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Projects 1932 5w Coupe project continue

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by AULIZ, May 28, 2016.

  1. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Tig welded and fixed. one week gone fast. Too much dayjob business trip,.... but finally today Project has been "under construction". IMG_4634b.jpg IMG_4632b.jpg IMG_4629b.jpg

    "laundruman" from Helsinki has made all, I just cooked coffee and wondered " how good he is"......hahaa!

  2. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Drivers side welded, fixed and hammered hours, hours and hours.

    No need to go GYM, just tig weld big parts, grind and start to hammer, hammer,....

    "Make Hot Rod Great Again"

  3. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Driver side door pieced. Tig welded there 4-5 new pieces of steel and small holes.
    Tomorrow skin on frame and weld together. After that need to cut off both side cowl sides.
    Pass. side Apillar bottom need to transfer. Somebody has fixed pillar, welded from many places,....maybe need to replace part of pillar.

    Diver side pillar I push ahead, from middle of pillar, over 1/4" inc.
    Shit car, nothing is right dimensions..... and everything what they have done in Whittier CA is shit.


    IMG_4636b.jpg IMG_4637b.jpg IMG_4638.JPG IMG_4640b.jpg
    ct1932ford, chryslerfan55 and Stogy like this.
  4. Auliz, The workmanship you have put into this build is outstanding......Your collection of tools is off the chart for a home builder. You have done well my friend.
    Can't wait to see what comes next. So great to save a real shit body that most would have to pass on or send out to high dollar shop to be repaired.
    I for one hope to meet you some day and shake your hand for a job well done. Now back to work!!!
    chryslerfan55, Stogy, Rich B. and 2 others like this.
  5. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Thank You Sir.
    Nothing special, but Im happy about those machines what I have here. Still many my age (+50) here do not have those machines, tools. Nearly everybody talk that "I want to buy that and that...." , but they have money for beer and smoking, but not for tools,..... If we are realistic, those are not expensive tools/machines, if they are 2years without beer and smoke, they have all in their garage !

    Not very expensive tools, I have bought all slowly one By one. Pullmax was very famous (swedish made brand) machine in Finland too 50´s - 80´s before they had those CNC machines like Finnpower, etc.
    Now those old pullmax are cheap. This nr 5 is rather small (1000kg, +2000lbs), I paid it 800usd.
    Mitsubishi Equalizer + foot pedal 300usd, Eckold Shrink dies 700usd,...

    Beadroller machine+english wheel are from Lazze. He need some hot rod parts and I need machines, so we make bilateral business. Mig and Tig are not expensive now a days. For example Miller (US), Kemppi (Fin), Esab (Swe), Micatronic (Dan) are compact size and very powerfull.

    Here few pics my ex Roadster (sold to Italy 2.5y ago). I made rolpan and liked that style.... Then I didn´t have pullmax, and need to make ends 3pc........ I also welded all using Mig, but now adays final weldings all the time using Tig.
    Machines helps very much building. Old days they made mostly By hand.

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    Last edited: Dec 26, 2017
  6. Nice work on the roll pan for the roadster..
  7. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Thank You Sir. I liked that rolpan too. Need to make someting new next time....

    1932 roadster Project is very near coming in to country. I will "pause" my 5w coupe Project and make that roadster ready, before next summer. I have few interesting "tricks" on my mind. That car will be built less or more like "old 40s style racer" with some interesting 40´s fighter plane and bomber parts.

    chryslerfan55, Stogy and Rich B. like this.
  8. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Finally door with new skin works and looks good. 2days worked with A-pillar etc.
    Car has been accident or maybe many accident... I pieced A-pillar 3pieces, fixed it and welded together.

    Tomorrow Cowl side panel is ready to weld on. I use maybe 80% old original panel and rest new steel.
    maybe,... or all new,... IMG_4642b.jpg
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2017
    chryslerfan55, Stogy, brEad and 3 others like this.
  9. big duece
    Joined: Jul 28, 2008
    Posts: 6,930

    big duece
    from kansas

    Fine work, wondering how you weld the bottom of the cowl panel underneath? Plug welds?
  10. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Sorry my english is worse every year..... Can You explain what You mean?

