I'm in the process of trying to make a sale of some parts to a fellow H.A.M.B.er as painless as possible. I'm selling a banjo gear set, axles and drums. I was wondering would he be saving more money breaking up it up into multiple separate shipments, out shipping it all together?
In my experience, the single but heavier package cost the least. But it might be a moot point because most shippers (USPS, UPS, FedEx, etc) have a weight limit per carton of 50 pounds. If you have more than 50# you have to choose multiple packages by regular shipper or a single pallet/crate by truck. Other options are by Greyhound bus: you take it to your local depot and the buyer has to pick it up at the depot his end, and Fastenal does a similar service where you drop it at your local store and the buyer picks it up at his end. https://www.fastenal.com/en/22/3pl-(third-party-logistics)
Just shipped a set of heads to a fellow HAMBer. Greyhound wanted 96 bucks. Fastenal shipped for $85 and strapped them to a pallet and provided the pallet.
If the size isn't too large, you can ship it Fedex or UPS and go to their online calculator and punch in the size and weigh to get an estimate. My experience has been that weight has been more of a determining factor than size until it gets above about 30 inches.
I once shipped an early Bronco 9" reared from Penn. to NC. Didn't know it at the time but the guy who shipped it used UPS so I asked to have it delivered to where I worked. Guy on UPS truck said it was heavy and awkward but not a problem. If I remember correctly cost me something like $135. At the time gas was about $4/gal so it was cheaper for me to let them bring it. Slid it off the truck right into the back of my pickup. The driver never had to touch it.
Topher, Recent post on the HAMB cited USHIP as an economical way to go. I would think strapping everything on a pallet would likely be the least expensive solution, especially if you can get it shrink wrapped. Lucas
Shipping it all together pretty much eliminates having one of boxes turn up missing. but breaking it down to a smaller package on a pallet saves money, size is more important than weight
See if your buyer can arrange anywhere to unload with a forklift. Big reduction in shipping cost. Ive moved a few times and im always able to find a local business that will allow me to drop ship to their dock then load in my truck for a small fee.
I have 1934 Chassis with , wheels, tire, actually complete chassis needs to go from Phx, Az to Rochester, Minn. anybody know anybody?