MEC-LEC Plating in Fresno Ca did my original 34 grille. Very reasonable ,good turn around & super nice. They do a lot of Harley parts & low rider stuff.
These parts are born in electrolysis process- they grow up in baths! It is complicated, but not any hammer is used and not any welding machine
Does this process have a name? How about a reasonably detailed description of how it works. There must be some sort of a mold involved. Also if the parts are all copper then the cost will be up there.
Yeah, what's 'reasonable' to a Ferrari or vintage Benz owner will very likely be beyond my budget....
Since we are dealing with opinions, Please define “very reasonable, and good turn around “ ? I have no experience with your chrome shop, but this is my experience with one in my area. My last 36 Grill I was charged $500 and the next one I was quoted $1500 by the same place about 2 years later. I was told 5-6 weeks and it took 3 months. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Ohh, these grills are hard to prep. Easy can be 500 and easy can be 1500 for one and that same grill model. But yes, chroming prices is growing and growing
Like i said, there is no process name! Its different, than all other. This is impossible to make this process at your garage. Only in plating shop, so description dont give nothing....
I'm not interested in trying to do it anywhere, garage or otherwise. I am interested in knowing what the process is and how it works. So, speaking of giving nothing, thanks for a whole lot of nothing Why bother posting at all if you intend all along to be so secretive Yes, like I said a story without substance. It's either science fiction or alien technology or both
Uncle Buck; It is had for me to give you information on what another business will quote since there are no two articles the same. What is reasonable for me is not going to work for someone else plus you wouldn't believe if I told you. Best advice I can give is get in touch with Mec-Lec & talk with them. They are the best in my opinion. Just my $.02.
Ha ha, this add was funny! Ok, this is not alien or process from cosmos. Of course not. Not even from NASA In few words- we make special molds/forms (from actual parts) and later putt them in electrolyte and grow up the part. This makes 100% 1:1 copy! So, the part is growing in few days in bath. In easy words it is this way
That's interesting for sure, you should patent the process and get it out there as a new innovation if that is in fact something new that you have come up with. New technology is always advancing.
NASA??? The "Never A Straight Answer" guys? Those guys forgot how to get the moon without Stanley Cubric's help. So you can grow any part? Possible ? How about this one ? Click the pic to get bigger?
ITs not so new or old, this is different- couple of electroplating processes. Base of all is not a secret, but there is so much tips and tricks, that can be solved only in many years of research and tests. About these parts on photo. There is much easier to use lost wax technique (check youtube). But yes, this is possible, but very hard and too long process. This method is good on parts that are thin and very difficult to made in other process. Like this grill mask, like this taillight. This process is more on decorative parts. English is not mine native language so i have no so good explanation like in mine language and google translate doesnt know these terms
I think i would have a hard time sending a grill and up to 1500 smackers to someone in Latvia. You should probably set up a shop in the states where people could find you.
Electroforming. Not a new process, but lots of high tech applications.
Yes, yes basic process is called electroforming (maybe, dont know english name), but it is just beginning, after basics starts the fun!
I don't think I'd use the company this guy used.