I found a 60 plymouth fury 2dr hardtop for sale,he wants 800 for it,he says it has a 318 that ran the last time he tried it.I haven't looked at it yet, gonna go this weekend.Any other hambers got one of these beasts? Any thing I should be on the lookout for?
They have a tendancy to rust out, remember it is the first year for full size Unibody construction. I love '60 Fury's, some people think they're ugly, they're certainly different. Big fins and pushbutton tranny's are cool. Check the sheetmetal above the headlights, the rockers inside and out, the lower rear quarter panels, floors, and framerails where they attatch to the floors underneath, all common spots for rust out. If it's nice, it's worth $800 all day long. If you got it and didn't like it, I'd trade you something of mine for it. I've got one now and wouldn't mind another.
I love 60's, I was looking for one when I bought my 59 and it was soooo nice and cheap couldn't pass it up. Always liked 60's better though. If they got the same brake set up they can get a little pricey to re-do. 2 wheel cylinders per wheel. All 8 of mine were bad think I paid bout $60 apiece for them after chasing them down in hemming's. Gary
Yea I think they can be waayy cool. This is My Buddy Brians. Settin between a couple Mercs It surley looks like Batmans car. FEDER
Theres one near me that only has 40,000 miles on it. I'd love to get my hands on it.....and take the 20's off of it.... Those two door HT's are perfect for metalflake & kandy!
I've alwas loved big fuckin wildly styled 60s rides they are a little ugly, but good ugly whatever that means
I got a 60 Savoy 2 door post. Slant 6 w/3 on the tree. It's bright red, so bright ya can see it coming for miles. Electronic ignition for reliability and also disc brakes. I love the body style. Those big ass fins look like a great white slicing through the water. If you can pick it up for $800 definately go for it. The things are so rare you never see them.
The '60s are beauty queens compared to the 61's... I had a 61 Belvedere 4dr. fun to drive, 'cuz it scared small children
Hey now, don't be bashin on my '61 moredoor , white top with body colour the same colour as Barbie's tits! And what's wrong with scarrin small children? Swankey Devils C.C.
I had a '60 Fury convertible. Inspect it very carefully for rust, as they were unibody with no rustproofing and would disintegrate before your eyes.
The 60's are great but the 61's rule! Can you imagine bringing a 61 home new? It's one thing now that they're almost 50 years old - but talk about scaring your wife and kids!
As they said about the 60 Plymouths "Suddenly it's 1957" Ugly but a good ugly. They are rusters if not taken care of but not as bad as the 57s or 58s. Trim pieces are hard to find, Mechanicly pretty easy. Some good engineering and some that could be improved. Pretty dead nuts reliable drivetrains. Rear axles should be updated to the 1965 and up flanged type. The Total contact brakes aren't too bad but need careful adjustment to work correctly. Unfortunately when changing the rear axle you have to go to later Bendix style brakes and therefore have to upgrade the front brakes too. You cannot mix the two types. CAN NOT. The original interiors are to die for and the steering wheels and the Electro-Something instrumentation cannot be surpassed. What's not to like? The main thing is look for the rust. Pennsylvania? Rust?
those things are FUNKY!! ( I mean James Brown Funky or George Clinton Funky--not bleu cheese funky) kick ass. I would drive it simply because you never see them. it's one of those cars that will make kids say "whoa! look at that mom!" the 61,however, looks like it is ready to go muddin'. few more lights on that front end and they are gonna try to land airplanes on the hood.
I went to check out the fury on sun.,it has a pretty straight body,he patched the lower rear quarter,looks good.The only problem area is on the rear trunk gasket area.All the trim and interior are there,he says it runs and moves but smokes and the brakes/suspension are shot.He's firm on the price of 800,just wants what he has in it back.I'm on the fence about it,the car has a lot of potential and would make a bitchin ride,how about some input to push me over the fence .
If I wasn't all the way across the country, I'd buy it in a heart beat. The fins are just outrageous. Exner rules!! Is the fuel tank missing? I thought the filler goes behind a flap in the the rear bumper where the hole is.
All trim accounted for? Front and rear curved glass unbroken? the only rot out is in the weather strip channel? Are the seats there? If complete it's worth the $800. I needs everything but you've got something decent to work from.