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History "Mature" H.A.M.B. Folks

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by bobg1951chevy, Oct 6, 2016.

  1. Glenn Thoreson
    Joined: Aug 13, 2010
    Posts: 1,017

    Glenn Thoreson
    from SW Wyoming

    74 - A case of planned obsolescence.
    Pre-war Fords keep me going.
  2. 41 coupe
    Joined: Nov 29, 2009
    Posts: 418

    41 coupe
    from bristol pa

    I am 66 and I retired at 62, I am not able to spend much money on the cars anymore but everyday is Saturday.
  3. 1930 turbo
    Joined: Sep 9, 2006
    Posts: 65

    1930 turbo
    from pa.

    I am 70 years old, I have to get off this computer and finish the top chop on my wifes 32 sedan!
    luckythirteenagogo and JOYFLEA like this.
  4. Sometimes when I'm barely coming awake in the morning, my foggy brain starts to think.... "Get moving or you'll be late for the school bus!" It happens less and less now that I'm 74 and living with a 69 year old woman. Every year on her birthday I tell her how sad it is for me and remind her that I've never slept with a woman that old before. :(

    This is a photo of us on vacation last spring. I think I'll keep her around and not let how many birthdays be a big deal.................
  5. Oh crap. Why did you have to ask that?
    I just realized that I must have gotten old along the way.
    I remember when every parking lot around town always had at least several muscle cars parked.
    -When you could buy a lot of cool 50s cars for a few hundred $$ , still in good shape.
    -When my 14,000 mile 1968 Chevelle cost less than 2 grand, my 63 Impala Super Sport with floor shift, buckets, AM with rear speakers, 53,000 miles, really great shape, cost only a few hundred.
    My first perfect 30,000 mile Hemi was 300$ (if you liked tail fins, which I did)
    My boss at work had this PERFECT, NEW 1969 Chrysler 300 convertible with 440 4 barrel, and beautiful perfect white leather seats, and he sent this high school kid to deliver vending machines that we loaded by taking the convert top down, and loading vending machines on the beautiful leather seats.
    Just picture me as a kid who just got his license, driving a beautiful new 300 440 convertible, seats full of vending machines, trying to control a lead foot in a car too wide for the narrow traffic lanes of the time. I survived it without scratching anything :)
    Buying low mileage 4 speeds - Muncie or BW, involved simply bringing $100 to your local junkyard.
    My favorite times - Browsing junkyards looking thru the 1940 Caddys, Nashes, Packards, 53 Studes, to buy a rusted 50$ 55 chev, then paying a hundred or so for a late model 327 engine from a crashed Late model Impala, or an Imperial with a real hemi to carry home.
    Then a few weeks later (yes, we did have unlimited energy back then to work all nighters for a cause we believed in) taking that slightly rusty 1955 or 57 50$ car (yes, I passed up some $75 57 Chevies), bench seat with a blanket over it, hole in the floor with a shifter sticking up thru it, big-car engine transplant, spring shackles on the rear to raise the tail for tire clearance, and spray can primer spots over the bondo rust patches.
    You could see the glass packs shaking and bouncing slightly under the front floor boards as they hung from the headers. Yes, you would find your high school buddies driving them to school. They didnt outnumber the mustangs, newer camaros, or occaisional Torino in the parking lots, but they got a lot of thumbs-up from the others.
    It was a real sign of coolness and formidable power if your car needed to have lakewood slapper bars bolted under the leaf springs.
    Cherry Bombs shaking under the front floor, slapper bars, and a hole in the floor with a lever sticking up, were signs that you probably didnt want to street race against that one.
    Then we went hunting for the fancy boys driving daddys new mustangs etc. The great reward was to see them get embarrassed by an unfashionable uncool primer spotted "old car". .. the only things we could afford.
    I've had affordable muscle cars, and they're cool all right, but before a HS kid could afford one - we built from junkyards.

    YES, I come from a time when we were surrounded by this.
    MAN, that makes this gearhead kid feel like an old guy now.

    Last edited: Jan 7, 2018
  6. zzford
    Joined: May 5, 2005
    Posts: 1,822


    I don't wanna say how old I am, but I knew Methuselah. Nice kid.
  7. nutbush
    Joined: Jul 7, 2006
    Posts: 265

    from Texas

    I’m almost 60, but 25 with Cialis.

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  8. 72 in a month, still building. Retired at 62. Getting along pretty well, all we can hope for.
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  9. chopped
    Joined: Dec 9, 2004
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    Joined: Jan 24, 2010
    Posts: 3,148

    from IDAHO

  11. 68 and 11/12ths
    Can’t remember If I already posted on here. I don’t remember that I forget so all is good in my little head.