    Last edited: Dec 30, 2017
  11. big duece
    Joined: Jul 28, 2008
    Posts: 6,930

    big duece
    from kansas

    In this pic, the lower lip of the subrail where the cowl panel will attatch. Wondering what the correct method is for welding, seam or plug weld? I have lower cowl patch panels to do, and been putting it off until I have a solid game plan. IMG_4642b.jpg
    chryslerfan55 and Rich B. like this.
  12. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Understand. I think, I do not weld that. Originally it´s not welded?
    Am I right that originally there is clearance between support frame and cowl side panel?

    This original panel was not welded, need to look another side.
    In my another 5w coupe I made new cowl side bottoms (4-5" high) and just welded from
    ends and up. Not from bottom. Im not 100% sure, because 11years when I built that car.

    It would be good that air is "flow" there. Not rust so easy and easier paint, if there is bigger clearance over 2mm.
    After doors , I didnt welded those down turns. Originally Im not sure are those welded or not, but better that water is falling out if bottoms are not welded.

    Many times when very heavy rain or drive long way rainy weather, water goes everywhere.


    Floor panel I normally make 1/4" holes end of all those beads. Under seat, back.
    chryslerfan55 and Stogy like this.
  13. big duece
    Joined: Jul 28, 2008
    Posts: 6,930

    big duece
    from kansas

    Great advice. I figured that would be a collection spot for dirt and sand, and eventually moisture.
  14. missysdad1
    Joined: Dec 9, 2008
    Posts: 3,307


    I'm not sure about '32s, but '28 - '29 Model A panels are spot welded along the bottom. I plan to leave mine un-attached when I put them back on for exactly the reason you say - better drainage and less chance of future rust in that area. Great project! Keep up the good work!
    chryslerfan55 and Stogy like this.
  15. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    thanks. Yes, You are correct. Sand, clay and other dirty is easily stay there in "small pockets".
    Few days ago I cut cowl side off and it drop easily. There was any sign that it has been point welded, but never knows. I have note that ford bodies are made many places and small differences easy to see.

    Cabriolet body is made very nice, better than 5w bodies. Cabriolet body has made by subcontractor, there is small plate bolted on floor, which tells Company name and cab.body serial number.
    chryslerfan55 and Stogy like this.
  16. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Driverside ready, nearly. All fits good after 8hours working.
    2days more this car, then garage cleaning and I need to pick up new family member home.

    aulis IMG_4654b.jpg IMG_4654b.jpg IMG_4652b.jpg IMG_4650b.jpg IMG_4649b.jpg IMG_4648b.jpg IMG_4645n.jpg IMG_4644b.jpg IMG_4643b.jpg
  17. as always, great workmanship Auliz
    Stogy and loudbang like this.
  18. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Thank You Carl.
    Nothing special, but Im happy all fits and welded.

    Stogy likes this.
  19. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    All right. Today Worked only 4-5hours with pass.side door and cowl side.
    I have to leave this car now 7-8months and focus on Roadster.

    Same problem pass.side. A-pillar is not right shape. Ex owner has welded it many places and still door is not sit on its Place... Takes 1-2days to fix all, so I decided to leave Project and I cleaned tool + garage. Now new family member can come in....

    If somebody here in Europe needs 1932 sheetmetal parts, I leave ad. to HamB "parts for sale".
    Those are not new, but can be fix all. New trunk lid, rear quarters, door skins,....

    Pics are not good quality (samsung shit phone). rod-coupe59.jpg rod-coupe58.jpg rod-coupe61.jpg rod-coupe60.jpg
    chryslerfan55, Stogy, brEad and 2 others like this.
  20. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Two Years ago I worked 1-2months with this 5w coupe project. Now I will continue project. While I have built three Flathead engine and roadster.

    You can see more pics of this project in my website:

    I try to update that website daily / weekly.

