability for themselves and to meet their contractual responsibility with L. A. County. As large as the annual L. A. Roadster Exhibition, Show & Swap Meet is, it doesn't take up the entire L. A. County fairgrounds property & all its exhibition halls. Knowing this, one must ask, "How can you set up a fair system to allow participants to choose and pay for the amount and location of the swap meet spaces they want?". I've asked this question many times myself and directly to the L. A. Roadster club swap meet committee members and apparently the answer is, "You can't pre-sell swap spaces for this event" (at least not for now) because the layout for the swap meet is never know until a brief time frame before the event occurs. So, the best thing to do is keep an eye on the official web site for the show to see if a attachment has been included to pull up a pre-registration form, pay for the amount of spots you want and just show up and see what unfolds (probably best to show up extra early, like 3 days before, or maybe 4-5 days if your schedule allows) to improve chances of getting the spots you want, where you want them on whatever layout ends up being created before the event. In the meantime, read on if you'd like a review solely from a the perspective of a 15-year swap meet participant the past history and recent changes of this annual event if you've not experienced it first hand (I'll address oldpl8s quote at the end).....

    In a perfect world, the L.A. Roadster Club would endeavor to set up the registration process for the swap meet in a fashion similar to the likes of two large local automotive parts swap meets currently held in L. A. County: The decades old Pomona Swap Meet produced by George Cross & Sons held at the Fairplex in Pomona, CA or the Hi-Performance and Motorcycle swap meets produced by T. Topping held at Veterans Stadium in Long Beach, CA since appx. the mid-1980's. Both are held either once every month (the Topping swap meets) or appx. 8 times annually (the George Cross event). Same swap meet held at the same venue multiple times annually allows for better preparation, administration and conformity between the venue management and the swap meet promoter to develop a more efficient, more profitable business relationship over the course of time than a single annual event. I recently went on the Roadster Show web page and clicked on the "swap meet" tab to find out more information regarding plans and changes specific to the swap meet (other than cost per space) and found little if any. Eventually I wrote and forwarded an email on 4-6-2017 to the email address listed for inquiries about the event at large from the web page. Later that day I received a response (and answers to my questions about the swap meet in particular) from a man named Kevin Doyle who is affiliated with the management team for this years event. My questions were answered for the most part, verifying the swap space dimensions (25-ft wide by 20-ft deep), cost per space ($80.00 w/two wristbands per spot for Sat. & Sun.) and the set-up time and day for the swap area (Friday, June 16, 2017 starting at 10 am to 4 pm). He also stated that soon an application would be available on the web page for the event, allowing participants to sign up and pay for in advance the swap spaces they would need. They were going to attempt to create an on line registration system to choose and pay for swap spaces off of a dedicated grid layout before the event (similar to what is used by the Pomona & Hi-Performance swap meet management if you don't want to show up early on the day of the swap meet and buy a spot then) but it appeared time wouldn't allow this type of an efficient pre-registration swap meet system to be in place for the 2017 event. Instead, he said that once pre-registered, the participant would then show up on Friday before the weekend event and would be guided into the swap area by administration staff to there swap spaces to ensure there weren't any "large gaps between swap meet participants in the swap area" in order to evenly fill the swap meet area (I personally don't recall this issue the last 3 years or more. To the contrary, more often the swap area always seems to be at appx. 80% capacity on Sat. from my experience). This part of his response led to further questions, which I forwarded to Mr. Doyle on 4/7/2017 (see below).

