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Hot Rods Looking for a Mentor in S.California

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Donuts & Peelouts, Oct 20, 2017.

  1. Black Panther
    Joined: Jan 6, 2010
    Posts: 2,287

    Black Panther
    from SoCal

    Ive spoken to Echo on many occasions...he is a good good deal all around.
    els and Donuts & Peelouts like this.
  2. BigDogSS
    Joined: Jan 8, 2009
    Posts: 982

    from SoCal

    Congratulations, Ronnie! Good luck! I dig the "open air" shop.
    els and Donuts & Peelouts like this.
  3. Donuts & Peelouts
    Joined: Dec 12, 2016
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    Donuts & Peelouts
    from , CA

    That's real good to hear. I'm glad, I had a guy on my street I was going to mentor under but he was a "bad egg". Most all his intentions were evil , so we don't talk. Hearing his man is a good person is very good.

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  4. Donuts & Peelouts
    Joined: Dec 12, 2016
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    Donuts & Peelouts
    from , CA

    Thanks Denis. I'm ready for Saturday. Thanks for helping me with so much already. Don't count me out of your inbox just yet.

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  5. Blues4U
    Joined: Oct 1, 2015
    Posts: 7,778

    from So Cal

  6. Donuts & Peelouts
    Joined: Dec 12, 2016
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    Donuts & Peelouts
    from , CA

    I had to break out the dictionary for you.

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    els likes this.
  7. Blues4U
    Joined: Oct 1, 2015
    Posts: 7,778

    from So Cal

    I want to be careful about talking bad about others, particularly since he may be a member here, don't want to get into an online argument, but I'm not real keen on what I see there. As an apprentice, you're likely to pick up some real bad habits there.
    Squablow, HemiJosh, Blue One and 2 others like this.
  8. I whole heartedly agree........ YOUR safety is a MAJOR concern. Read into that statement.
  9. I saw this video recently, he is an interesting cat. Reminds me a lot of guys I met in LA when I lived there in the 90's.

    Keep an open mind, have fun. Remember that all of us have something good to bring to the table. You'll have some interesting stories to tell.

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  10. czuch
    Joined: Sep 23, 2008
    Posts: 2,688

    from vail az

    Don't be surprised if you end up getting, and putting away tools till you get known. How to address a bolt and hold a ratchet is just as important as turning the key.
    Cleaning parts is all part of the game too. Not the most glorious, but important.
    My son in law wanted to learn. I told him jolly good.
    Id wait for him to come over, never happened. 2 years to do a valve job on a 68 Falcon with a 283.
    Then I get gas for taking so long.
    He didn't want to learn anything. he just wanted to turn the key and be the hero for starting it.
  11. cosmotiki
    Joined: May 20, 2007
    Posts: 17

    from SoCal

    No worries & best of luck!

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    els and Donuts & Peelouts like this.
  12. Donuts & Peelouts
    Joined: Dec 12, 2016
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    Donuts & Peelouts
    from , CA

    lothiandon1940 and els like this.
  13. Donuts & Peelouts
    Joined: Dec 12, 2016
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    Donuts & Peelouts
    from , CA

    Czuch that's sucks on a count of your son in law. And he likes cars to huh, my father in law likes gold hunting in the mountains, and I'm not really but i go with him even tho we only find specks if that. Lol. I'm due for another trip up to the mountains hope we find a nugget.

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    czuch and els like this.
  14. Donuts & Peelouts
    Joined: Dec 12, 2016
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    Donuts & Peelouts
    from , CA

    I'm looking forward to learn under Echo. Let's see what's in store. [emoji111]

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  15. Black Panther
    Joined: Jan 6, 2010
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    Black Panther
    from SoCal

    Ronnie....(good name by the way)...ive spoken to Echo numerous times at many different places which is what made me post what I did. He builds his own cars and drives them everywhere...way more im sure than the average person on this site. That being said...his cars are not something I would try to copy..but as a car lover, I appreciate them and him. I love the cars that this site is geared towards. Thats why im here. Learn what you can from Echo..get some books...learn about safety in a shop...go slow...and im sure youll make some mistakes. Its all good...that is stuff here that has you stumped or want to learn about. Others including myself will be watching...ready to lend a hand when we can..Ron
  16. Mr T body
    Joined: Nov 2, 2005
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    Mr T body
    Alliance Vendor
    from BHC AZ

    My advice for what it's worth..... a teacher can only teach you what they know and nobody knows everything. The more influences, experiences and styles you're exposed to the more well rounded you'll be. It'll also make developing your own "style" easier.
  17. Best thing you can do is learn what's valuable and discard what's not.
    You will be the judge of that

    Safe work practises are paramount, inappenticed before all the " safety mumbojumbo" and I have pulled more crap outta my eyes slivers from under my skin and smashed fingers then I care to remember ( BAD habits die hard) and my body is paying the price now that I'm aging

    Best thing I can suggest is try your hand at a few different places and learn from different people how to do different things , any mechanic who says he knows it all or can do it all is a tin foil eating retard and stay away from them !!

    Good you can be God you cannot, you can be a master at this trade and earn a good living if you apply yourself but you will never be THE master !!!

