I don't say much here BUT I learn a BUNCH....And that's something that I am very thankful for ... Thank You Ryan for all that you do ... Happy Thanksgiving to all...
Ryan, and all the folks here on the H.A.M.B., we are very blessed to have a community of more or less like minded people here on the H.A.M.B. The information, help, and support for each other is second to none. In the seven years I have been on here, I have seen some incredible build threads by talented people who I might never have known about. I have gleaned priceless knowledge, and "met" some very unique individuals! I am very thankful for all the above, and more! To all of the folks on here, take some time tomorrow and be Thankful! KK
Thank you @Ryan and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family ...ohhhh...and all you others... I've posted this elsewhere here and I hope it makes one smile a bit as in all life's seriousness its good for the heart.... I also am pretty sure ultimately...goodtimes around this fantastic hobby/passion is the main focus with all the twists and turns...pretty cool thing you got going here...it would be tragic to lose...
Thank you Ryan, and the rest of you hoodlums too. I really like the stories, the how to do stuff, the rusting and rotting, the Hot rod Art, and then there's all the great photos. But mostly, it's tha cool friendships I've made. And I feel that I've known some of you guys forever. But it's only been a couple years. I too have shed a tear at the lost of some friends on here, like { Larry } and others. I've been a {Hot Rodder} forever, and I even made motor sounds, before I could talk. At least that's what I've been told, This picture has nothing to do with this thread. But I just like it. lol and a picture or it didn't happen. So great work Ryan, and have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE ! Ron...
Keep on rockin' in the internet world. When JJ/the HAMB went down a few days ago, for almost 2 days, I imagine there were several of us who went into HAMB withdrawal; I know I did, kept checking the computer every time I turned around. It really becomes part of our lives, and we thank YOU for that!!! Now, the touring car with the two turkeys in it should be a "caption this". You knowTom, it's so nice of farmer Brown to invite us over for Thanksgiving dinner......................................................................................... I am Butch/56sedandelivery.
The thanks goes to you and your family Ryan for building and maintaining this site for us to visit and learn. God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Thank you Ryan for all you do here on the HAMB.Wishing you and yours a healthy,happy,safe and prosperous Holiday Season. Good luck.Have fun.Be safe. Leo
Happy Thanks Giving Ryan, and to all on the H.A.M.B. Wish I could meet, and talk to all of you someday....
Have a great Thanksgiving and do not feel you are alone. All small business owners feel as you do sometimes. Guy in Dallas
I just got through visiting ElPolacko at Industrial Chassis. We were just chatting about how long we have known each other, 20 years and it is due to the HAMB. 90% of my life long friends are from here. I am thankful for the HAMB and the friendships that I have made, since I stumbled in on dial up AOL in 1998 it so. Hats off Ryan. Root
There was a crash? In all sincerity, regardless of this so called crash, great post Ryan and great site. Thank you.
Who'd have thought a bunch of reprobate old hoodlums could inspire such sincere thoughts and greetings? I mean really, are we a living and breathing oxymoron or what? Actually no, we aren't but it's fun to think of ourselves that way and be thankful for such sincerity and consideration by the other members. Sometimes it's a big help just to vent frustration even if you get your hiney kicked for being a bitch. Hey, this topic was about perspective and thanks, yes? I sincerely hope y'all have a nice holiday, have things to be thankful for until the next one, and the next, and the next, and even some more. Well that is if you got some backup on your schtick And ya say I don't pay attention...HAH!!
The HAMB is to the 21st century what the magazines were to the 20th, a view into another world, and info we wouldn't have known existed without either one. The plus to that is we get to have actual conversations with some of those same people that were in and wrote for the magazines, something that very seldom happened back in the mail in a letter days. And the amount of info here is immeasurable, a lot of these guys have forgotten more than I'll ever know! It might have been kinda hokey when it was started up, but it's far from that now, it's a meeting place for the thousands [millions?] of us infected with hot rod and custom fever. Thanks for what you do, may it continue on a long time....
Next time when the screen prompt says "are you sure you want to delete this" click no.. The HAMB has amassed so much information that it is becoming a virtual National Treasure when it comes to preserving hot rod history and culture. Can't imagine what would happen if a big solar flare or some other event corrupted all the data "out there"
Thankfully the back up wizards did their job ! Thanks to you and your support family at home as well !
Happy thanksgiving To Ryan and family and to all on the HAMB. I'm grateful to have a place to hang out with so many great people.
Thank you Ryan, without the HAMB there would be no way to share all the information we have collected over a lifetime in this hobby. I'm thankful for everyone I've meet here and received help from, but feel best when I've given a bit of information or history on a project. Happy Thanksgiving! Bob
Thanks for everything you do to keep the H.A.M.B. going Ryan, I am on here a minimum of 3 times a day, sometimes more. The first time I went to the H.A.M.B. Drags in 2010, when I walked into the pits I couldn't keep from smiling and thinking to myself " these are my people " !
Many thanks and congrats to you and your family for having the initiative and guts to start a successful business venture(The HAMB) and brings together so many car people to help them with their various wants and needs. I look eagerly twice a day at your created website and marvel at the info that is available thru others. Well done boss! Flatheads Forever!
Thank you Ryan!!!!! YOU DA MAN!!!!! Hope you and yours have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!! Hope everyone else here have a great one also... And please... Go easy on the Wild Turkey... You don't want to be hung over all weekend.