    I asked if the swap meet administration staff were going to "back fill" the swap meet; In other words, take the first pre-paid swap meet participant in line and guide them all the way to the aisle furthest away from the swap meet entry gate & fill all the rows from that point, space by space, working back towards the swap meet entry gate? I also asked if the Fairplex security staff were going to open the gate 17 entrance into the L. A. County fairgrounds property off of Arrow Highway and allow swappers to line up in the staging lanes outside of the swap meet entry gate as has been the case in recent years (last year I arrived at appx. 12:30 PM on Wed. afternoon and was in the middle of the second staging lane and appx. the 42nd swap meet participant in line to wait for the gate to the swap area to open on Fri. morning at 9:30 am)? I also inquired that if a swap meet participant pre-pays for 6 spaces & shows up with one truck full of parts and awaits their family and colleagues who can't take off of work that day and get in at 10am, will they be given one parking pass for the multiple spaces they purchased, thereby not allowing them to have the 5 other passed to allow those folks to enter later in the afternoon on Fri. or early AM on Sat.? Also, if the participant wants their 6 spaces configured in a block of spaces that are 3 spaces "back to back" instead of 6 spaces in a long, narrow row next to one another making a swap area that's 150-ft. long by 20-ft. deep instead of 75-ft wide by 40 feet deep, will this accommodation be made for the participant by the administration staff or will the spaces be dispensed in narrow rows facing adjacent pedestrian aisles? A few other questions were listed as well, along with a "PRO'S & CON'S" list (both commending improvements and offering constructive criticisms [not "moaning or negatively berating"] about various aspects of the event over the last decade or so) of what areas of the swap meet have improved and those that may need addressed based on my experiences and the comments made to me by others who have been a part of the swap meet at this event for over the last 5, 10, 15 years or more. Some examples of what was shared were how allowing people who spend a lot of time, effort and expense coming from hundreds of miles away to finally come in and park in an orderly fashion on the fairgrounds property in staging lanes with security and bathroom facilities was a positive improvement from the days when people would line up in a single line outside gate 17 late Thur. evening and into the early AM hours of Friday encircling the NW perimeter of the property across from Brackett airfield, being chased off by the La Verne city PD whose city border with Pomona runs across the starting line of the drag strip. Or, how inconvenient it was years ago showing up on Thurs. afternoon when the club was setting up the swap meet and exhibition areas, entering and lining up on the fairgrounds property and getting locked in essentially (you could leave through the exit, but couldn't come back in because Gate 17 had been locked). Or, as stated accurately by HAMB'r oldpl8s, the "space saving" that had been common practice all the way back when the swap meet was adjacent to the static locomotive display. Every year no matter if you were 1st in line to get in, if you made a bee-line to the small area across from the locomotives that had the only tree shade in the entire swap meet you'd find over 50% of these were already spoken for. Today, as in the past, if you arrive on Fri. at the swap meet staging area and walk up to the fence adjacent to the swap meet entry gate around 7am on set up day, you'll no doubt see in the distance at the far end of the swap meet property (which is closest to the specialty vehicle parking, roadster parking display and air conditioned exhibition building filled with vendors) orange cones and caution tape securing a bank of appx. 2, 4, or 6 swap spaces before the club has collected a single space payment or a completed single day sellers form required by the State of California Board of Equalization (the "tax man") prior to opening the swap meet gate. I mentioned that though there is no proof the L.A. Roadster club members do this themselves or allow their friends and colleagues to participate in this enterprise and have themselves never claimed to have done so, it reflects poorly on them particularly with swap meet participants who have followed and played by the current "first come, first served" rules implemented by the club in recent years. I suggested that maybe a better approach would be to designate a "Roadster club member" section of the swap meet where club members could have access to a limited amount of "good spots" (but not all) at the forward area of the swap meet for themselves, friends or family to sell out of. It is after all their swap and show and ultimately they have control who enters where and when and this would eliminate this negative view some swappers hold towards the administration of the swap meet as being unfair. I received a brief response from Mr. Doyle on 4/10/2017 to my other questions and my praise and constructive criticisms about the swap meet I'd forwarded to him on 4/7/2017. He was positive, saying I gave him a lot to consider and to cover, asking me to call him (or provide my number and a time convenient that he could call me) as he would like to discuss my views further. I responded to him on 4/11/2017 via email once again thanking him for his time and consideration and provided my contact number and a convenient time to call me, saying I'd try to touch base with him pending my upcoming schedule. As of today, I haven't had a chance to call Mr. Doyle to discuss these matters to share opinions about or suggest improvements for future swap meets that will benefit the promoter and participant alike and keep the event successful, larger and more worthwhile than ever. Nor have I heard back from Mr. Doyle via my contact number or email. But I'm optimistic and will, on my part, pursue this further as time allows in the days to come.

