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Technical Rules for hot rod registration,

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by sloppy jalopies, Jun 18, 2017.

  1. sloppy jalopies
    Joined: Jun 29, 2015
    Posts: 5,256

    sloppy jalopies

    Met a nice fellow from Australia at a cookout this weekend...
    he has a model A touring hot rod...
    down under they have to take the fully assembled chassis to a inspection area... $300...
    then take the body and chassis in for it's inspection... $150...
    then the whole car for final inspection...$150...
    finally they can register the car for events, meetings and get togethers only... $300...
    to register the rod as a daily driver is $900...
    I have a new respect for all the rodders out there that have such tall barriers to vault just to drive their rod...
    go boys go...
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2017
    SFC, hattrick150, biggeorge and 5 others like this.
  2. flatoz
    Joined: May 11, 2003
    Posts: 3,237



    he got off lightly, my roadsters been on the road since 2002 and I paid $1200 for the engineers inspection then. By the time I had plates in my hand and on the car I think it had cost me $2200-2500 , somewhere in there. Then insurance of course.

    You just do what you have to do - if you really want it.
    LOU WELLS, 55zephyr and Stogy like this.
  3. sloppy jalopies
    Joined: Jun 29, 2015
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    sloppy jalopies

    bravo... that is dedication in spades...
  4. Shhhh, don't tell the Politicians, DMV, or any other rule makers up here. Ok? Please. ;)
  5. mgtstumpy
    Joined: Jul 20, 2006
    Posts: 9,237


    Correct but process / cost varies from state to state / territory. There are National Guidelines which set out the criteria however not every state / territory have adopted them. In my state it is mandatory that you be a current financial member of ASRF for registration purposes. If it was not mandatory, myself and quite a few others in this state wouldn't be members at all.
    All rods need to meet minimum engineering standards before registration. Almost all imported vehicles I've seen didn't meet these standards and required upgrading before registration.

    PS. Another thing, we are allowed either full [Unrestricted] registration or limited [Concessional or restricted] registration. For the later you need to be a current financial member of a car club for registration purposes.
    You guys would flip out and revolt if you had to pay the annual registration fees that get dumped on us by state / territory governments. The governments use registration, tobacco and alcohol (As a cash cow), apart from other taxes, to generate revenue.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2017
    lothiandon1940 and grumpy32 like this.
  6. southcross2631
    Joined: Jan 20, 2013
    Posts: 4,412


    Wow and I complained about the $180.00 fee in Florida to register a free scooter that I got for my wife.
  7. This is true.

    What is also true is that the country is the size of the U.S. but only has a population of 24 million. We all still expect great roads, free education and health and all that shit. Not to mention supporting a military and doing our bit with allies in the middle east etc. The money has to come from somewhere! :rolleyes:
  8. I paid $67 to register my bus in Alabama
    Roll Tide!
  9. Kan Kustom
    Joined: Jul 20, 2009
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    Kan Kustom

    This may be true but when they decide which few groups have to pay the bills its not a fair burden. Your hobby can be collecting cookie jars and you can buy and collect a million of them if you want and not pay a dime in property ,registration ,insurance or other taxes inspections and fees and you get the same roads, military etc. as the car guys do. We have to pay identical taxes ,insurance and fees for each additional vehicle even though we can only drive one at a time on public roads. I get really tired of paying more than most others because of my choice of hobby.
  10. 38 mopar_fan
    Joined: Sep 10, 2006
    Posts: 223

    38 mopar_fan

    Yeah they got it tough in Australia
    Different states have different standards
    Then the idiots in charge in NZ decided we needed to follow the Australian government
    So we got certification. To be fair a lot of Rod builders got into certification but it's not fun but it is expensive
    I agree with the need for safe builds but the crap that goes with it is unbelievable if you can't prove providence the it becomes a LVVTA scratch built and must comply with all current regulations
    Almost impossible to toss together a rod from bits in the shed
    If you have nothing better to do check out

    Yeah I've had three through the system. The trick is having a good relationship with your tech inspector and understand when to keep your cool and mouth shut

    Cheers Peter

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    pat59 and mgtstumpy like this.
  11. level2526
    Joined: Feb 14, 2009
    Posts: 92


    Not to mention we watch the lunatic politicians squander our tax money on bull shit.

