After seeing Von Franco's Tiki hut on fabricators it's got me wanting to create my own Polynesian paradise, anyone else got a Tiki Hut/Room/Bar at home?
I have one of sorts...I enclosed my 20x14 deck and over the rafters I put bamboo fencing...the little stuff about 1/4 in-3/8 thick. Then i put corrugated plastic roofing over it to keep out the rain. I also used the bamboo stuff to go halfway up the wall with more clear corrugated stuff as windows. I even hid speakers in the walls! Went to home depot and bought the cheapest laminate flooring they had and put a floor down with tons of clear over it...then put my pool table in.......just in time for the damn rainy season....but now that its summerish I am ready to party!!! I don't have much tiki stuff yet...but thats the fun part....collecting good stuff!
Witness Notch's famous tiki bar that we all (the Road Zombies and myself, 50Chevy, Gambino Kustoms and San Jose crew, etc) brought out to Viva Las Vegas this year.... My '60 wagon is also in the pic. -scott noteboom
Cool site here: I saw they're selling tiki bars and huts at Target now, which is probably about as kitsch as it's going to get.
Here's my little hut. It looks a little worse for wear right now due to 2 mos. of rain. Still need to trim out the tile work but it's complete with fridge, freeze and sink. Just add alchohol.
My wife wants a tiki bar on our deck, but I haven't the slightest idea on where to find the bamboo, or at least some good looking fake bamboo. I really don't think drilling holes in bamboo all day is gonna be fun.....
My wife bought a Blowfish light off the web, it arrived this morning. She got a shock when she relised it's real fish skin hahaha. Spiney little bastards aint they.
Katuna, you've got an A-frame! That is a killer bar. We had our loftspace converted into a huge room about 3 years ago and, as we have no kids, it got converted into a tikibar. You're more than welcome to pop round to have a look, Koppak, Birmingham's just up the road. I keep the PC in the bar so I'm never far away from a Mai Tai..... I think you can just see a Model A intake manifold in this picture...
Thats definitely got a Tiki edge 1 cry. Thanks for the offer Artiki, I might just take you up on that next time we're around. I'm turning a Summerhouse in the garden into a kind of Tiki space. I might do a kind of "How To" when I get it done, should be cool.
Koppa you want to get a set of these , I know your hut will be warm inside so they are dressed perfectly............ [/quote]
My sister and her husband have a Tiki Room at their house for entertaining that is awesome..I'll take some pics to show u guys tomorrow if u like. All the walls are bamboo, the floor is grass matting, bamboo boomerang shaped bar, plus tonnes of collectible shit hanging everywhere...mugs and hula girls and shit on shelves...u name it they've pretty much got it...but that wasnt enough...A couple of years ago I designed and built them a hut...( i use the term loosely) because it is about 10m (30ft) wide, 8 ft high, and about 10 feet deep. I used round pine logs for the verticals, pine rafters and beams with a grass thatch roof. Put up brushed wood fencing along the outside, and put another bamboo boomerang shaped bar out under it. They also have an 8 seater octagon shaped Bamboo table and chair set under neath it. Oh yeah, two massive fuck off palm trees grow up through the hut, so I installed lights at their bases to shine up the trunks...looks pretty cool at night. It's so wide because it spans half of their swimming pool, covering it in shade, and providing a nice serving area for he drinks in the summer time we spend some time under that thing in summer!! I'll take some pics and put em up.. Paul
Artiki Cool room and only in Birmingham.....Can feel sumat similar coming on either in the cellar or in the conservatory......Nice
The conservatory is a good choice because of all the natural light, you can then go mad with tropical plants. Have a bar in the cellar and you just have to stuff it with carvings, mugs and booze. It's a tough choice....
here's a few pics ...I don't have a lot of tiki stuff yet...but I'm always on the lookout. Still need to get a bar and stools. All the windows prop open and the big door at the end opens to the cuzzi'. All in all about 3 grand to build it all deck included.
I built a Tiki Hut in my backyard about 6 years ago. It is great for parties. I don't have any pictures handy of just the hut, but here are some pictures from a party. Mike
There's a place in Whittier, Ca that has about everything you'd need to build some cool tiki hut stuff. The place is Oceanic Arts. Don't have the number handy but you can get it if you call info. They'll send you a catalog. Tons of stuff if you're gonna build it yourself.
Some pics of where I'm going with mine. Your average standard British style Summerhouse, very twee and boring. Insulated and lined with cables run And end of line Bathroom quality laminate flooring fitted. Small speakers linked to house HiFi Grass beach mats trimmed and stapled to walls and softwood cladding underneath. Reed screening stapled to ceiling Cheap Garden Centre Bamboo sawn in half and used to cover all joins and edges All important positioning of Beer fridge and Bar sorted. (Due to size constrictions the Bar is to be against the wall with no access behind) Where I'm at right now, been working on the Bar area some more today. Don't know what he's looking so happy about