I took about 25 good phots os my AA/F Coupe over the past two weeks to show you guys how it's coming along. I'll be damned if my camera and PC didn't eat every last fucking one of em. Now I know the sumbitches are in there (PC) somewhere cause it erased the ones in my camera the bastard. If I have to blow the thing up, I'm gonna recover em somehow. I made an alignment tool to align the drive line and had some good pics of it too. I installed the throttle pedal, the clutch pedal, the seat and belts and mocked up the engine and made all four motors mounts. Shit fuck damn hell I hate losing those pics. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr More when I get un-pissed
You can try searching through your system. If you didn't rename the files coming out of the camera they are usually prefixed with a "DSC000___.jpg". This goes for most cameras I have used anyways. try searching for "DSC*.jpg" or "DSC*.JPG" in windows' search utility. (Start>Search>For Files and Folders) in XP
i don't think it is PCs I know MACs are pretty elite now but it's Windows in general, I think it should burn in hell.
If you do a search from the Start menu you can select "Pictures Music and Video", click on the Pictures and Photos box and type in *.jpg . Search will then find all your .jpg files. The symbol * is a wild card you can use when you don't know the filename.
What kind of camera and how did you transfer them? Most likely, they went somewhere under the C:\Documents and Settings folder if its WindowsXP. Do a search for all *.jpg under that folder. What "vinnie mack" said would be camera specific. Mine (a Cannon G3) are IMG_*.JPG. I do have to give you some bad news though... Just because they were deleted from the card does not mean that they are certainly on the computer. A situation can possibly occur where you have no pics on the card or the computer. Fortunately for you, that is h ghly unlikely.
I have a Nikon 4600 camera and I transfered some 25 pics to my PC using Microsoft Access snapshot viewer. My PC has WindowsXP. I hate both of em, the sumbitches. However, as with all electronic wizard shit,,,I likely fucked it up from the get go by not holding my mouth just right....know what I mean verne?