I just got a big pile of parts from an old closed-down car dealership, some of this stuff dates back to the turn of the century. Most of it is smaller, trinkety stuff. There were a few items that really struck me as unusual, and I was wondering if you guys could help me ID them. Some of this stuff looks like it might be early hop-up type stuff. Any help would be appreciated. First thing I'm looking at is this valve, if you read the writing on it, it says something about alcohol and summer/winter. Is this some kind of early alcohol injection type thing? Or is it some kind of plumbing part and i'm just stupid? Then there's these little carb plates. Looks like a thin spacer, but they have connectors on them and little slit inlets on them, maybe to pull vacuum out or to inject something in, between the carb and the intake? This thing is called the "Stromberg Condenser" and says it's for better ignition. Looks like it might plug into the coil or the distributor and the dizzy to coil wire plugs into it? Anyone got a clue on this thing? This little hand pump reminds me of these things that guys on the Great Race had, they mounted on the cowl, they had a cylinder on them, and you'd pump them, no idea what they were for. Anyone know what I'm talking about? Is this one of those things, without the cylinder? What are those things? I haven't got a clue what this brass thing could be, but it says MOON on it. Is this even a car part? This thing has a little odometer on it and says it fits Hupp 6. Anyone know what it is and where it mounts? This thing is called the Green River Tire Wheel. What the hell did this thing do? Looks like some kind of Roman sun dial. Then there's this hood ornament, looks like a greyhound, I know I've seen it before, anyone know what it's from? And lastly, check out this sweet little unit. It's a Winterfront controller. I already know what this is, just wanted to show it off. I've never seen one before. I've got a Winterfront, maybe I should use it.
Alcohol Valve, They used to use alcohol as a coolant Injecter bases, Water Injection for improved mileage, and Moon deal is a grease cup
The first one looks like a adjustable thermostat The Moon thing is a grease cup.turn it in and it puts grease out. Greyhound-Ford cars had 'em.33 34 but could be aftermarket with the casting edge Cool stuff!
Ok I'll guess. 1 I don't think it's a car part. 2 2 bbl NOS plate. I bbls water injection plates from the late 40s 3 Snake oil spark enhanser that probably reduced the spark. 4 Dash mounted pump used to pressurize the fuel system. 5 Grease packing fitting. (turn the screw on top pushing the plunger down forcing grease out of the threaded fitting on the bottom.) 6 Meter to count he revolutions of the distributor. Why I don't know. 7 measuring device used by counting the number of revolutions of the wheel as it rolls along the ground. 8 no idea what it fits. 9 Is one cool sumbitch!! It possibly could be Packard.
The green River tire wheel is a wheelwright/blacksmiths tool. To use it you roll this around the outside of a wooden wheel like a wagon wheel.there should be markings around the outer edge of this tool there is one that is the starting point.You just set the pointer to this point then roll the tool around the wheel counting the #of turns and lines like 6 turns and 4 lines .Then you return to the start setting and roll the tool the exact same amount down a length of iron stock suitable for the tire on your wheel,where you reach the same revolution count is how long a piece of iron you need to use to make your tire.and yes the iron band around the outside of an old wheel is called the tire.this tool is much faster to use than this description is to type.as a blacksmith interpreter doing living history events I may be interested in buying this tool if you want to sell it
Wow, that's really cool. I've actually got a big ol' shitpile of old strange tools like this that you may be able to identify. Sure I'll sell it, would be nice to know it's going to someone who knows what it is and may actually use it. I'll shoot you a PM.
OK, here's a couple pics of some more oddball shit. Can anyone ID any of the shit in this pic? Not even sure if this stuff is car related or not. And then there's these things. The windup things are crazy strange, they have little keylike tools on the bottom, and turning the crank moves them back and forth, they don't spin full rotations. What are they? And what is the thing in the middle, says Motor Invention Company on it? Anybody?
Valve lapping tools? Can you explain a little more? What do they do/how do they work? I'm not familiar with valve lapping.
1-Inline thermostat for cars without built-in stat housing-used when heater was installed. 2-Top-part of IMPCO LP gas conversion. Bottom-What Tommy said or S-W gas heater vacuum takeoff. 3-Spark intensifier-snake oil type item. 4-Pump deal. 5-Forces grease into frozen joints or plugged fittings. 6-Rev counter for maintainance records. 7-Same. 8-? 9-Accessory hound for use w/ Moto-Meter. 10-Home Run !!! Nice score !!!!
Valves usually had a slot for the valve lapping tool to drive-most shops had no equipment for grinding seats or valves,so lapping was the way they did a valve job. Clover grinding compound is still sold today.
This is a fuel primer. They were fitted to early cars and aircraft for squirting a small amount of fuel into the inlet manifold for cold starting. The pump you refer to on early race cars was an hand air pump for pressurising the fuel tank with air to achieve a pressurised fuel system when electric or mechanical pumps where not in use. They look identical but the giveaway is that the air pump will have a single outlet and the primer has two as it pulls fuel from the tank and pushes it towards the inlet manifold.
You guys are a wealth of information. Thanks to everyone who replied, and if anyone's got anymore info, I'd love to hear it. Sounds like a couple of these things I can actually use on my car.
The green thing with a spindle might be big enough to be a real polishing spindle, rather than one for use with a model engine. Mart.
the little thing on the green stand is more likely a bobbin winding stand for them heavy sewing machines, my dad has a bunch of heavy sewing machines for sewing saddles and repairing shoes, and he had a few of them, you just take off the leather belt from the foot treddle pulley from the sewing machine and swap it over to the bobbin winder upper, looks like you got some sort of horse bit off a bridle there as well