No, Boss, thank YOU! I have learned a ton from the HAMB, and even more importantly, I have made some life-long friends here as well! Thank you for the passion and diligence you show, which allows our same passions to show and grow! Thanks, Boss, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and the fam!
Ryan, Besides building the best website imaginable for us vintage speed freaks you have also helped build a community of very cool people who would otherwise not know each other. Thank You and Happy Thanksgiving !
The Hamb is the second thing I open each morning with my coffee. First is emails for work. This place is like a second home with people I like and respect and some assholes that stick they nose in everything. But is is well worth the effort to come here and learn, laugh and sometimes shed a tear. Thanks to all!
You have every right to be both Thankful and Proud. As you experienced, your creation is a living, breathing thing to many of Us and without it our world is a little less meaningful. Thanks for this and may You and Yours have a Blessed and Thankful day tomorrow and in the future, The Carpenters.
Greetings to all my HAMB Brothers, Sisters, and their families May all have a safe and happy Holiday Season ( politically correct?)( haha). Everyone has a few bumps in the road to contend with-and we've passed through the portal unscathed once again. Ya done good, Boss. Forge On!!
I had always thought of this place as a cult, before I ever looked inside, or even figured out how to access it's contents. Why ? Because that's what others had said. Lurker begat joiner, and now, quite a bit later ... I no longer argue that the HAMB is not a cult, because truly it really is, except these members are only tortured by dreams, of custom and hot rod oblivion. And we engage in group thoughts of same. It's not such a bad way, to learn, and covet happy thoughts. Very grateful. I pray here, every day at your altar, and Some-day School. Parts collector, and hot rod dreamer, choir boy Jamie Campbell, Dallas Texas Covenant Happy Thanksgiving. Amen.
Nothing changes a person more than thankfulness. Sometimes fear gives us good dose. Fear can lead to revelation, which leads to thankfulness (worship).The book of Habakkuk, 56 short verses. As for your life's work, keep that wife close and keep growing those kids. Thank you for the pleasure and enrichment this place provides for so many.
Ryan thanks for all your hard work and keeping us hoodlums in check Happy thanksgiving to you and yours Sent from my SM-G930V using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Ryan, I have had many out of state and even out of country people contact me about speedometer work. I always ask how the heck did you find us? Most times the answer is I Googled a question about speedometers and found some place called the HAMB and saw one of your posts and a link to your website, with the next question being "what the hell does HAMB mean anyway?" I am just a simple guy in a small shop trying to stay in business in this wide open internet world. I am amazed that all of these people have been able to find my shop. If I could talk to my pops( he passed in 1989) who bought the business from this boss in 1957 and told him we have been sent and shipped speedometers and custom speedometer cables to be repaired from Japan to Australia and Sweden I think he would ask if I had been hittin the bottle, he could never imagine this in his day. This is our 60 year anniversary of the shop being in the family and I want to add my thanks to you Ryan and the HAMB for helping our shop survive in this new business age. So I really do have some customers who can say "hey I gotta guy for speedometers, I found him on some hokey ass message board"
happy thanksgiving. I think that in order to preserve the Hamb for posterity you should print all the pages daily and put them in giant photo albums. then if it ever crashes, you could invite us all over to look at it.... haha
Oddly enough my computer crashed shortly before the Hamb did and after calling in Tech help I realized a lot of information wasn't backed up and there was no way to recover it and my loss was on a small scale and really only effected me,I can't phantom the fear you must have felt with the reality of everything being gone. Thankfully,that wasn't the case! Happy Thanksgiving to Ryan,all the moderators and all the Hambers. HRP
Boss, You are most welcome indeed! However, thanksgiving in this situation must go both ways. We sincerely thank you for your vision and the moxie to create the HAMB and all that that entails and implies. You have created a home of sorts for all of us miscreants to come and hang out together, fellowship together, and give each other a hard time...kind of like family. So with all of that being said, we acknowledge your thanks to us and we appreciate it - we also acknowledge you and appreciate you (and your family)! But we also hope that you will acknowledge and accept our thanks to you as well. I hope you and yours have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving! Steve
Ryan, Happy Thanksgiving to You and Family! I have met so many people on the HAMB from all over the world. Things have gotten much smaller for sure. That is a good thing. I think we all appreciate You and this site even more after losing it for that short period. Hope everyone has a blessed and safe holiday.
After the crash and the reporting of "lost" posts it really made me think as to just how much information is stored on this site. If it was lost it would be devastating to the traditional hot rod community as a lot of the information was provided by people that have moved on. Pretty crazy to think about. Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for all you do.
I am happy that you see value in what you do Ryan. Although it is not physical it is real and of real value to those that use and enjoy the HAMB for various reasons. I am glad you chose this path. I worked at physical jobs during most of my career installing and maintaining hydro electric equipment for dams and the associated support equipment. when that career ended I was suddenly without purpose and so when I was asked by my previous employer to help with the writing of operation and maintenance instructions for the equipment I had maintained all of those years I chose to give it a try. Of course they wanted this all to be done on the companies web which meant working with computers transferring info some times 75 years old from hard copies to word documents ,learning about PDF's JPG's and all sorts of other media forms. It was hard to evolve from the physical world to the cyber world but I eventually learned to use these new tools at my fingertips and saw value in giving my previous work mates and future company employees a new fingertip resource for information I seldom had access to as a worker. In saying this I want you to know that what you do is of great value to those that need and want the info you provide to us through your life's work. Happy Thanksgiving
Thanks for saving the place Ryan. Happy thanksgiving to you and yours. Did ya ever get you car fixed? Did the HAMB help?
Thank YOU Ryan!I can't tell you how many things I've learned by being here and have gotten to meet so many amazing people. On top of that, I was fortunate enough to collaborate with you on things that I never thought I'd be able to. All because of the ol' interwebs.
I don't post a lot but I read the HAMB everyday. It is without parallel the best reference library available I have found on the subject of anything automotive. For this I thank you. Hope you and your family have a great "Holiday Season". Kudos.
You’re very welcome. I am also very thankful you stuck it out with us. There’s no comparison in technical advise, knowledge and experience anywhere in this world. If it wasn’t for your fore site traditionalism would have been lost in the billet bathtub culture.