    Last point, regarding HAMB'r oldpl8s claim that some swap meet participants show up with one vehicle, get in line early allowing them to enter the swap meet before others and secure multiple swap spots after only paying for one and thereby saving them for their colleagues who buy one or two that show up later so they can be together as a group, I agree that this arrangement is unfair. I myself show up early (Wed. last year), wait in line with a truck full of parts and/or a small trailer in tow at times and try to get in position that allows me access to the swap area as soon as the entry gate opens on set-up day. In years past, once I get inside I've needed anywhere from 12 spots to as little as 6 spots for my family or colleagues who show up at noon or a bit later with their truck full of parts, camping trailer or sometimes even a 40-ft. 5th-wheel trailer attached to a GM crew-cab dually pickup that takes up 6 spaces, 3 "back to back" (3 to park the trailer and truck and 3 spaces next to the other 3 spaces to use for displaying the car and spreading out the parts for sale loaded inside the trailer). If you can't pre-register similar to the aforementioned swap meets at Pomona and Long Beach, CA, you have to get in line days before setup day (unless your fortunate to have access to the grounds prior to set-up day) in order to be able to park and setup as your vehicles/trailer/parts require. Regardless I have a vehicle pass and two participant wrist bands for each and every swap meet space I purchased and only secure the amount of spaces I purchased every year I've attended the swap meet. This is fair in my estimation considering the past arrangements and administration of the swap meet as opposed to saving a group of spaces with only one or two passes in hand as mentioned by oldpl8s. Yet a swap meet administration official for the swap meet area need only to drive around the property during set-up day, find the sections where a single vehicle (or two) have secured a segment of spaces higher in number than the vehicles they've parked within the area they are holding and simply ask them to show they have not only the correct amount of vehicle passes and participant wrist bands corresponding to the spaces they are saving, but who and what will be parking in those spaces and address the situation accordingly. But, that takes time, effort and commitment by the administration staff to handle the situation tactfully as does having a clear, fair set of ground rules for accommodation and conduct communicated as clearly and as far in advance as possible by the event administration to the potential event participants. At this juncture, based on my past experience with the swap meet I think it would be best at this late hour that the administration staff leave things regarding the administration of the swap meet the way they were last year, with the exception of paying for swap spaces in advance and possibly adding the option of the swapper filling out the CA State Board of Equalization temp. sellers form in advance as well. This way people can show up as soon as the Fairplex opens the fairgrounds to park in staging lanes for the swap meet, the time of which in the past has never been officially known, but shared via text by fellow swappers who show up early in the week and "hange around" the general area anticipating being allowed to come in and line up and wait (NOTE: I've tried to call the show chairman, swap meet committee chairman from the L. A. Roadster club and the head of Fairplex security on Mon./Tue. the week of the event to get an answer regarding when gate 17 will be open for early swappers to get in the staging lanes prior to the event and no one ever seems to have the answer. Maybe they'll know this year if I decide to call ..). What will be will be, and I hope that as a whole with only a few changes to the cost of entry to the event areas it will be at least as good a show as it has been in recent years and who knows; Maybe the roadster and exhibition area will be closer to the swap area and specialty parking as in years past and it won't be roasting-hot like last year......Thanks for your time, hope this was helpful and let's try to look forward optimistically where it is warranted.....PRE48V-8\;^]
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2017
  5. deucemac
    Joined: Aug 31, 2008
    Posts: 1,580