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    lothiandon1940 and LOU WELLS like this.
  12. Dang ... I've aged a year since I first replied to this thread ... Now I'm 76..
    Hope this thread runs for many , many more years....I got things to do...
  13. nochop
    Joined: Nov 13, 2005
    Posts: 4,302

    from norcal

  14. Papas32
    Joined: Feb 18, 2009
    Posts: 168

    from No.Ia.

    66 and retired 1 week ago
    zzford, milwscruffy and biggeorge like this.
  15. Deuces
    Joined: Nov 3, 2009
    Posts: 25,661


    I'll be 58 in April....
    I could have sworn I was just 17 a year ago.... Where did all that time go?????.....:(
  16. Petejoe
    Joined: Nov 27, 2002
    Posts: 12,458

    from Zoar, Ohio

    OLD? 65 on the 19th.
    MATURE? My wife is still predicting that date.
    lothiandon1940 and olscrounger like this.
  17. cheviac
    Joined: Apr 23, 2008
    Posts: 28

    from new jersey

    67 Got thirteen SS checks so far and look forward to a hell of a lot more
    biggeorge likes this.
  18. sololobo
    Joined: Aug 23, 2006
    Posts: 8,383


    75 in June 2018, hangin in there and lovin ol cars like always
    biggeorge likes this.
  19. Rogue63
    Joined: Nov 19, 2010
    Posts: 228

    from New York

    71 and never stopped building

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  20. Dick Stevens
    Joined: Aug 7, 2012
    Posts: 3,933

    Dick Stevens

    I'm not claiming to be mature, but I was born in 1943 and I still manage to get a bit of work done as well as playing in the garage when I can!
    milwscruffy, LOU WELLS and biggeorge like this.
  21. Dave Mc
    Joined: Mar 8, 2011
    Posts: 2,797

    Dave Mc

    Happy Birthday4.jpg Looking @ 70 this month
  22. Mercman4life
    Joined: Jan 3, 2010
    Posts: 208


    66 and retired. And loving every minute of being retired and old.
    williebill and biggeorge like this.
  23. loudbang
    Joined: Jul 23, 2013
    Posts: 40,328


    68 BUT people still tell me I'm IMMATURE. :) Life would be boring if it was all mature stuff.
    williebill likes this.
  24. 71 next July.....leaving on my bucket list trip to New York from Oregon.....and my coupe....solo.
    williebill and lothiandon1940 like this.
  25. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,279


    Yea, for you maybe LOL..I just turned 66 on Dec 31...Ok, I get a letter from my former 10 year only career State DOT mechanic gig...seems that just because I now hit 66, the full retirememt? point?..the State decides they will just reduce my State retirement monthly deposit! How F'n special! (Oh, I started collecting reduced SSI at 62 due to health concerns.)

    Oh, then a letter just a day or so ago...I think? it says? since I had $15,000 in medical and mental health bills paid by Medicarelss, It is now a taxable "income'? IDK..I don't really care! My drivers permit expired on my birthday...the DMV lot has had no places left to park all month, and I simply don't want to spend the $68 right now, so F that too! Going to see the Doctor app't today, fuck it, I will get there, I think....LMFAO..

    Oh, my only " credit card", actually a debit one, has always stressed me out..thought I had lost it recently, could NOT get through to a F;n human that day to get it stopped/terminated, to prevent my accpount from getting drained?? Well, I did find it after finally got a "real", and very sweet gal on the phone... it was inside my shirt, I missed my top shirt pocket@! Well, a half hour later, all calm, and nice and clear headed... I found a solution!
    100_2115.JPG 100_2116.JPG 100_2117.JPG

    Ok, so that out of my system...Hmmnnnn I sure could go for a plain Dunkin Donut cruller that I bought with that evil thing that evening, for the next morning! Well, I am a "big boy" all growed up, so I think I WILL have one, WITH a coffee AT NIGHT! nice...

    Oooops I never imagined that having the stove door open whilst I took pics would perhaps,,, maybe..cause...a little issue?

