I've always been a car guy and I feel like I inherited my love for cars from my grandfather. He was an antique car collector having over a million dollar collection by 1964. He owned Northeast MS Butane Company and Hardware in Prairie MS, and also started an antique car magazine called Shake, Rattle and Roll. Sadly, in March 1974 someone set fire to his business and he lost everything. He did not have insurance on the cars inside, just the building. The reason I tell this is I inherited a car he bought after the fire that I climbed all over and inside as a kid in his rebuilt hardware store. It's a 1950 Lincoln Sedan. I remember him pulling it inside the hardware store when I was a tike. He slammed the door of the car and walked away from it. Told me it was broke. The car stayed inside the store for the next 30 years, well past his death and my mother eventually sold the building. During the sell stage, she told me if I would move it out, it was mine. I loaded it on a trailer, washed and vacuumed it out and put it in storage for another 8 years. Now, it's time to get it back on the road for my grandfather. It's a bucket list item for me. I'm not a mechanic, but I've done some light work. Fact is, I don't have the room in the burbs to work on the car, much less, time. So it is at a fairly new custom shop and they want to know what I want done. I told you earlier I'm a car guy, owning a few late model modified cars. I like strong cars to say the least. I think my grandfather overheated the flathead engine in the Lincoln as the needle on the temp gauge sits well past the H mark. The shop managed to free up the motor but the crank only turns about 3/4 before getting abruptly stuck again. So it's time for me to figure out what I'm going to do with it. Hope you guys can help me figure that out. Thanks for reading my intro and cheers!