    Good luck to ya awesome news
    els and Donuts & Peelouts like this.
  18. SS327
    Joined: Sep 11, 2017
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    When I was a little kid (4 or 5) my parents had a problem with me disappearing for hours without letting them know where I was at. See in the olden days you did not have to leash your kids like nowadays. Well I would walk down the alley and look for open garage doors. If the neighbors were working on something their garage doors would be open. I would stand by the open door and watch sometimes for hours before they would ask me my name. I would always politely reply to any questions. Then the next thing you know they were asking me to hold this wrench or hand them a screwdriver. I quickly learned all my wrench sizes by sight before my ABCs.
    All the old timers in the neighborhood would start to look for me when they were doing something, I never got thrown out or asked to leave. By age 7 I could change oil and grease a car, 9 I could do brakes, 10 I was changing engines, at 13 I was painting cars, at 17 I was working at a Buick dealership and my dad was no longer paying mechanics to fix his cars. I learned so much keeping my mouth shut and ears open. When those old timers got to old to do their own repairs anymore I did them and refused any money offered to me, it was time for me to pay them back for the fine education I had received.

  19. southcross2631
    Joined: Jan 20, 2013
    Posts: 4,412


    He will teach you how to do more with nothing than some fancy shop that has every tool known to man. Good luck.
  20. Donuts & Peelouts
    Joined: Dec 12, 2016
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    Donuts & Peelouts
    from , CA

    I'm learning alot already today we picked up a 1934 Plymouth 5 window coupe w/suicide doors. It's a body with the seats, he building it to sell.

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    Last edited: Nov 1, 2017
    slim38, els, czuch and 4 others like this.
  21. czuch
    Joined: Sep 23, 2008
    Posts: 2,688

    from vail az

    You'll do fine.
    When you can drive over the rice paper and not leave a mark, you will be ready.
    Or, peel out real hard on it and try to start a fire. (That's what I'd do.)
    Donuts & Peelouts, els and Special Ed like this.
  22. Good on you, I hope it works out well for you, and you end up a bit smarter and wiser!
    I had some lads visit our place ( boyfriends of cousins) a while back, It was a Saturday afternoon, I was in between laying fiberglass, spray painting a chassis, and a brake job, all different cars. Had my workshop open, and all my crap out for anyone in my backyard to see. They never got their faces out of their phones! When I was their age, If I saw a fossil like me goofing around in a Model A , a Morris or on a lathe, I would be right there,looking and soaking it up. I guess people would rather be ruled by a little electronic gadget than learn or do something nowdays!
    els, Donuts & Peelouts and czuch like this.
  23. How's this working out ?
    els and Donuts & Peelouts like this.
  24. I find something very reassuring from what I'm reading in these few sentences. I get a sense that you're going into this with your eyes wide open. Just be prepared to hopefully have them opened a little wider... while wearing safety glasses, of course. ;)
  25. 56shoebox
    Joined: Sep 14, 2011
    Posts: 1,106


    Ronnie, keep us posted on that Plymouth build. I look forward to hearing stories of your developing friendship with Echo. He seems to walk to the beat of a different drummer and there isn't anything wrong with that. His personality alone will keep things interesting.
  26. Donuts & Peelouts
    Joined: Dec 12, 2016
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    Donuts & Peelouts
    from , CA

    Very good. The 1st day we walked around his dd 193? Ford hot rod truck. It took about what seemed like 2 hours of him just explaining and me asking questions about every component in the build and how it correlated with the whole build. That talk really connected some dots I had had in my brain. He also explained the buying market and different build styles. One thing that was real cool is that he builds his cars with functionality and the ability to be taken apart for maintenance.
    I remembered how my hambFamily advised me to keep my mouth shut and learn, and let me tell you I was biting my tongue on alot of spur of the moment type of questions and that was good because he just kept on flowing of information. Also i remembered how i am to have my own style. He only builds 30's cars and trucks. He's been around the block and showed me his old builds, pretty cool.

    I been going back and we have really got to know each other. I found out we have some things in common, 2 of them being that our favorite food is soups and we both fell Hiking/rock climbing, him 100 feet me 50 feet. Lol, random huh. I would a never know but he is a college graduate whos retired from his profession and a marine. His story motivated me to stay in school. Even though I'm really motivate already it's just real nice to hear from somebody.

    He drives and builds his rides to drive. He called rat builders hillbillies. And trailer queens some thing else. So he's somewhere in the middle I guess, but I like it, it's street.

    The Plymouth looks real promising. Body work is the 1st task and he got a rear end today for it. Let me tell you one thing kinda funny/cool/crazy or how ever you want to take it. We picked this 34 coupe up with a convertible Sebring pulling a wood trailer. When i saw this I said this to myself, "hey this guy gots a little South Central in him" lol. It got the job done, and if you think about it was kind a cool pulling a Plymonth with a Chrysler.

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    Last edited: Nov 3, 2017
    AndersF, els, lothiandon1940 and 2 others like this.
  27. Donuts & Peelouts
    Joined: Dec 12, 2016
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    Donuts & Peelouts
    from , CA

    And I go with my safety glasses,gloves, long shirt and a backbrace.

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    els, INVISIBLEKID and lothiandon1940 like this.
  28. 56shoebox
    Joined: Sep 14, 2011
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    A college grad and a Marine. Damn!!! You can't judge a book by it's cover. I'm glad it's working out for you. Push forward, no retreat, no surrender.
  29. Donuts & Peelouts
    Joined: Dec 12, 2016
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    Donuts & Peelouts
    from , CA

    els and lothiandon1940 like this.
  30. Donuts & Peelouts
    Joined: Dec 12, 2016
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    Donuts & Peelouts
    from , CA

    Today we put in alot of work on the 34 and then he let me drive his hot rod to the burger spot.

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    Darryl Deir, AndersF, els and 5 others like this.

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