I am building a tradional front engine dragster. I am going to run a Blown 394 OLDS motor and debating whether I should run a water pump and cooling system. I have seen many drag cars not running a cooling system or water pump. Would be nice to not have the extra weight. Any imput would be appreciated.
I guess it depends on now close you want it to look like a period piece. If it has a rollbar update with extra hoops go for the radiator & pump. If you want to look like a piece of history block off the pump outlets like they did in the '60's.
This car will resemble more of a early 60's dragster. But I am thinking of using 2x3 box tubing with a integrated roll bar. I am using a custom made body so it will some what look like a altered. But with a longer wheel base. This car will be strictly drag. So no headlights. Just wondering if I am going to have overfheating issues in the short amount of time it will take to stage the car and make a pass. Here is a pick of the custom body I am going to be using. http://blacktopbutchers.tripod.com/id16.html Cant load the pic so click on the link.
Do you plan on pushing it thru staging lanes or driving it, also what about the return road? pulling it or driving it... that'll decide if you should run a pump or not??? also if your not gonna run a pump I would suggest using hard block or plaster in the water passages...
It will get pushed to staging lines and pulled off return road. Yeah I what is the purpose of blocking off the water passages with hard block or plaster. I know this was common practice but what purpose did it serve. I would hate to fill a perfectly good block.
Are you going to use a push truck? If you want to drive it to the staging lanes and back to the pits, go with a cooling system. Hide the radiator and electric fan and water pump. Craig
I will use a push truck to get to the staging lines and start it at the line. After shutting it off I will push or pull it back down the return road. I looked up Hard Blok. It is used to stabalize cylinder wall and keep the motor cooler. Also extend block life. Seems like a good thing to do on a strictly drag motor.
Most commonly for block strength, Dissipating heat, and I believe vibration dampening... But like you said its permenent so that block would be wasted for any other use... If your gonna push it on the track and pull it off, Id ditch the pump, less weight and cleaner appearance.
Back in the day. Front motor cars ran water in the block , no cooling system. They made a pass droped the water and refilled with cool water. Some guys ran a quick disconect (like an air hose) on a garden hose to run water thru the motor after a pass. " Cool down", "the water hole",etc. could be made coasting off the return road. It was a busy place back in those days. Craig
if you do this, run a pressure cap and a puke can or you're gonna be a boiled weenie with a front motored car....
were i you i would pour the block and run alky. no water. that is what i am doing in a sbc. with water all you have to do is blow one of the gaskets/connections and you will be all over the track.
If you are gonna run methanol then don't even bother with water. If you are gonna run gas then you are gonna at least need to dump the water after every pass.
Methanol is the ticket here, I push my FED to the line and sometimes drive it back to the pits. My injectors ice up at the end of the run, very cool. The block I have now does not have filler in it and I have seen no problems or warpage. If you want to go fast.... save the weight anddo not run the pump or rad. Keep it simple with a magneto and a kill switch, we carry a battery in the tow vehicle to start it on the line with a plug in like a forklift.
First off this is a race only deal right? Then no rad is needed. If it's Race only run alcohol. Run much cooler than gas and at the most you can run a water tank with a bilge pump and plumb it through the heads. I would fill the block. If you need to know how to run a blown alky motor let me know I have some literature for newbies to running blown alky motors. It's really good reading. Gas is a mother fucker to run on a blown injected car and I would stay away from it.
I have definately been throwing the idea around on running Methanol. I definately think I will not be running a pump and cooling system. Now I am debating whether or not to fill the block. Also I am going to be on the look out for a Mag for the 394 Olds if anyone has got one they want to get rid of. I want to keep this thing simple and utalitarian.