So heres a quick look at the (3) types of 1932 grille inserts... 1.All Stainless. 2.Stainless clip on version 3.All stainless with the small ridge. So if your out searching for an insert these are what to look far as I can tell they are all originals. have a good 4th.
Its a good start for reference at the least, and nice pictures, and you would have to be a total ass to not enjoy those...but for all i know they could be repos
I've had several of the first 2 pictured...never seen the third stepped one. My favorite is the clip-on type.
Cool...No problem guys. I had not seen the last type either, just seen a reference in the 32 book. I think its kinda rare so Im stoked, plus its nicer than my others.
I am wondering were these specific to what model of car they came on? V8 or B motor, sedan, 3w, 5w, cabriolet, roadster, sport coupe, b400, etc......?-Weeks
Ford wasn't building custom bodied cars, this is the result of competitive bidding for parts contracts on a bottom line car. There are many differences in emblems, trim etc. on various years of early Ford V8s due to ongoing production changes, various suppliers, etc. Nice to see the little differences in these things but they don't amount to much except interesting chit-chat.
More than likely just something as simple as supplier and manufacturing differences. Limited numbers could have been due to the fact someone took too long to produce or charged too much. A really nice looking stainless piece though.
I think it was how much beer the workers had the night before, I don't think ford had much stuff made at different sights or different vendors. Its like don't buy cars that come off the line on Monday. Its more than likely how they put material in the die, you know thats close enough.--TV
GREAT post! I was 10 years old when I swapped the floor mats out of Dad's brand new 1961 Ford for the Style #2 incert, still have it. That night at dinner Dad asked how my day went. I told him I should have asked if it was OK to swap the mats. Turned out he had just washed them, but replaced them with four mats that looked better in the car. He also said "I always wanted a '32 3Window", I've always remembered the important things in life.
Ford did outsource some parts, and Ford was continually asking the question, "Is there a simpler and less expensive way to make this part?" Hundreds of running changes resulted from asking that question. For instance, there are two different styles of radio delete plates on '55 Fords that came without a radio. The early style has 3 screws, later style has only the two screws at the bottom with a locating pin cast into the delete plate in place of the top screw. Ford saved the cost of one screw on every '55 Ford without a factory radio, plus the time spent by the guy putting in the third screw. Little things like that add up.
Wow...I've been wondering about this for months! I bought a grille and insert at a swap meet that was missing the crank hole and about 4-5 bars but the shell was nice. No biggie, right? I grabbed an insert outta another beat shell I had and realized it didn't fit...there are definitely differences in the size. JohnnyA
Here is mine so which one is it? I am pretty sure the first one pictured. Larry which one is the clip on version?-Weeks
i don't have pictures, but i talked to an old guy who said that in 1932 they manufactured 14 variations of the coupe running boards, depending on the month and facility.
yours is the first one pictured...the clip on outer stainless is the second one one hangin' on the wall.
That's the reason all this 32 Ford stuff is so difficult to find ... All you Deuce guys hoard up this stuff ...
Ok cool, thank you for the help. I have some bent bars on mine that will need straightening and was hoping the insert just popped out. I have not really inspected it too closely as I am afraid I will go blind, this is by far the most expensive piece I have in my collection of early Ford iron. I lucked out and basically paid what I told everyone my top dollar was on an OG shell, which was about the cost of 2 good used stomberg 97's .-Weeks I have seen your collection of Model B shells either here or on another forum......... I have thought about it awhile and decided I should collect the shells instead of investing in the stock market.-Weeks I think so also from what I see when I zoom in. Lucky dog award to you sir. Nice grille!!!!-Weeks
I just looked at my 100% og wall hanger and I too have the all stainless small stepped version. Yahoo !!!!
Here is my extra garage art 100% og no rust and only a couple of real small dings , it is the small stepped all stainless insert .
I know this a very old thread, but could someone please restore or replace the photos that were in that first post? I'm sure I'm not the only one that would like to see exactly the what the difference is between the all stainless & all stainless with the small ridge. Small ridge? I think maybe the 'stainless clip on version' means this type, same as I have on my '31/'32 Roadster. (Pic from another old thread here, Thanks!