Hey Guys just wanted to thank everyone that fought the rain with us this weekend. We received and inch and half of rain on Saturday. I would consider the show a rain out and we still had 230 cars. Stray Kats hate Rain!!! I think this year we had more roadsters in town then ever before. Was that the reason that it rained so much? ha, ha, ha....... Also would like to thank Brian Dunning and the Rumblejetts for the Saturday night. The guys played for five hours and it took me until 2:30 am to get shut down. If you get the chance, check these guys out!!! Also L'l Mike Cook was in rare form again this year. It is a SK 500 tradition to hear him bark out Tripod Man!! Thanks Mike for everything. Sorry to keep it short, I had so many highlights of the weekend I'll post stuff tomorrow. Thanks Again!!! Happy rails, Mick
The guys from Hope had a hella good time as usual! Let me get this this straight though Mikey: Straykat 500, cool and rainy, 230 cars Hangin Dice KKOA perfect weather, 50 cars Hmmmm.....are ya listening J.T.?
Don and i had a great time even with the rain. The bands were great. The rumble jets were great, that was the first time i heard them. Found alot of good buys at the antique malls. Don did a lot pinstriping. The trophy that little mike put together was kool. who won it ?? don and i can't wait until next year, we are bringing olivia next year she'll love it. Anyone got any pics up yet?????? see ya'll later Brigit
EXACTLY!!!! I couldn't have said it better myself! Thanks for the great time Micky! You da man! monkey
I look forward to Hugg'n the Bad Monkey!! Thanks for bustin it to get there. For some reason the weather cleared up when you got to the hotel. Thanks for the help. Happy Trails, Mick
Just wanted to say it was really great to see everyone again!!! Sorry l've fallen off the face of the earth so long...I'll try to keep in touch better Monkey It was specaily good to see you!! Stay in touch Twinkie l may have to come down to tulsa so we can tear it up like the old days l think people have gotten too relaxed without us teamed up.....let the WHISKEY and the SPANKINS FLOW!!! xoxo, Whiskey F-N Biscuits BTW how the hell am l a newbie??! l've been on this damn thing for years
Had the best time Mickey got my rooms for next year and will be send my paper work for next year this week...can't wait
Thread title: "Stray Kat 500 Thanks guys" It's us that should be thanking you!!! Thanks for a great weekend in spite of the weather. We all know that you worked your butt off, as usual. It's kinda funny, too cold and too wet to really set up and pinstripe, so this is the first time I've actually been able to kick back and enjoy just hanging out. I started to set up with Myers on Sunday, but by the the time I would have gotten setup it would have been over. That didn't stop Myers, but he's a self proclaimed whore!!! Look out next year though, I'll be slingin paint everywhere. I had a blast and enjoyed making new friends like the Dirtys and Thunder Rocket. Thanks again to you, your wife, and Duke and his wife for all your hard work.
Still pickin the mud out of my hair, all with the biggest grin!!!! Thanks Mickey and thanks to everyone who came to enjoy!!!!!!
...this shot is sooo classic, the Dirtys' in front of the Dewey Theater where they used to show X-rated movies in the early '70s'. All the teenage guys used to travel north on Sat night to see the 'Dewey Dirtys' movies. That's what we called 'em back then. I can't believe the guy that owned the theater never got shut down. As a teenager, you could just walk in and pay your money, and he'd let you in! You had to be careful, 'cause there was a lot of perverts that went there also.