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  12. flatoz
    Joined: May 11, 2003
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    Lets not get political as it will get shut down, and really its sort of a non issue.

    if I collected jars or what ever, that is my choice and I'd pay what ever to do what ever it was to house them.

    As X38 says, big country, small population. And really we 'pay' for everything. But its relative too. look at what you get for the $$ invested.

    At the end of the day, we have to pay to play, and thats the bottom line.

    we can either bitch whinge moan and complain and decide to not register our cars , then who's missing out? or we can just put up with it and enjoy our hobby and be thankful that we have the means to afford such luxuries and we have the ability and systems in place to use them as we wish. So we have to jump through a hoop or two to get there, big deal.

    While I don't like it any more than anyone else, I'm not going to NOT do it. I remember a few years ago Hot rods were outlawed in France ( not now ) so we could have that system.

    We pay for petrol, we pay for insurance , we pay for part we just pay and pay and pay, but I love doing it and while I have the ability to continue doing so, I will.

    get out and drive your hot rod and you will really remember why it is you do this. Money comes and goes, but the joy we derive from building, and driving our cars - thats a soul cleaner.
    Avgas, firstinsteele, Stogy and 2 others like this.
  13. 38 mopar_fan
    Joined: Sep 10, 2006
    Posts: 223

    38 mopar_fan

    And I pay $47 a year to register my 33 Plymouth
    Every 6 months I pay $50 for a warrant of fitness

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  14. Do you have any insurance? Registration here has insurance bundled up in the cost. The actual registration fee is a small component.

    With all this, people should be VERY wary about comparing apples with apples. This area can be very prone to spurious statements due to ignorance when people live in different countries with myriad variances in how things are done and what is really involved.

    Unless you know every detail of every situation in every location, be cautious about making broad comparative statements.
    lothiandon1940 and mgtstumpy like this.
  15. 49ratfink
    Joined: Feb 8, 2004
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    from California

    sounds like it costs more for permission from the government than to buy a car.
    mgtstumpy likes this.
  16. 38 mopar_fan
    Joined: Sep 10, 2006
    Posts: 223

    38 mopar_fan

    Good point
    So with the revenue gathering we call certification we have ongoing registration hot rod/ vintage and veteran anything over 40 years we have a reduced registration
    A flexible component of the registration is Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) levy. This is like medical insurance for accidents only. So depending on the safety rating of you car you pay a sliding scale. 1933 Plymouth don't appear in many accident stats and no manufacturer recommendations I don't pay much
    Daily drivers are expensive
    On top of that I carry insurance on the car
    This covers damage to vehicles public liability but not injury.
    Each country has its own challenge when it comes to vehicle ownership

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  17. mista
    Joined: Nov 24, 2015
    Posts: 137

    from Finland

    Well and i thought that it's Finland when speaking about expensive.
    Registration here costs only about 150-250euros. If you change the engine you have to have the car dyno tested. That makes it around 100 euros more. And we cannot have more than 20% engine power in our cars without alot of paperwork and changes to the car. Ofcourse that paperwork also costs..

    In example Model A. If you want to have a SBC engine you have to do:
    - Box and X the frame
    - New steering
    - Coilovers
    - Disk brakes
    - 4 links
    - Blinkers
    Just to mention some of the modifications that is needed to get the maximum horsepower to your car wich is around 137hp in Finland theses days. Speakin about hot rods.. So after those modifications i would call the car street rod.. Not a hotrod anymore.

    Taxes.. Total amount of taxes going from our salary is around 50% here in Finland. Including tax from income and VAT plus the huge tax going from fuels. It's around 75% if i remember right. We pay around 6.8 dollars for gallon.

