Just picked this up Sunday. Want to do a traditional 50s style hot rod racer. Want to chop and channel it with a 346 cadillac flathead. I'd like to run wide 5 hubs as well. Kind of new for me to learn so I'll be looking for advice along the way.
Model T coupes are cool but narrow. Plan carefully with shop and channel couse you run out of space for pedals and headroom fast. This one was built in 55 and refined over the years. Known as Buzz bomb if you want to google it.
Anders no picture showing. Royalflushcustoms, check out this HAMB link if you have not already seen it regarding 346 Caddy stuff. https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum...-chronicles-tell-us-how-you-are-doing.674729/ Also add your name to this thread; https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/whos-building-a-t.645511/
As AndersF said you will run out of room quickly. I chopped but did not channel and have almost no head room.The pedal thing is an issue as well.Im still working thru that.
I've seen many 'T's' in that condition....body only. The fact that you've got doors and a decklid makes it quite a score! I love the Caddy flatty idea! As stated, these cars are small. Chop and channel carefully. Measure twenty times, cut once!
While you are dreaming of the chop and channel, fix the CANCER. If you run out of ambition, at least the next guy with a dream won't end up with a cut up rust bucket.
Yea I've been doing a little test fitting with myself in it. I can definitely see how space is a premium.
I've always liked the 27 roadster body on 32 rails look, what about a 27 coupe on 32 rails? With a mild chop? I love the look of the purple coupe that AndersF posted and think I still have the magazine it was featured in but even at a shrunken 5 10 I'd have a hard time stuffing myself into that one.
Haha. I've been intrigued by them for a while and really wanted to do one myself. Figure now's a good time.
Once I saw it had the doors I was sold on it. I'll fix the rust and channel then see where I fit with a chop.
This chassis has been built to take my 1926 T pickup. https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=5GQ8Ujaq7MY Not exactly the same for a coupe, but it is a 32 Ford style chassis which helps provide you with more room in between the chassis rail. The height of the rails also helps in hiding some of the ugly stuff that can hang down and be seen from the side, which ain't always pretty. It will be running a 346 Cadillac flathead so it will give you some idea of what you are in for...
I always wanted a T-Coupe then I got started on this thing. What a learning curve. One thing I'll share is that it's way easier to get in from the Pass side and this is topless. I'll bet it's the same with a Coupe only worse. Fun stuff for sure. The Wizzard
Thankfully, coupes have wider doors which helps, but if steering and seating position is not worked out, access can/could be a problem.
For me the 32-style frame looks wrong on a coupe. Works alot better stylewise on rodsters if you dont plan to use fenders. I cheated to gain some extra room on my build. I did a z under the toeboard and only channeled around 2 inch. My lakepipes will hide most of the frame. This give me enough space left for my three pedals. Then i put in some bars 7 inch from top to plan my seat before i chop. As it look now i have to lower my seat a tad more or settled on 5-6 inch chop. Here is a link to my build and Sinister cutoms build. https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/27-coupe-build.994975/ https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/no-quarter-27-t-coupe-project.303632/
I built a 26 "T" and called up Eric at Riley automotive (Colorado) and he built me a 2 X 4 frame with model A horns. It has a 4" Z in the front and a 8" Z in the back. The top of the frame sits just under the original floor steel cross members. I used a Kugel under dash 90 degree set up for the pedal assembly. It has a corvette master cyclinder that you fill through the cowl vent. It has a remote clutch reservoir mounted up in the overhead and the tubing runs down the piller in front of the drivers door. That set up is nice because it keeps the firewall clean. I'm running a T-5 and a 56 chevy rearend. Tried to send a couple of pictures but couldn't figure out how to attach them.
Thanks. I think I'm going to go with a model A frame. I can get one around here pretty easy. Might have lead on one with a title.
I couldn't view the video. Do you have the title for the video I can just search it. I do like the look of 32 frames but I want to channel so I think it would be a waste to cover a 32 style frame.