    Good lordy, I have seen my share of chimney fires, but Dayum!! I go outside to look? WOWEEE! the entire top rain cap is engulfed! Flaming creosote dripping on fire!..Wow, it looked just like the Statue of Liberty!! I let it burn out, rush hour traffic on my main State road... I wondered if a texter would call the Fire Dept?? ohhh I hear their big Detroit 2 cycle fire engine Screaming, heading towards my location!! Naw, just going to fuel it up! LOL!

    so, all nice now, room is now up to 87 degrees!...sooo...let's sit back with Social Distortions Mike Ness, the Old SchooL hot rod and kustom loving Rock-n-roller,.... to "Story of my Life" !!
    and there ya go, retirement "without one fuck given"!

    oh, the bandage on my arm? I finally, after a year or so of begging? the medical side of the health industry, to agree with the Mental Health hospital physiatrist, that .....why Yes, Frank DOES have hidden Lyme, AND.. for a looooong time! So I am getting treatments now! So There!
  26. Petejoe
    Joined: Nov 27, 2002
    Posts: 12,458

    from Zoar, Ohio

    Man Frank you’ve had your share of problems for a while. Hope you get it all sorted out.
    Glad you didn’t burn the house down.
    You’d have to share an underpass with other retirees.
    Take care.
    F&J and lothiandon1940 like this.
  27. ATTABOY Frank! I had a debit card in '85....the ATM didn't give it back to me on my first use! Never needed one since LOL
    Stay warm my friend.
    loudbang and F&J like this.
  28. Hi-Flying
    Joined: Jun 15, 2011
    Posts: 180


    Turned 75 Christmas Eve

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    biggeorge likes this.
  29. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,279


    My asshole Son Joe always said "let that fire clean out the top!!! He is one to listen to...he let it slip out this year in the shop after he said "I dumped my bike at 50mph"...he then thinks...our 25 year old Friend Cowby Matt is there changing a cable on that bike..... I said "you hit sand? or what?" He thinks about maybe not saying??? ,,,, nope..he says "dumped it while doing a 50mph wheelie" and I bet he was trying to impress chicks at the college!!

    I have no serious problems right now, except I don't feel like earning money, and damn near f'n broke. Here is just one part of ONE trip on one day before the holidays... I love to F with peoples heads "in my youth" that came back this year!! I put these pics on my very VERY short stay on Facebook!! Hey, I was alone here on the 25th of Dec..well, not I had 2700 friends on that early morning around 3am...well, AH Frank says to the audience.. "let's see if I can get to 5000 friends today!" Well, Guess what!! lol... I put on the 10 hour! version of Darude Sandstorm video on my laptop, and kept hitting the accept button as fast as you could ever imagine... Wow, WEE!

    Trip pix below, yea,,,F'n TRIP! alrighty!
    ok, had to go to Home Depot for some purplish paint.. but stopped at the Dam to let out some antsy..did some high rpm donuts and I then had also recalled I had DONUTS in a box for the pose! the box is on the car roof..

    well, might as well try out the new cobblestone sidewalks in Coventry near the Dam! There was NO sign saying it was not for all forms of travel! Baldish rotted tires worked out quite well!

    up that hill is a friends place, he is holding his leg as he was hit by a forklift backing up at high speed against the company rules! He likes the hi-rpm power park slide I just did, so I did not have to do a 3 point turn....ok, ok...I did know i'd end up on the lawn! so there is room for more visitors...

    since I am a Pro, I'd get priority parking up front by the pro's door, Right?? Yes! Those pros can't park right!! they are crooked, not ME!

    On my way out of their lot...hhhmmmnnnn, a damn good picture Op! Rev that bitch up good!...

    the cop that saw me doing that slide at Home Depot, he said I need to learn how to I stop here...nope...closed!!

    ok, hungry after all that, I stopped at the Windham Airport ... Areo Diner..right near that lazy-azz driving school.. I know from the hospital stays that I am,,,I get a good close spot again!!

    No shit guy and gals, I am DEAD SERIOUS now!! I had no idea that day, out in that area?? I went toward HOME the long way!! Rt 195 headed towards/through UConn Campus to check for Cuties !! I am NOT lying! BUT, right at the place where I got on 195...Natchaug hospital is there! So I stopped in to ask if it must have been something I did wrong since July, that caused no treatments to be given to me! They KNEW I had Lyme, but then said it looks like Frank did not mess up! So, I swear, I then did go through campus, showed off a bit to the bundled up Asian Cuties that never go home for the Holidays! (they don't smile at me either! very serious I am!) then I swear, I was SO close to my own Doctors association, I stopped in, I asked my pretty girls there "how come my (female doctor there) never got me treatments!" I was SO sweet to them as always...BAM, my girls set me up for a 5:15pm visit that DAY!, with the best!! Lyme guy in CT! ...Just by being nice like I always am.. Serious as I can be here! I might have a good chance now.!

    but I can't say it will help my driving..

    here is a truck that came to see a doctor there, I just KNEW I was with GOOD people now!
    williebill, loudbang, Petejoe and 2 others like this.
  30. ken1949car
    Joined: Jul 15, 2011
    Posts: 33

    from chicago

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