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Hot Rod toys

Discussion in 'The Antiquated' started by CadMad, Apr 8, 2018.

  1. rudestude
    Joined: Mar 23, 2016
    Posts: 3,048


    Testing...Hope all is ok now......Yellow car is by Payton USA ...Red car is by Auburn USA... Thank You... IMG_20180511_195944~2.jpg

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  2. Okie Pete, MO_JUNK, gtoeasy64 and 7 others like this.
  3. flamingokid
    Joined: Jan 5, 2005
    Posts: 2,203


    Here is a 61-63 Bandai T-Bird that I bought on a trip through Nebraska.Clean, unplayed with condition. I've got the beat up version that I'm contemplating a custom body and paint job with. IMG_0924.jpg
  5. Here are some of my accumulation of wheeled vehicles. I'll post the pictures and then try and describe them.
    A selection of 49-51 Mercury models.The backdrop is a fibreglass profile of a 50 Merc that was made by a gentleman in Michigan.
    A 51 Merc made out of porcelain.
    A 55 Pontiac tin toy made in Japan.
    A 58 Mercury wagon tin toy.
    A rubber Cadillac Nomad
    A large scale 41 Willys made for a charity auction.
    A large scale 36 Ford made for another charity auction.
    A Cox gas powered race car.
    An old ambulance.
    A 53 Ford sedan delivery made of metal.No maker's name.
    A 1/18th scale model of the Y Job. Bought in England.
    A souvenir of the 90th Indy 500.Got it at the dedication of the Andy Granatelli Museum.

    That's all for now;I'll post more later on. 1949-50-51MercuryModels 001.jpg 1949-50-51MercuryModels 024.jpg 1955PontiacConvertibleJapaneseTinToy-22 001.jpg 1958MercuryTinToy-2 003.jpg CadillacNomad.JPG CaspersGasser1.jpg CBM6.jpg CoxLotusGPCar 002.jpg DisplayCaseSouthWall 004.jpg DisplayCaseSouthWall 065.jpg DisplayEastWall2 001.jpg DisplayNorthWall 075.jpg
  6. 1950's Battery powered Hot Rod. 615.jpg
  7. Muttley
    Joined: Nov 30, 2003
    Posts: 18,501


    These two Hot Wheels aren't super rare but there's a good story behind both............

    Christmas time 1981..........I was in the third grade at Ray M. Schmitt elementary in Westminster Ca. As was customary back then (probably not politically correct now) the day before Christmas break our class had the annual party and gift exchange. We drew numbers, grabbed the corresponding package and returned to our seats to see what we received. When I started to unwrap mine I was was a perfume box. Being that I was an eight year old boy I was embarrassed as hell to see that under the wrapping. I shoved it in my backpack as quickly as I could and avoided all the 'what'd you get' questions from my friends. After school I walked home, looked at the box and debated just throwing it away without even looking inside. Fortunately I was home by myself, there's no way I would have opened it if my Mother was there. Can you imagine the years of therapy, terror and embarrassment an eight year old boy would have to go through after his Mother told everyone how 'Michael got perfume for Christmas, isn't that cute' or something similar?
    Here's what was in the box.................
    HW 3.JPG
    A few years later at the swap meet at Long Beach State I was finally old enough to walk around by myself and my Dad had given me $5 (big bucks to me at the time) to buy something (he was probably thinking something along the lines of a burger and soda). I wandered up and down the aisles of neat old junk not having any idea what I was looking at (not much has changed in the last 34 years). I came upon a guy with a huge table of original, 1968 Hot Wheels still in the package. He was asking $5.00 each which I thought was an astronomical sum considering you could get new ones at the toy store for .79¢. I stood there looking at them, picking them up and putting them down for a good half an hour. I'm surprised the guy didn't tell me to kick rocks. I finally decided to blow the entire five spot on one Hot Wheel (I must have been crazy).
    This is what I bought that day.................
    HW 1.JPG
    HW 2.JPG
    Unfortunately, as you can see I didn't leave it in the original package but it's still about as nice of one as you will find that's been unsealed for so long. I always took very good care of my stuff.

