Now that the front off the house has had it's make over, it's time to start on the side yard. I unburied the 41 truck project and got to think'in how cool it was gonna be to receive a warning citation through the little "mailslot" of a door window opening. Lets see your best "Over Chops"
Yeah what's the limit for Front Glass height??? Has any body run into trouble? I need to find out before I chop my 37 PU. The cops are fussy 'roun here so I need to leave enough glass.
Damn! i was so busy looking at the chop that i didnt even notice the damn thing was equipt with an ALISSON 12!!! NIIIICE!
i've always been told the windshield has to be at least 6" high. a quick way the cops will measure it is with a dollar bill. they are 6" long. this is the neighbor kids 40 Ford truck i've been helping him buil.. if memory serves me we chopped it 6 1/2". not an easy task on such a round cab. we leaned the windshield posts back. that is what made it much more complicated.
Not on a fenderless rod, but heavy nonetheless what I started with what I ended with...almost 7" out...farther along than this pic shows, but this is the best illustration of the lowered lid...note steering wheel Jack
I think it was a Packard Merlin in that thing, not an Allison, but I could be wrong... neat stuff though
Dude, that has one bitchin coin slot for a back window. I took 5" out of my A tudor and thought it was chopped!!
Hey your right,... You are wrong,...( couldn't resist that ) this car was named "Big AL" because of the Allison, it has retired to Fla where it sits in air conditioned comfort at the Garlits Museum. ( I can't remember the owners name but Jim Lyttle keeps coming to mind,.... but I could be wrong )
[quote='51Plymouth]Not on a fenderless rod, but heavy nonetheless what I started with what I ended with...almost 7" out...farther along than this pic shows, but this is the best illustration of the lowered lid...note steering wheel Jack[/quote] I love the Sceene.I can still see the Cord for the Saws all and The Piller/Post Bits on the ground.It looks great!!
What actually tiped me off was of course the obvious 12 pipes hanging out, but also the "P-51" on the door. Jim thats a nice respectable chop. The others look great also, especially "Par's" "60longroof" you got any finished shots of that. Looks like it turned out nice. Great story "porknbeaner", ill file that for future use.