Knock this out last year, used a base from a oval billet air cleaner I won at a raffle. Formed the top around a welding tank, cut some slots and added the stainless steel screen for looks and function....
Here's a 2bbl carb hiding under a old Chrysler oil bath air cleaner: And a 4bbl carb hiding under a different oil bath air cleaner. Both have paper elements hidden inside. Both were bought at swap meets for less that 20 bucks each and in my opinion look better than anything store bought.
The wife caught me eyeballing her cake cover. Even has a hole dead center. Great for a tall filter, making the bottom or cutting up a stock old one is the ez part.....
All these are cool. Now I gotta start keepn my eye open for cool things that could be used for this. Thanks for the ideas.
Mercury 10hp outboard. I narrowed it 5 inches. my intake is at the polisher as we speak!!! Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
I'm impressed, like that you didn't drill a hole in the cap like I would have done. Now I've got to make one for my Merc, if I can find a cap. Very nice!
Nice Merc tank bracket mod. I sold one of those outboard tank brackets last year, found another one, but the guy that wanted it then, doesn't need it now, If you , or anyone else needs a tank bracket, I have one, message me. John = Nice work. , oh yeah, the hub cap air cleaners sre sweet too, I used old boat bilge vents for mine.
Here's a before and after of what I came up with for my 327 Packard straight 8. The original air cleaner was a hug monstrosity of an oil bath and silencing chamber that sat perpendicular to the engine. I hacked off the oil bath portion, disassembled the silencer, cut off the bottom flange of the oil bath portion and reworked it a bit. I made the screen from some old sand and gravel screening and used an air filter element from a mid 80's Mazda. Before After
Man we got it all here, hubcaps, cake covers, boat parts, gravel screen! We are so good at building something from nothing that we are now qualified to build anything with everything!
Want to bump this up, just finished mine. Let’s see some more Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Here's what we came up with for a pair of Stromberg WW's on 389 Stude in a 58 Packard; We purchased the end caps and bases, used more sand and gravel screening, and fabbed the neck to the carb intlet
Made this for a banger motor- 2 pcs. of 2 1/4" exhaust to make a 90* bend, slotted on the carb end and held with a muffler clamp. Fitted the other end to a 6" dia. air cleaner. Didn't breath well with the filter, so I made a hoop out of 1/4" square wire ( hardware cloth) and cut a foam lawnmower filter to fit.
Also made this one out of an old generator filter someone gave me- it fell off and disappeared.............
I don't know, you guys don't think the hubcap air cleaner is a little rat roddish? It's done cleanly so that's good but I guess I'm in the minority on this one. To each their own. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
OK, not a kewl or as creative as the others here, and some might think a little RRish, but I thought what the hell, I couldn't resist....and I bet you haven't seen another one
Some really great stuff here, definitely has me thinking..... Really wondering how air gets into the one slimcat7m3 built. I love the look