    I sent an email to the club site to voice my concerns about possible changes and lack of anything official causing rumors, fear, and speculation. I received an email reply from Kevin Doyle myself. Through subsequent emails and phone calls, I was able help make some suggestions and educate him and others on the rod shows staff and got a few changes and a couple of "rollbacks" to previous ways that worked out in previous years. Nothing earth shaking, just fine tuning. I found Mr. Doyle to be open minded, reasonable, and willing to listen to me. He is a long time hot rodder and LA Roadsters show attendee. I am pleased that he is a sympathetic advocate for us folks who have made the show a "family and clan reunion" and passionate about retaining as much tradition as possible and still moving the show forward to a good future. He is only one person, but seems to have our interests at heart. Hopefully, my grandsons will be wheeling my old blue roadster in long after I park it for the last time. Just remember that if you are able to speak to Kevin, voice concerns, not complaints, and have some idea of how to implement or remove rules for the good and uniqueness of the show.
  6. PRE48V-8
    Joined: Sep 23, 2006
    Posts: 730

    from H.G., CA

    9:13 P.M./PST/SUN. APRIL 23, 2017

    Just checked the "swap meet" tab on the official L. A. Roadster Club's official 2017 Roadster Show, Exhibition & Swap Meet page and it has been updated since I last checked over a week ago. The administration of the swap meet is specified, though arguably isn't specific in some respects. This is what it says verbatim as printed from the "swap meet" tab (less introduction "verbage" detailing what the swap meet has to offer for buyers & sellers alike):


    1. Friday early bird swap meet buyers $40.00
    2. Buyers should enter through gate 17 parking to be able to pick up parts from swap meet.


    1. You do not need to be a business to sell in the swap meet but you may have to have a CA sellers permit or contact California State Board of Equalization.
    2. Swap meet spaces oar 25 ft. wide x 20 ft. deep (The biggest spaces out there)
    3. Cost is $80.00 per space corner spaces $100.00 good for both Saturday and Sunday (No single day discounts)
    4. Used automotive related items only please.
    5. Sorry but Pre-Reservation of spaces will not be available for this year.

    1. Thursday June 15 9 am- 5 pm & Friday June 9 am- 4 pm
    2. Enter Fairplex at gate 15 off Arrow Hwy, staging will be in the parking lot by the drag strip. This is a first come first serve registration for spaces will start at the front of the line once you have filled out the registration form, BOE form and paid for the number of spaces you will choose your space from a map then be escorted to your spot. No saving spaces.
    3. Cash or credit cards only no checks accepted.

    1. Friday, June 16 10 am - 4 pm

    1. Saturday June 17 7 am - 5 pm
    2. Sunday, June 18 7 am - 4 pm
    That's it so far as of the date & time posted at the beginning of this reply to oldpl8s & The37kid comments. As a regular swapper, this is welcome information but still raises some questions. They are as follows, starting with the "BUYERS" section rules. It covers a lot of ground & is intended only to bring up some valid points and question about the swap meet "rules & regulations" as listed above for more clarity and better understanding with regards to the changes to the 2017 event for those who regularly participate or want to attend for the first time (hopefully some of this will be seen and considered by the new event administrators and taken into consideration):

