Having barely survived the Sonoma County Fire of 2017 a repeat of what happened here is now taking place in Southern California. My thoughts and prayer go out to everyone affected. Unless you have been in one and have seen it you cannot believe the devastation and havoc created. Think good thoughts for all.
Best wishes to all there as we get nervous again about our fire season arriving again. As said,not a nice experience.
Amen brother. In South OC and the winds are absolutely wicked. Sent from my XT1585 using H.A.M.B. mobile app
I'm in north Orange County, no fires, but the smell of smoke is in the air. My brother is in Ventura, says the closest fire is about 1/2 mile away, but he doesn't expect his home will be in danger. A lot of the area the fires are burning around Santa Paula and Filmore are filled with old cars, many of them originals/survivors. I'm hoping for the best for them.
Well with "fire" season over up north "officially" over, we're sending multiple crews down to help out, as SO CAL did for us up here.....Watched 5 engines roll out today on there way.... It's been a bad year...... Hope everyone is safe!
I grew up in Southern California and remember the fires all to well. My thoughts and prayers to all effected, stay safe!
My first fire that I can remeber is the Bel Air fire in 1961. I was in kindergarten at the time and can remember watching it on television. We were living in Montclair at the time. And then the Laguna fire happened. It scared the shit out of me but my parents told us that we were a long way away from the fires. The devistation was horrible. And now these fires are happening over the years. WOW! I am hoping that somehow, things work out for the people who have lost everything. God be with everyone and a big thank you to the first responders! Sent from my SM-G930T using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
I was in Tujunga in 09 when I had Just that day, Helped my brother move into his house he just bought, 30 minutes later the cops came down the street telling everyone to evaluate immediately... We made it through... He just sent this pic earlier tonight, from his backyard, Again like said earlier...You can't believe how scary that shit is until you go through it! Back East, we only have snow to deal with...
I live in Ojai, there is a mountain separating the fire from us. However the winds have sped the fire to the top and starting to come down to Ojai. The wind right now is slowing down but expected to pick up. At present the fire has burned over 50,000 acres with 125 or so houses destroyed. The fire reached the ocean and is working back into new areas. Do to winds and now night, fighting the fire by air is out. Hopefully tomorrow may bring enough calm to get the planes in the air. A friend had to evacuate without his beautiful 33 Ford Roadster and all his other cars and parts. So far his house was saved but the guy across the street from him was not lucky at all. Coppers will not let him back in yet. What a year here in Ca..