Not trying to reinvent the wheel. How many and which ones have you been removing from a model a rear spring? This in a A v/8 car. thanks, jim
Here's an edited version of the post I made about that in my build thread. (You may already know this but you can click on the red arrow next to the "DesmoDog said" in the beginning of the quote to go to the original post) I did end up shortening the second leaf and may remove one more leaf as the rear end seems very stiff compared to the front right now. I haven't made spacers out of the leaves I removed yet, that will come with the final set up when I figure out if I need to space the top of the leaf (to raise the rear end) or the bottom just so the clamps still work. Pages 4 and 5 of my build thread have a little more info on what I enede up with but that's the gist of it.
Just took the 8 leaf spring apart. I left the top 2 . 3, 5 and 6 are out. wish I could get mine rev. tried and no one wants to do it.
Ran an A coupe on '32 rails 30 years ago... ran 5 rear leafs, rode good, but I don't remember which 5...
Not only did I remove a couple springs I also reversed the main leaf. Check out my tech doc here
this is what the model a spring looks like now. removed 4 leaves. Just learning to post pics. It's hard for a challenged old man.
I kept the four longest leaves and the shortest tapered leaf (to fit the inside of the cross member). I shortened the second leaf after I reversed the main leaf. I also welded spacer shims to the U bolt clip bars to make up for the skinny spring.
48FordNut, i need to remove a couple leaves from my Av8coupe for ride quality issues. how did your spring work out? have you got to the ride quality stage yet? what did you do for a spacer? or did you just mount it as is? thanks.
Wish I were to ride quality. Been a slow go for me. I used cut off springs for spacers, about 6'' long. good luck on your journey.
I ran into the same thing with trying to get mine reversed, it's a liability thing I guess. had a new reverse eye main leaf but with the cost of the shipping added in, I was better off going with a complete T spring. Love your roadster....