    • RE: "BUYERS", Item #1/ Where do Friday "Early Bird" swappers enter? It says "buyers should enter through gate 17 to be able to pick up parts from swap meet". Is that for Sat. & Sun. buyers? Where do Friday "Early Bird" buyers enter the fairgrounds to pay the $40.00 and park their vehicle? Is it gate 15 off Arrow Hwy., or Gate 17 off of McKinley/Fairplex Dr.? Will the money be collected at the entry Gate? Does the $40.00 Friday "Early Bird" buyer fee include parking, or will the Fairplex charge a parking fee as well?
    • RE: "SELLERS", Item #1/ This section sounds contradictory; "...You don't need to be a business to sell but may have to have a sellers CA State Board of Equalization.". Of course, as in years past, sellers have to fill out the CA State Board of Equalization form (or "BOE form" as described in the web page text) identifying whether or not they are occasional sellers and if so, tax exempt. This is required at the Pomona swap meet and the Long Beach Hi-Performance swap meet and has been a requirement at the L. A. Roadster Show swap meet for many years as well. I was able to print a copy of this form from the Club's home page last year and filled it out prior to arriving at the swap meet staging area at the Fairplex. Will the new administration hand out copies of these "BOE forms" in the staging areas to waiting swappers prior to opening the entry gate on set-up days as the Roadster Club members have in the recent past, or should they get their own copies from the official CA State Board of Equalization home page?
    • RE: "SELLERS". Item #2/ The swap spaces some of the largest available, compared to other local automotive swap meets. NHRA Hot Rod Reunion swap spaces are comparable in size to the LA Roadster swap meet, cost a bit less per space & you have to buy a 3-day event pass separately. So with 2 passes included per swap space, still a good deal!
    • RE: "SELLERS", Item #3/The higher cost for corner spaces versus non-corner swap spaces seems more appropriate for a retail vendor area offering "premium" locations next to the entrance of a main exhibition hall than the corner swap space in the back row up against the fence in the far corner of a swap meet limited to "used automotive related items". Surely it make sense that just because a swap space is on the corner/end of a row doesn't necessarily mean it's somehow a better spot warranting a higher fee.
    • RE: "SELLERS", Item #4/ Swap meets in the recent past at the L.A. Roadster Show (as is common to other local, regularly held auto swap meets previously mentioned) always include "swappers" selling new automotive and non-automotive related items such as new hats, new sunglasses, new & used automotive/non-automotive collectables, new polishes & waxes, new paint, new hardware, used tools, new car covers, new radiators, new brake system kits, new chassis parts, new automotive related clothing/accessories, etc. Since vendors spots are in a separate area and past swap meets as recently as last year (2016) have included "swappers" selling goods meeting some of the aforementioned descriptions, wouldn't it be appropriate to provide a bit more specificity about what is appropriate/allowed to be sold at this swap meet and save them the time, effort and expense of showing up possibly for nothing? A "change in the guard" arguably warrants this.
    • RE: "SELLERS", Item #5/ Hopefully this will become a priority after this years event is over; It'll be a lot easier for everyone (event administrators and participants alike). Easier, more efficient; An online set up with a "grid style" layout of the future swap meet area with aisles and row listed in alpha-numeric order so a participant can see what spots are available, click on each spot they want, pay for it online and show up with an invoice verifying their payment and swap space location. It works well for people who've swapped at the Hi-Performance swap meet at Veterans Stadium in Long Beach, CA. Pre-registered swappers enter first, then at a designated time before buyers are let in the folks who want a swap space the day of the event wait in a separate line where they fill out their CA BOE form, pay their swap space fee and go in the swap area and choose a space (or spaces) from what's available. If you're pre-registered (or not) and arrive late, entry to the swap area isn't allowed. No more waiting in staging lanes for a couple of days will be a welcome change and better overall. Let's see if the Fairplex organization will allow for a dedicated swap meet area that the show administration can depend on in order to justify investing the time and effort to set up an online pre-registration system in the future.
    • RE: "ON-SITE SWAP MEET SPACE RESERVATION", Item #1/If a swapper from out of town arrives earlier than Thur., June 15, 2017 at 9 am (when the Fairplex will be open for swappers to begin parking in the staging lanes prior to set up day on Fri., June 16, 2017 at 10 am) will they be allowed entrance onto the Fairplex property at gate #15 off of Arrow Hwy.? Are the entry times (9am-4pm Thur. & 9am-4pm Fri.) listed "set in stone"? Unlike in the past, there is now a set time & day when early arriving swappers can park in the staging lanes. However, last year saw swappers being allowed to park in the staging lanes on the Fairplex property at appx. 1 PM. If those folks arrive too early this year, no doubt they'll begin lining up outside of gate 15, eventually spilling out onto Arrow Hwy., across the other side of the train crossing towards the intersection of Fariplex Dr. & Arrow Hwy. and onto Fariplex Dr. which will attract the attention of the La Verne police dept. (just like it used to be before the swapper staging lane system was created about 5 yrs. ago). What time can swappers who can only show up on Sat. morning come into the Fairplex and purchase a swap space (if available)? Is it 7am , the official start time of the event or earlier, like 6am?
    • RE: "ON-SITE SWAP MEET SPACE RESERVATION", Item #2/ As stated, "...first come first serve registration for spaces will start at the front of the line once you have filled out the registration form, BOE form and paid for the number of spaces your will choose your space from a map and then be escorted to your spot. "No saving spaces." also is a bit too general and begs a few questions that a potential swap meet participant needs to know. First off, will the swap meet registration/payment form for spaces and/or the CA State "BOE forms" regarding seller status forms be available on site or will they need to be accessed online and printed by the swap meet participant prior to they're arrival at the staging lanes for the swap meet at the Fairplex? Will selection and payment collection for the swap spaces chosen by the swappers starting at 9am, Thur. June 2017 in order to preserve the "first come, first served" swap space distribution process? Or, will there be a later start time so swappers can have a chance to view the "swap meet map" prior to making their selections? Will their be a large overview map of the swap meet area for review, or will a smaller version be presented by administration staff to each swap meet participant in order of their arrival in the staging lanes? What constitutes "saving spots"? If a swapper shows up with a truck full of parts & a camping trailer attached to it, lives 30 minutes away and purchases 6 swap spaces because a friend/family member/colleague is towing a trailer with a car the swapper can't haul themselves, will they be only allowed to purchase the amount of swap spaces to accommodate the vehicle and/or trailer they showed up with? Also, if you purchase a certain amount of swap spaces, will the swapper receive one swap space pass and two participant wrist bands for each swap space purchased as in previous years? Will swappers no longer witness the "space saving" that has occurred in years past where one could see spaces "sectioned off" on the swap meet area prior to the gates being opened on set up day to swappers who waited their turn and paid for their spaces? If it does occur, what will the administration staff say or do about it if brought to their attention by swappers who followed the rules and waited their turn?
    These are just a few things that came to mind relative to what has been posted thus far by the new event administrators on the official 2017 L. A. Roadster Show web page "swap meet" tab as accessed from the L. A. Roadster Club home page. Some of the items may seem obvious in their meaning and intent at first glance, but we've all (hopefully) learned in our lives to 1) Never Assume; It could make an "Ass" out of "u" and "me" and 2) Read carefully, read the fine print and ask questions if you're still not clear.