  8. rudestude
    Joined: Mar 23, 2016
    Posts: 3,048


    Your blue coupe is very nice ... I had the chrome one when I was young but that one and several more where destroyed in a indecent that happened when I was around 8 years old my brother and I and one of the neighbor kids had a hot wheels town built up on a vacant lot next to our parents house one night we were all out playing with our cars until the yell from dad ...Adam 12 is on in 5 minutes so not having time to pick everything up we left it till the next day and we would continue our fun after school the next day so after school as we approach the house we saw something going on in the vacant lot...while at school a dozer and backhoes were brought in and they started clearing the lot....well our hot wheels town was gone that night we did find a few cars but most were destroyed later that night we went out and flattened every tire on anything that was parked on that lot that had the process of doing so we learned that backhoes have two values on there tires and if you take the cap off the biggest one it lets out a lot of air along with a lot of something else that we learned later was calcium for weight...well next morning they had a big crew of guys fixing flats then the cops showed up...when asked about it we all said we did see anything or hear anything......never got busted...these couple of red lines are about all that I have left of the collection.... I also have a blue ford coupe mine is a newer version...and your white roadster is its body and frame made of plastic? I have these two that look similar they are from 1993 the body , chassis, are plastic while the engine , radiator , headlights are metal....and far as keeping them in the package ....that's no fun ... I still take mine out and play with them on my desk....and I'm 57.....but I do have a couple hundred of them that are still packaged up for future play days..... IMG_20180518_220159~2.jpg IMG_20180518_220058~2.jpg IMG_20180518_215401~2.jpg IMG_20180518_215809_1~2.jpg IMG_20180518_215837_1~2.jpg IMG_20180518_215657~2.jpg IMG_20180518_215733~2.jpg

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  9. Muttley
    Joined: Nov 30, 2003
    Posts: 18,501


    No, the body and frame are both metal.
    rudestude and Bowtie Coupe like this.
  10. Speed~On
    Joined: Apr 28, 2011
    Posts: 1,677


    I'm not really in to toys, but here's a few I've purchased at swap meets that were just too cool not to buy. Something for the kids to play with when they're in the garage.

    An old dry lakes streamliner.

    I love the look of art deco. This old gas truck is pretty cool.

    And a couple hot rods...
  11. rudestude
    Joined: Mar 23, 2016
    Posts: 3,048


    Is the purple coupe a Tootsy Toy... I have not seen that one before..

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    Speed~On and Bowtie Coupe like this.
  12. Drag race on my stair railing.
    IMG_2447.JPG IMG_2446.JPG
  13. 49ratfink
    Joined: Feb 8, 2004
    Posts: 19,622

    from California

    with all these HOT RODS running around, you will eventually need a tow truck...

    small IMG_9835.JPG
  14. Speed~On
    Joined: Apr 28, 2011
    Posts: 1,677


    Yes, it would appear that it is. Tootsie Toy and Chicago are embossed on the bottom. I don't know anything about these. I just thought my son might like it.


    Last edited: May 20, 2018
    Okie Pete, MO_JUNK, 1947knuck and 4 others like this.
  15. rudestude
    Joined: Mar 23, 2016
    Posts: 3,048


    Thanks for the pics and info... I will be keeping my eyes open for one....these are a couple of my Tootsie Toys....the white Corvette was found in my parents back yard with a metal detector years ago I painted it back then after a little research found out they were all painted gold when they came out... IMG_20180520_214919_1~2.jpg

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  16. rudestude
    Joined: Mar 23, 2016
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    This next group is a mix of various tiny cars...the yellow ones ,and one blue one, are pencil eraser's I bought at a gift shop on the Oregon coast when I was around 12 or so years old...and the "flattened" Merc is kind of odd looking... IMG_20180520_221038~2.jpg IMG_20180520_221054~2.jpg IMG_20180520_221121~2.jpg IMG_20180520_221310~2.jpg