    29EHV8, chryslerfan55 and Stogy like this.
  21. Welcome back to it! Glad you're getting the motivation to get started again. BTW, I might be coming to Finland this summer. My Mom is 86 and has never been - so a few of us are planning a trip to see relatives, visit places where my Grandfather and Grandmother originated from, etc.. I'll let you know the details once I know them - who knows, maybe we can meet up. Take care! B&S
    29EHV8, chryslerfan55 and Stogy like this.
  22. Barn Hunter
    Joined: Feb 15, 2012
    Posts: 1,527

    Barn Hunter

    Fantastic work! That will be a beauty when you're done.
  23. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Wellcome to Finland. Small country maybe we are relatives?... Or maybe You are relatives with Pamela Andersson, her relatives are originally from this area, Middle of Finland (80´s baywatch.... she looks so good...hmmm). What town, village Your grandparents are originally?
    Finland we have 230 000lakes, forest, fields.... nice nature. Rather flat, except in Lapland.

    If You do not want to rent car (here car rent costs are higher than in USA), You can use my car Mercedes, F-150 or Camaro. Free for HamBers, just buy diesel or gas and drive.
    Im living in Seinäjoki. 300km north from Helsinki. approx. 2hours by train direct north from Capital. From international airport easy to take local train to mainrailwaystation or to "tikkurila" station and continue North.

    Last autumn I bought US closed (Haulin trailer) trailer from Estonia. Also bought Roush RC500 2007 pick up from California. When P-U arrived to Finland We tow trailer home. After that I told to my Oscar son ; "Dad has now trailer and pick up, I started my american car hobby middle of 80´s street racing, now I need to find reasonable price street race car from USA". between Christmas and New Year I bought that 1968 Nova from USA. Very very reasonable price car. I knew that new cars on field and garage takes time and money, so 1932 project has been "pushed more forward"..... Racing was so nice. Only two race in Sweden (european championship) and some test races here in Finland (track is only 20miles from my house). Maybe next summer I race only once, let´s see how all is going on. Just ordered NOS bottles and dual lambda from summit racing.

    I was rodding rather much, but this year only in Finland. Mostly I have drive Roadster because Its latest and more interesting car now.

    Today worked 8-9hours in garage before my 9y old Oscar son were come from his mothers place. Tomorrow fathersday , so maybe he take me out to fathersday dinner. I know where. He likes 50´s dinner here in Seinäjoki (American Dinner), so we walk there eat good burger meals and enjoy dessert too .... (fathers day here in Scandinavia, North-Europe, is 2nd weekend of November)

    Last edited: Nov 9, 2019
    29EHV8, chryslerfan55, Stogy and 3 others like this.
  24. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


  25. Stogy
    Joined: Feb 10, 2007
    Posts: 26,840


    Good to see you @AULIZ

    Awesome project coming together...shiny in all the right places...

    You have put an incredible amount of work into this...


    :rolleyes:...the Hotrod Gal is Wowed by what your doing...

    Fantastic Picture Auliz and again I popped over to your site and You really do these Hotrods Justice...

    Your metalworking skills are

    Credit to Photographer, Owner
  26. brady1929
    Joined: Sep 30, 2006
    Posts: 9,502


    Looks great. Your english is better than my Finnish.
    Stogy likes this.
  27. The chrome will look really nice on there. Enjoyed reading your thread. I am glad I found it in time so I can follow along to the end.
    chryslerfan55 and Stogy like this.
  28. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Hello. Next week need to continue this project. I have two weeks time to work with this project. Next two months I work with my customers 1932 roadster project. Same time I must built new engine to my another customer (284cid).

    I have used so much money during last 13-14months, so need to make some "new" money while.

    chryslerfan55, greaser and Stogy like this.
  29. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Many pictures (and my "finnish rally english" -explanations) increased in to my website: --> 5w coupe project.
    21.Nov. 26.Nov. 27.Nov.


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    Last edited: Nov 27, 2019
  30. Man, you make it look SO easy. Mad skills!! Thanks for sharing this.
    Stogy likes this.

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