    I can't imagine the effort and time it will take to escort each pre-paid swapper onto their designated swap space(s), particularly when there has to be at least 500-750 individual spaces or more. At this juncture it seems the way the swap meet has been administrated by the L. A. Roadster Club swap meet committee members the past 4-5 years in response to its growth and feedback relative to lining swappers up in staging lanes as early as possible, selling the spaces to the swappers as they enter (with completed paperwork & payment in hand) on set-up day and letting the swappers find the spaces they need would be the best way to go until a pre-registration system is developed and functioning. I hope I'm wrong but will stay optimistic that those in charge will address some of the points brought up here and be a bit more specific on the 2017 "rules and regulations", so to speak. PRE48V-8\:^]

    Last edited: Apr 24, 2017
    landseaandair likes this.
  7. fcarnut
    Joined: Mar 4, 2009
    Posts: 188


    Here is a fine tune update that I sent to Kevin and his reply. Hope this helps alleviate some of the stress!

    As per your web site, there will be no saving spaces. What happens if all the people that normally sell next to us can't get there at the same time? Can I buy several spaces and get passes and wrist bans for each party and give them to the friends at a later time when they arrive?
    Does each space that I buy get 2 wrist bands and a parking permit? If we leave our truck in our spots, how do we get an additional car into our spot the next day?
    Thanks for your answers in advance.

    It is first come first serve but if you pay for 10 spaces and you use 3 your friends can use the others as long you get them the passes to get in.
    Yes each space gets 2 arm bands and 1 car pass so if you buy 3 spaces you will get 6 arm bands and 3 car passes. All vehicles must be parked in your swap spot or outside the gate in general parking there is no extra parking in the swap meet area.
    PRE48V-8 likes this.
  8. Deuce Daddy Don
    Joined: Apr 27, 2008
    Posts: 5,580

