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Projects Selling out! The realities...

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by F-ONE, Jul 18, 2018.

  1. F-ONE
    Joined: Mar 27, 2008
    Posts: 3,535

    from Alabama

    Yep.... I'm thinking about selling out.
    I have a disability. That, and at present my heart is not in it. I want something else. Something..... done.
    I'm sick of the cloud of failure. I've got good stuff not great stuff.

    Here is the catch 22. :rolleyes:
    How much do you put in something to get rid of it?
    If you do put that something into it .... I may not be inclined to sell.
    I decide I can do it. So I keep it but I don't so I'm back at part 1.
    It's a circle.....a train ride with no ticket off.

    I hate selling stuff. I wish I. could weed out certain elements, namely murderers, theives and con artists.

    Here is the common pricing points....
    I'm smoking Crack Price...
    What it's worth price....
    Fair price....
    Great Deal price.....
    Get it the hell out of of here price.....

    I'm between get it out of here and great deal.

    Has anybody been here?
    I'm thinking about just a basic clean up and sell.
  2. RDE
    Joined: Mar 23, 2017
    Posts: 95


    What kinds of parts are you thinking about getting rid of?
  3. Don't put money in anything that you need to sell. HRP
    joel, Darryl Deir, 49ratfink and 5 others like this.
  4. It can hurt while you're doing it, but it can be a relief when it's done.... It's also matters how quickly you want this done. Top dollar usually means you're going to sit on it awhile. Cheap usually = fast....

    And HRP is dead right...
    bchctybob, F-ONE and chryslerfan55 like this.
  5. Moriarity
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
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    A lot of times it is easier to sell things (cars) if they are not scattered in a million pieces. Spend some time just re assembling. It is called taking the fear out of it for the next guy. They can look at it and see that all the parts are there. You would be surprised at what a difference it makes. I am not talking about making it run or anything, just make it look like a "whole car"
  6. Squablow
    Joined: Apr 26, 2005
    Posts: 17,957


    A few years ago I decided I was going to sell off a bunch of extra projects and narrow down to my favorites, and use the money to pay off my shop. It took like 2 1/2 years to do, and I still have some cars I should sell, plus my "keepers" got no attention in that time span, everything got put on hold to do the sell off.

    I did spend some time and a few dollars on each car as I got them ready to sell, clean cars which are well presented bring a lot more than a quick picture of a dust covered car in the corner of a barn, and stuff that "should run" should be made to run before a sale, ect.

    I found that the more time I spent, the better money I could get, but it ate up a lot of project time I could have spent elsewhere, so it's all an opportunity-cost analysis, how much time do you have to devote to your selling and how much patience to do you have.

    If you have a ton of stuff, and very little time, having an auction makes sense. Let it all go at once, don't attend the auction, and buy a driver with whatever money you get. Be prepared to lose money on most of the things you sell, if you're happier with one single driver than you are with a pile of projects, it'll be worth it.

    But if you have the willpower and patience to sell it all off individually, and you can spend a couple years doing it, you'll get probably 3x more money in the end. The time spent in the selloff is the trade-off.
    belair, raidmagic, Frankie47 and 5 others like this.
  7. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 32,021


    Do you ever think of all the stuff you have sold, and how deep in debt you would be today if you still had it? :confused::confused::confused::confused: Bob
    GZ, 47ragtop, F-ONE and 1 other person like this.
  8. 62rebel
    Joined: Sep 1, 2008
    Posts: 3,233


    It's a tough decision and one I've had to make more than once. Mucking about with old cars is only one of my hobbies and, at this time, it's the only one I really have left. I don't know what the market is like where you are, but wallets in Charleston are tighter than a frog's ass. Nobody will pay you a nickel for a crisp new dollar bill. Seems like whatever you have to sell, everyone has twelve in their basement (and Charleston doesn't HAVE basements) already. Be prepared to be humbled, and if necessary, to say "fuck it" and sell it at a loss. This is why I no longer collect coins, antiques of any kind, artwork (except my own), guitars, books, or anything I can't work with or eat. Bitter? Yes, I am. But I still have my one project, my wife, my house, and my pets. Nothing else matters one damn bit.
  9. alchemy
    Joined: Sep 27, 2002
    Posts: 21,764


    If I'm selling old parts I might rub the dust off it, but I don't do any other work to it. Who knows if the next guy might want it in the "as found" condition. And when I buy for myself, I'm always suspicious of a fresh coat of paint on a part.

