The end results were so good on my 50 Olds I was given the responsibility to take my buddy's tricked out shop truck to Von Dutch to be pin striped. It was a 54 Chevy with a very hot Jimmy engine, great paint and chrome exhaust up the back of the cab. My buddy was an old time hotrodder with a back yard louver press and a great mechanic that helped with my 50 Olds. Like before I took a half gal of wine and gave him the truck. This time I asked if he could develop a logo for "Coughran Louvers" with address and phone number. Like my car, the truck was covered with louvers. He didn't want to talk about what he might do, just said he will take care of it, don't worry, I will be happy with the end result! I came back for the truck and it was amazing. He developed a full size logo on the doors including address and phone number. Striped all louvers and around trim and his finishing touch on the nose of the hood. Beautiful! I took it home, my buddy was real excited to see it. He stared, stared and stared with amazement finally I ask what is wrong. He said the phone number was not correct, a numeral had been transposed. What do I do! Cant go back to Von Dutch and say he did it wrong. That would be stupid as well as real dangerous. My buddy after his final gasp, said let's see what we can do and started looking for some matching paint. Luckily with his talent he was able to fix the problem and no one knew it ever happened. To this day I don't know who's fault it was but feel embarrassed every time I think about it. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
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Who's Von Dutch.....?..... ........ .... ........... .. ... ....and is the wine why his eyeballs are flying?
Neat stories but how were you able to purchase the wine not once but twice if you were still in High School???
From what I've read on the guy, no one mentioned that he may have changed it intentionally as a prank. Tell me that's not likely, ha!
Where I went to high school we had no trouble obtaining wine. Or beer. It was the '70's though, things were a little different then.
I was 18, in Southern Calif and this happened during the 50s. Not that hard to do. Plus my hotrod buddy was old enough if I needed his help. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Check out how "The Toad" did it in "American Graffiti" Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Not sure about the comb but I did have the same flat top w/long sides haircut. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
When I was a kid in the 1970's, all I needed was a note from my parents for beer(six pack only) and cigarettes. Ahhh... The days when America was FREE! Sent from my XT1585 using The H.A.M.B. mobile app