    Deuce Daddy Don

    Whew!!----Glad I'm just an ambassador this year!!
    The old days at Great Western were a whole lot simpler, but you can't stop growth & numbers.
    29AVEE8 and da34guy like this.
  9. thewildturkey46
    Joined: Dec 4, 2005
    Posts: 755

    from Rice, MN

    I have driven my roadster to LARS for the last 13 years from Minnesota. I will be driving it again this year. Come on guys, you cant afford $50 for a great show, 2 BBQs, 2 people passes for 2 days and a really cool pewter mug. Maybe you should sell your hot rod. We should thank John Buck for taking over the show, they (the LA roadster club) could have just shut it down and walked away, anybody think of that? It is a huge amount of work and a HUGE gamble to take over a show like this, he has to make some money or why do it? I would rather get in free, like in the past, but I would rather pay and have the show continue. If it closed up, where could I drive 2500 miles one way to go and have that much fun? Most of us Piss away $50 on a lot of dumb things..... a movie night, a few beers and burgers, rusty car parts.....think about it, its not the end of the world.
  10. Deuce Daddy Don
    Joined: Apr 27, 2008
    Posts: 5,580

    Deuce Daddy Don

    AHHH Yes Dale-------You said it!!
    I'll buy you that cold one for the fob!!-----I'll be in the golf cart again----Don
    thewildturkey46 likes this.
  11. Lil32
    Joined: Apr 4, 2012
    Posts: 2,598


    IMG_1592.JPG Well said Dale, see you at So Cal and LARS
    Aussie Noel
    thewildturkey46 likes this.
  12. At least it's more than $32 Dale. Inside joke there,
    Be there or B square !
    thewildturkey46 likes this.
  13. L@@kin 4ward to seein ya again Noel
    thewildturkey46 likes this.
  14. Sent my reg in last week!!
  15. tfeverfred
    Joined: Nov 11, 2006
    Posts: 15,788

    Member Emeritus

    Wow. Just..... wow.:rolleyes: I've never been, but this doesn't sound like a show, it sounds like an EVENT. A happening. I stopped going to shows, when I couldn't get over paying so people could look at MY car. It doesn't even sound right when I say it. For me, every stop light or sitting at a burger joint was a show. That's all the attention my ego needed. And yea, if you don't like this shit for the ego stroke, you're lying to yourself.

    Now, the above was my feeling about SHOWS. The LARS, from what I've read and heard, is an EVENT of historical value. Like GNRS or the Detroit Autorama or even Bonneville. Some things in this hobby are worth the cost. IMO, dropping $50 for a WEEKEND to be part of an EVENT would be money well spent. Shit.... how many of you guys are gonna drop $50 on beer this week? BOOM! That was your entry fee to a HISTORICAL EVENT!

    Either go or stay home. But if you go.... take some decent photos.
  16. Lil32
    Joined: Apr 4, 2012
    Posts: 2,598


    IMG_0637.JPG Club Tent
    da34guy likes this.
  17. sololobo
    Joined: Aug 23, 2006
    Posts: 8,383


    A very touchy subject here. Shows in the past were much less costy to put on, as the cost of everything has increased it makes it tough to continue the past free or low cost events. I have had major involvement in small time Midwest events and had first hand experience with costs and amount of help to produce an effective event. When you don't have big volunteer help available costs really skyrocket. It is certainly a natural reaction from folks who have broke the bank to build a car and then have to pay to show it. But unfortunately it seems to be the only way to get these events done. I love going to the K.K.O.A. event in Salina, Ks. which charges around $50.00 bucks for a Friday-Sat.-Sun. entry fee, this is really a bargain for a sweet event like they produce. Fabulous vendors, excellent food and drink, live music, pin-up girl contest, run what ya brung drag races. This is a bargain considering all the goodies, and I haven't even listed all the great event perks, one of which is a stunning beautiful park with water features, beautiful flower gardens, and gorgeous shade trees. It is hotter than an old bachelors dream most years, but if you prepare for it a very manageable situation. God bless all the brave people who bust their ass to make these events continue.
    6-bangertim likes this.
  18. sololobo
    Joined: Aug 23, 2006
    Posts: 8,383


