Has anyone there built a car rotisserie? I'm in the process of building an overhead car rotisserie to work on my 1948 Pontiac and later my 1942 Dodge. I'l post some pictures if I can figure out how that's done and maybe my plans. Hopefully this place is the proper one for this kind of topic.
we built our own for our 51 fleetline. Made some mistakes but nothing that couldn't be fixed. More common sense than anything else
I see that my plan both in Open Office Drawing and Word will not upload. I'll get my camera out and take some pictures. The goal with my plan is to make an overhead unit that I can park my project under and later park the finished car under. Will take up less space in the shop.
Here are some of the parts I've prepared for the rotisserie. I need to explain that I build a lots from metals I've scrounged. This is no exception. The ladders will be used on all 4 corners of the center section. They will be the support to hold up the top section that will be 2 I beams held apart by large pipes. I have all this stuff lying around. I cut the ladders to 9' 6". They will have castors on the bottom and the I beams on top. The center section will be used to lift the body as well as stabilize the rotisserie end pieces. I plan to put a couple sheets of plywood on top to lay parts on to get them out of the way. More to come.