help wanted,i want to fire up my flathead 8ba, its bolted in a bones. what wire do i run where, to where.
The absolute minimum: Battery cables to solenoid and starter, ground to block. A groundable wire to small solenoid terminal to activate starter. Pushbutton would be good. Wire with switch to hot coil terminal for ignition, wire from coil ground side terminal to points. Ignition on, ground solenoid wire, go. Stupid late flatheads don't have the proper crank nut for hand crank, that's why you need all this complication...
On one with bad valves, it's about a double hernia and a stroke; a good one is easy. Oh, early Ford on level ground is almost as easy to crank in gear as might want to check that out before yanking the handle...
so first i need a solenoid ,or can i just hot wire, would it be + ground or - ground. i have seen them started just from battery but carnt remember which wire went where.
Stock would be + ground. You could just hook up cables directly and switch starter by removing the cable quickly--crude and somewhat risky...there will be sparks. Do any such removing,placing of cables at end away from is quite possible to spark a battery explosion this way. Not good. A simple switch, like one from an older British car like MG, would do the job somewhat better...
early fords were 6v pos grnd. you can just run a cable from starter to the neg post on battery but it makes losta sparks a soleniond would be best also for the ign a wire goes from neg batt post thru a ballast and then to the coil. there are several excellent books available that detail ford ignition wiring amongst other things. if your not familiar with old fords it would be worth it to invest in some of them
thanks i got her running and it sounds good, or may be thats just because its straight out of manifolds. thanks again.