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Projects rebuilding after the crash

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by racer-x, Sep 19, 2015.

  1. Runnin shine
    Joined: Apr 12, 2013
    Posts: 3,337

    Runnin shine

    I'm worried how limited you will be with even a half hard blocked original core.
    How you ever gonna mix that bugger past 80% damn it?
    Whoa! how'd it go so fast that time? "It was in kill man!"

    Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
    loudbang and els like this.
  2. I have done failure analysis on CAT truck engines , and the pics are interesting from what is shown. Time bomb waiting to happen? You bet, Looks like the finale blast was only seconds away.:(
    Blues4U, loudbang, els and 1 other person like this.
  3. Hemi Joel
    Joined: May 4, 2007
    Posts: 1,562

    Hemi Joel
    from Minnesota

    Brian, that is some serious ugliness! How much horsepower do you figure it was making? What was your redline? Do you think it got into detonation, or is that just from cylinder pressure and RPM? Good luck with a block. All I know of is a 331.
    mad mikey, loudbang and els like this.
  4. squirrel
    Joined: Sep 23, 2004
    Posts: 57,068


    Looks like you got every last penny's worth out of that block!
    mad mikey, loudbang, els and 2 others like this.
  5. I'm interested to see how bad it is after the crank is out. it gives me the creeps to think i was seconds away from making a pass.
    it looks like there was some bad vibration going on the way so many bolts had fallen out or came loose. when i took the oil pump off it was loose also. when i drained the oil there was rusty water mixed in it.
    its a good thing i had hot heads four bolt steel caps. i for sure would have driven over the crank without them. there is a famous pic of a fuel altered loosing a crank on the starting line. i don't want to be that guy.
    mad mikey, loudbang, els and 6 others like this.
  6. joel I'm thinking over 1500 plus to go that fast in a car thats 2400 lbs. i don't think we had a detonation issue. if we did we would have seen signs of that. things like broken pistons closed plug gaps pounded out rod bearings etc. too much timing and compression can be hard on the bottom end. for next year we will set it up to handle the nitro better. that being less of both of those things. remember no one else is trying to run a 50 percent nitro street car. there are no u-tube videos on how to do this. we have to experiment. we have a baseline established so we will focus on making changes based on our previous results. we have proven the ideas we had work. its now refining everything for longevity. when that happens there will be even more head scratchers out there wondering how they missed all of this. we keep the rpm around 6500. the dragster i work on turns at least 10,200 rpm to go 260 plus on a spec tire.
    mad mikey, loudbang, els and 4 others like this.
  7. enloe
    Joined: May 10, 2006
    Posts: 9,768

    from east , tn.

    This guy had this one in the swap meet in Bowling Green a couple of weeks ago.
    I don't know if it is something you are interested in. IMG_3706.JPG IMG_3705.JPG
    Stogy, mad mikey, loudbang and 2 others like this.
  8. Thanks i will give him a call.
    loudbang and els like this.
  9. I've got a block, but it's already been converted over to a different style of 4 bolt main caps, so probably no-go for what you need.
    Stogy, loudbang, els and 1 other person like this.
  10. 392 or 354? Can you post a pic?
    loudbang and els like this.
  11. 392, I'll have to move some stuff to get to it. Any particular area's you want pictures of ? I'll measure bores also.
    mad mikey, loudbang and els like this.
  12. The main caps. There are a few different styles out there including steel girdles.
    loudbang and els like this.
  13. It had aluminum caps on the middle three mains, was a spare race block, so I was told. I made steel caps out of 1018 and it was line bored by NVR racing. 100_0099.JPG 100_0098.JPG 100_0095.JPG
    loudbang and els like this.
  14. It looks like there is another block in one of the pics. Is it another hemi. I would like to stay with a bloxk i can use the hot heads steel caps on.
    loudbang and els like this.
  15. mcmopar
    Joined: Nov 12, 2012
    Posts: 1,742

    from Strum, wi

    I'm working on the shipping part for one and it looks like $350 to $500 for shipping. Well as we all know speed aint cheap. Good luck in your search, and glad it didn't blow while going down the track.
    loudbang and els like this.
  16. Yes, also 392 Hemi with Milodon 4 bolt caps. Sorta want that one for myself.
    mad mikey, loudbang and els like this.
  17. woodywilly
    Joined: Aug 30, 2012
    Posts: 7

    from Orillia

    Wow, that was close!
    Try Neil Candy in Kingston, candies hot rod supply. He had two stock engines for sale. He has an add on Ontario rodders swap meet page.
    1 613 353 7572
    Is Rokblock not the same as Embeco 885?

    Attached Files:

    mad mikey, els and loudbang like this.
  18. Great i will look into that. Thanks. Not too many years ago i could find several blocks in a day all located close to me. Where have they all gone?
    els and loudbang like this.
  19. saltflats
    Joined: Aug 14, 2007
    Posts: 12,810

    from Missouri

    You weren't looking for one then.;)
    mad mikey, racer-x, els and 1 other person like this.
  20. DDDenny
    Joined: Feb 6, 2015
    Posts: 19,890

    from oregon

    Hemi Heaven!
    racer-x, loudbang and els like this.
  21. enloe
    Joined: May 10, 2006
    Posts: 9,768

    from east , tn.

    Boat Anchors:)
    When you put a window in the side of them it makes a good place for the chain to go thru
  22. wrenchbender
    Joined: Sep 5, 2007
    Posts: 2,392


    Well brian if you must know they have gone to the same place your pretty green one will go but with that being said I'm sad to see it go but I sure enjoyed seeing it leave lol

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    Stogy, mad mikey, racer-x and 3 others like this.
  23. Thats a good one bender. I think it will get parked next to another one i have thats junk. More offerings to the gods of speed. If this keeps up i wont have any room for the car.
    els, Stogy, mad mikey and 1 other person like this.
  24. nrgwizard
    Joined: Aug 18, 2006
    Posts: 2,739

    from Minn. uSA

    Hey, Brian;
    PM sent. Hopefully info is usable.
    els and loudbang like this.
  25. 1949 caddyman
    Joined: Jun 30, 2010
    Posts: 225

    1949 caddyman
    from arizona

    86D1AF7B-9971-48A6-B3C1-8B46BE4597DC.jpeg Will this help? It’s a complete one. Can’t copy & paste, look on Phoenix craigs list. It’s $3500.
  26. 1949 caddyman
    Joined: Jun 30, 2010
    Posts: 225

    1949 caddyman
    from arizona

    Did you find a block?
    els and loudbang like this.
  27. No. I cant find a 354 block anywhere. All i find are 392s or complete engines 1000 miles away.
    Gotgas, els and loudbang like this.
  28. Runnin shine
    Joined: Apr 12, 2013
    Posts: 3,337

    Runnin shine

    Back when I was a little tyke I thought all Fuel motors were using Keith Black blocks. This was the 70s and 80s so I assume those were the later generation.

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    els and loudbang like this.
  29. After about 1974 they all were using alloy elephants from either keith black or donovan. I reallt want one for my car if i can find one i can afford.
    els and loudbang like this.
  30. nrgwizard
    Joined: Aug 18, 2006
    Posts: 2,739

    from Minn. uSA

    PM sent.
    els and loudbang like this.

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