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  17. G V Gordon
    Joined: Oct 29, 2002
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    G V Gordon
    from Enid OK

  18. One of my grandsons R.C. Hot Rod toys. { A Blown Willy's coupe } He hits a lot of stuff with it! Lol Ron... 1956.jpg 1955.jpg .
  19. sloppy jalopies
    Joined: Jun 29, 2015
    Posts: 5,256

    sloppy jalopies

    the white '32 roadster was called street rodder...
    has rubber wheels instead of plastic...
    later called "deuce roadster ? " I think...
    the $5 hotwheels was called "1936 ford",
    has glass, and an independent suspension all around...
    it was a redline, red sidewalls...
    the tires could be changed on the hubs, size, .... [don't try it now... too brittle]...
    rumble lid opens.... for $5 it would be considered stolen today...
    the chrome, blue, and red versions etc. were called "neet streeter",
    no opening rumble lid,
    air cleaner hole in the hood, no glass...
    stationary wheels...
    I have had 4 different castings of neet streeter, depends what country built them...
    little toys for big boys !
    Muttley and Bowtie Coupe like this.
  20. Nailhead A-V8
    Joined: Jun 11, 2012
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    Nailhead A-V8

    damn...all my stuff is packed right now
    [​IMG] I found the little roadster w rumble seat in the middle left at a flea market in Blue neat to know its a tootsie toy...I loved HWs and not afraid to admit still playing with them right up to age 12 lol your sandlot story is hilarious!
  21. Nailhead A-V8
    Joined: Jun 11, 2012
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    Nailhead A-V8

    its always cool to see my all time favorite Hot Wheel and if backed into corner I'd have to say Hot Rod too maybe I fell in love with a chopped '36 3 W coupe back then! I still have it (grabber blue w red white and blue stripes) but the rivet is broken because I decided to paint it black and ditch the hood scoop at some point lol!
    I also picked up a chrome one because I had the 1978 chrome set at a toy fair another grabber blue with stripes, and this redline version unfortunately missing one front wheel 36 hw.jpg
    Okie Pete, Muttley, 1947knuck and 3 others like this.
  22. Nailhead A-V8
    Joined: Jun 11, 2012
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    Nailhead A-V8

  23. My set of Tonka ''Crazy A's'' from 70-71. JW
  24. rudestude
    Joined: Mar 23, 2016
    Posts: 3,048


    Those "A ' s" are Krazy.... I have a couple of them ..they are missing a few parts ... I found this Model A pick-up I forgot where but at first I thought it was a Tonka but it's a Tootsie Toy ...the body is cast metal and the fenders are plastic....and no the tire's on the back of the rubber racer are not the original tires's got the "lawn job" tires on it tell I find the correct ones for it..... IMG_20180530_004539~2.jpg IMG_20180530_004755~2.jpg IMG_20180530_004727~2.jpg IMG_20180530_004326~2.jpg IMG_20180530_004710~2.jpg IMG_20180530_004906~2.jpg

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  25. A little ride on Roadster. { It says Andy Card } ???? 20170707_115338.jpg
  26. flamingokid
    Joined: Jan 5, 2005
    Posts: 2,203


    My 1955 Lincoln Futura IMG_0953.jpg
  27. Murphy32
    Joined: Oct 17, 2007
    Posts: 753

    from Minnesota

  28. Murphy32
    Joined: Oct 17, 2007
    Posts: 753

    from Minnesota

  29. fyrffytr1
    Joined: Dec 20, 2016
    Posts: 1,236


    Theses belonged to my father when he was a kid but I have no idea who made them.

    20180608_192044.jpg 20180608_192101.jpg
  30. This little Hot Rod looks like it may have been designed, from the { uncertain T }. I gave it to my grandson. He Loves it!;) 20170920_103825.jpg 20170920_103902.jpg 20170920_103913.jpg 20170920_103838.jpg

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