    If you are selling a whole car, do as Moriarity says and loosely bolt it together. A roller is worth a lot more than a pile. And a runner is worth more than a roller. But don't waste time polishing the bumpers or painting that one primer spot.
    Darryl Deir, swade41, Muttley and 7 others like this.
  10. ^^^^^ No truer words!
    F-ONE, Deuces, chryslerfan55 and 2 others like this.
  11. Squablow
    Joined: Apr 26, 2005
    Posts: 17,957


    Very good advice given about bolting a project together. Not only does it make for better pictures (and pictures are everything when selling on the internet), people from a long distance away are not going to want to make two or three trips to pick up a lot of loose parts or whatever, they will want to load one vehicle onto a trailer and maybe pack some loose stuff in the back of a truck but that's about all. It makes a surprising difference.

    A few years ago I had two 56 Buicks and one was an ideal parts car for the other. Tried to sell them for a while and heard several times "I don't have room for two cars". So I stripped the parts car out, sold off all of the duplicate/unneeded parts for about a grand, and sold the good car with the pieces from the parts car that it needed (either swapped onto the car, or just loose as extras). Got more for it that way and sold real easy.

    The extra time spent was well worth the price increase, and it got the car sold.
  12. LM14
    Joined: Dec 18, 2009
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    from Iowa

    Last summer I started selling off parts I has gagging my garage. It started slowly and built steam. Some of the stuff I sold was from my racing partnership. I had to give him 50% but even with that, after a few months I had enough to run down to Pete and Jakes and custom order a complete rolling chassis. I would love to scrounge for parts for years but I decided I don't have years. Sold some more and my '55 Chevy 2 door sedan and ordered a body. Then I found out a couple months ago my cancer is back and they can't operate this time. I looked around and decided I didn't need a lot more stuff for my wife to deal with. Sold my smaller projects (vintage kart and micro midget) and more parts I had hoarded for years. I now have 90% of a '32 Ford 5 window for almost nothing out of pocket, plus I have a lot more room in the garage.

    It's hard to start but you will feel better as some of the "less loved" stuff goes to new homes. It's good.

    I just listed my other '32 ford 5 window project, more stuff needs to go.

    Take a deep breath and start listing things. I don't ship, deal face to face and have sold a lot of stuff. I actually feel better about not leaving the mess for my family to deal with.

    H380, alanp561, 47ragtop and 8 others like this.
  13. Hnstray
    Joined: Aug 23, 2009
    Posts: 12,355

    from Quincy, IL

    As some know, I was in the retail auto business for a few decades. When dealing with a used car and trying to decide if, or how much, to spend on it for resale, I used the following guidelines. IF the cost of the item(s) needing repair added value greater than their cost....or would at least return their cost AND make it much easier to sell, then I spent the money to fix 'whatever'.

    Squawblow, in his post #6, makes a good point about considering 'opportunity cost'. It's similar to the concept of "present value of money in the future". For example, if you think you have to have, say $5000 for a item, but it may take a year to get it in shape to bring that amount (if you are both accurate and lucky), but you can get $4000 for it TODAY, which is the better deal? The actual and accurate calculation involves a bit more math, but you get the idea.

    Last edited: Jul 18, 2018
    56don, 47ragtop and F-ONE like this.
  14. wicarnut
    Joined: Oct 29, 2009
    Posts: 9,173


    Decision's, Decision's, Decision's. You can use my system, buy high, sell low, keeps the volume up, AND from my experience's dealing with people, no matter how you price anything, some Jackoff always wants your items for nothing, an example, last Thursday sold our 51 Buick Roadmaster at IOLA, listened to much BS, ending with, have to check with wife or would you take (low ball offer) and my favorite, I only have a personal check with me, PIA in general. The owner of UNIQUE AUTO, Mankato Mn. stops by, checks out car, starts it up, answer his questions, makes an offer, a few minutes of back/forth, shake hands, goes to their trailer, comes back with Cash/Done Deal, I'm happy, He will make some money on it I'm sure and I'm out of there. Immediately a guy comes over stating he wanted it, an asshat that was low balling me earlier. So.... my free advice to you is, be patient, try not to get buried in the BS you're in for. I have stated this before, what happened to courtesy, the art of deal making is pretty well dead IMO.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2018
  15. Hnstray
    Joined: Aug 23, 2009
    Posts: 12,355

    from Quincy, IL

    It is the less common experience when selling most things that the first person who looks at it hands over the asking price without any negotiation....except, maybe, at a neighborhood garage sale where most items usually are already super cheap.