    Getting ready to have a 4th annual car show on Aug. 27th 2017. We have our event at a Mexican vets club in South Omaha, the G. I. Forum, at 20th and N streets. The show benefits the vets youth art and music scholarship fund they give out every year. We are able to allow free entry for cars and free entry for the public. We have 8 live bands this year that play for gas money. Wonderful burgers, brats, and enchiladas off the charcoal grill, and their amazing Mexican restaurant open all thru the event, serving the finest in home made fare. I hope some new folks from out of the city will come enjoy this fun event with us. The G. I. Forum is very active in supporting community and youth concerns. For yhe G. I. Forum - sololobo
  19. Billybobdad
    Joined: Mar 12, 2008
    Posts: 973


    Well said. this a EPIC EVENT not just another show/swapmeet. Who cares about a few bucks one way or the other. I feel real lucky live within 45 min. of this EVENT!!!
    BTW No mass blocking off of swap spaces is the best thing that could happen. Lot less walking past empty spaces.
    Dean Lowe and The37Kid like this.
  20. popawolf
    Joined: Apr 28, 2006
    Posts: 301


    right on im with you,the shows have always been backwards,the public should pay to see our rods no us.i just go to the hamburger joints an hang with my friends tell big lies laugh am ride home with a smile on my face.
  21. popawolf
    Joined: Apr 28, 2006
    Posts: 301


    that's road queens,shorts & fanny packs chevy v8s stuffy assholes...
    Joined: Dec 26, 2005
    Posts: 1,020


    Exactly. Worth the money anyway.
    thewildturkey46 likes this.
  23. Not sure I would call Tom Ivo, Don Prudhomme, Jimmy Miles, Bob Muravez, and the Cedarquist brothers "road queens".
  24. Deuce Daddy Don
    Joined: Apr 27, 2008
    Posts: 5,580

    Deuce Daddy Don

    On Target Nine Inch!
  25. Sanford&Son
    Joined: Oct 13, 2006
    Posts: 730

    from Visalia,Ca

    I get it! The Show/Swap would just go away if John Buck couldn't keep it going. He wouldn't do it if he couldn't make money. (No one likes to work for free) Do you? Just like the Oakland Roadster Show, it would have died out! Now the GNRS is one of the biggest Prestigious well known shows in the state and maybe the country.
    I'm sure the LA Roadster member's are tired and would like to just show up and enjoy the show themselves, 70-80+ year's is a mile stone for anyone, but working the show is a big job at that age. Let's all see what happens by attending the show or staying home and seeing the pics on your computer. John Buck has a business to run, and has expenses that seem to keep getting higher and higher. Fairgrounds can cost you double for labor or security that they are contracted to, and you have to use who they have contracts with.
    : Insurance
    : Labor
    : Tables/Chairs
    : Draping
    : Dumping Trash
    : Rest Rooms
    : Parking
    : Clean up etc.......
    I hope it continues and is a success, it's another sign of the times!
    quicksilverart46 and tofords like this.
  26. Deuce Daddy Don
    Joined: Apr 27, 2008
    Posts: 5,580

    Deuce Daddy Don

    We'll see after the 4 year contract between John & the LAR club.
    Lots of LAR issues yet to be discussed with John.
  27. Deuce Daddy Don
    Joined: Apr 27, 2008
    Posts: 5,580

    Deuce Daddy Don

    AND,----Time is quickly passing by, here it is May already!
    Special Ed likes this.
  28. Special Ed
    Joined: Nov 1, 2007
    Posts: 8,406

    Special Ed

    Visited this place yesterday. Twenty bucks just to park nearby, and ninety-nine bucks for an adult admission. A one-day ticket to Disneyland in 1955 cost $1 for adults and 50 cents for children. Nothing remains static .... See you at the LARS, folks :)
  29. Flathead Dave
    Joined: Mar 21, 2014
    Posts: 3,994

    Flathead Dave
    from So. Cal.

    $30 total. The fairgrounds charge $10 for parking and then it's a $20 gate fee to the LARS. Unless the gate fee goes up this year.
  30. Lil32
    Joined: Apr 4, 2012
    Posts: 2,598


    IMG_1767.JPG The gate, have $20 ready

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