Great looking car, I remember it made the cover but there wasn't a feature on it in that issue. I'd just chopped my '29 and that car was one I studied. Bob
recent pic at the local dam rec area.. see?..."fenders do come in handy" she should have ...No, I did not know these people prior to this photo op.
@Chris , I don't have run em, at least not yet, but I had saved pictures of your roadster when it was sans fenders and the current version. I have to admit, and it is hard fit me, but your car is much cooler with the fenders. I ain't saying I'll convert but I will offer up an amen and consider my transgressions. Bandit
Man, I don't know how I have missed this thread all this time. I love the full fender look... Here's some that are on my screensaver...