    And since the Finland is an very good example of taxes on all the things you might imagine there is some days you dont know wheter you want to cry or laugh at all this..
    firstinsteele and mgtstumpy like this.
  18. midroad
    Joined: Mar 8, 2013
    Posts: 296


    If you are into any kind of modified or high performance vehicle the powers that be hate you.
    We don't become hot rodders to conform with everybody else so we have to put up with all the rules thrown at us.
    The way to beat them is to play their game and end up with a street legal hot rod.
    It's been like that forever but there are a lot of new hot rods on the road here every year so it is possible to win.
    It just costs you time and money, but what doesn't?
  19. mgtstumpy
    Joined: Jul 20, 2006
    Posts: 9,237


    As X38 stated, 3rd party insurance is collected at time the registration is paid or renewed. In contrast, we like many other countries are only small countries, we have a 24M population when compared to US with 240M population. Personal insurance of your ride is another added cost. Like FLATOZ states, we pay for the privilege and are only a small cog in a bigger wheel. If we weren't passionate about it we could sit on the verandah with knitting needles and watch the grass grow. :D:)
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  20. flatoz
    Joined: May 11, 2003
    Posts: 3,237


    I think you mean the US has a population of around 325mil MGT.
    X38 and mgtstumpy like this.
  21. mista
    Joined: Nov 24, 2015
    Posts: 137

    from Finland

    So US has around 320mil more peoples than we do :D
  22. mgtstumpy
    Joined: Jul 20, 2006
    Posts: 9,237


    Correct, Freudian slip :oops::oops:
  23. Petejoe
    Joined: Nov 27, 2002
    Posts: 12,459

    from Zoar, Ohio

    I really admire you guys outside of the US for your dedication to the hobby.
    I learned something today.
    I never imagined that Australia was the same size as the continental US. Wow.
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  24. mgtstumpy
    Joined: Jul 20, 2006
    Posts: 9,237


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  25. The insurance here which comes with rego is for personal injury I believe,not third party.
    You basically sue the government if you get hurt in an accident,not the other driver.
    Third party is on you to have which just covers the other guys vehicle.
    My thought is you should have to have at least third party on your vehicle so at least the other poor bugger you run into can at least get his car sorted.
    Kan Kustom likes this.
  26. Not really. CTP third party personal is the compulsory insurance component in rego and you choose the insurance underwriter:

  27. sloppy jalopies
    Joined: Jun 29, 2015
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    sloppy jalopies

    Nif that ain't enough... when the Aussie-cops catch you doing your THIRD burnout they CRUSH your rod, car, truck etc...
    We do have it good.... registration in MAINE is $38 a year... well cause of snow, $38 for a half year.
    rightcoast likes this.
  28. Ned Ludd
    Joined: May 15, 2009
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    Ned Ludd

    There is an interesting analysis of the political economy of all this, if you consider hot rods to be "substitute goods" w.r.t. the conventional automobile market. You'll have to reach the inevitable political conclusions on your own.
  29. I have put a couple of LH drive vehicles on the road through our system, 1 hot rod, & a few unregistered-for-many -years "shed finds". You gotta pay what you have to pay, fill out the forms, play their silly games, keep your nose clean, and in the end, you have something on the road which gives you immense satisfaction, and there is nothing else like it within coo-ee of your house.
    I would rather face up to the challenge of jumping through all the hoops they throw at you, than sitting in front of a big-arsed TV for the rest of my life!
    anthony myrick likes this.
  30. Schwanke Engines
    Joined: Jun 12, 2014
    Posts: 777

    Schwanke Engines

    Wow and I got pissed when I had to pay an extra $10.00 the other day because the guy dated the title after he bought it and never transferred it so I had to pay the late penalty. But then again we have no emissions laws or vehicle inspections here in Minnesota unless it's a Salvage title, which they are just looking for stolen parts not really caring about safety. I got one Salvaged title inspected a few years back and the Air Bags were still blown. Typically we just throw Dealer plates on them since we have a Dealer's license, but otherwise just register everything Collector gives you like 10K miles a year which they are never going to check then you have no yearly registration just insurance here we do Stated Value, just tell them how much coverage you want and pay accordingly usually $50-100.00 a year.

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