    And, that being the case, the gauntlet of dealing with lookers to sift out the buyer is the more common process. That said, virtually all of us as buyers were/are those very 'asshats', at least in the view of the seller. Now, we may not have been (asshats) in fact, if the condition of the item, or the perceived market value, were not in line with what reasonable people would expect. And that may apply to us as well, when we are sellers, not knowing or accepting the market expectations.

    It is just the nature of the marketplace...always been this way and always will be in the buy/sell relationship. Either adopt a more philosophical perspective or continue to suffer.

    Last edited: Jul 18, 2018
    F-ONE and INVISIBLEKID like this.
  16. DDDenny
    Joined: Feb 6, 2015
    Posts: 20,808

    from oregon

    Boy does this subject hit home, I have a project that I have invested a TON of money and work in over the twenty years I've owned it, it's the one out of my three long term projects that has been put on the farthest "back burner" status so it is the one going first.
    Its a 66 Suburban (HAMB friendly), one of those niche vehicles that has a pretty narrow interest range.
    But it's a project so a good chance it will recieve the typical ten cents on the dollar offers.
    So why would someone in a situation like this bury himself any deeper into the red zone?
    swade41, F-ONE and F&J like this.
  17. When I sold my fleetline I did the same thing

    Fuck it I’m done sell it
    But it’s cool
    Fuck it I don’t have time
    But it will be soooooo cool once it’s done
    I have kids no time
    I have a house, job etc etc no time
    Cool it’ll be cool
    Fuck it I’m selling it
    Nope, nope, to cool.

    This went on for 4 years on and off ended up selling it as a roller then my engine and related parts afterwards made more like that then if some one bought the whole car.

    I ended up with my 55 Buick, not a shoe stopper, but a clean ride that drives and I’m driving the piss out of it and having fun
    This winter I will takle a trans leak and lower it so I can keep driving it next summer

    If you can turn your project into a driver go for it
    F-ONE likes this.
  18. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,279


    I have been asking around my area for a year at least, and something is really off here with so many people with no money! Some people in different careers seem to be doing better, but most blue collars I know are hurting.

    ...and the market is flooded on the stuff we hambers have...too many are now trying to beat the ever-increasing amounts of stuff coming out of storage.. Years ago, us old guys would never, we want to avoid being the last person in the musical chairs game!

    glad you are on the opposite coast,(but I;'m broke too) I've had two of those.. my ex's 66 barndoor was 51k orig, mine was a tailgate model 63 from the desert...I love them, so you might just do OK with yours. It's not like you can find them easily, like a 66 pickup..
    swade41, Engine man and F-ONE like this.
  19. Pewsplace
    Joined: Feb 10, 2007
    Posts: 2,795


    I'm 77 and decided last year to sell all of my 34 parts as my old body would not allow me to do the things I love to do. I made a list, put it on the HAMB and sold out in a couple of weeks. I never regretted selling any of the parts that I had planned to use on my next project. I kept the spares for my current cars. I often think that buying a car today is much cheaper than building one, especially in this market. I put the money in my car bank account and still have it —just in case!
    Shamus and F-ONE like this.
  20. NashRodMan
    Joined: Jul 8, 2004
    Posts: 1,989


    I feel the same way sometimes. So burnt out from other occurances in life that I have no desire to work on the project. Would love to trade it for a running vehicle and just drive.
    F-ONE likes this.
  21. mgtstumpy
    Joined: Jul 20, 2006
    Posts: 9,239


    I just helped sell a friend's mint '58 F100 cab after he recently had a stroke. Firstly he originally had an unrealistic price which really meant it would never sell and secondly he didn't really want to sell it. Anyway we had a chat (Reality check) and he eventually dropped the price to something more plausible which was accepted by a buyer who knew he was getting a good deal. I indicated that his dream to finish a full rebuild would never materialise due to his medical condition and that he'd never sell it at his original price because he'd own it forever. He still has a good rolling big back window on a frame. I'm negotiating with him to similarly sell it for a fair price rather than his estate later being stuck with it and getting nothing for it in a fire sale. All I want to do is assist him in getting a maximum return, not dwell on the past and move forward with no regrets. Hopefully it'll give him piece of mind and not be bitter and resentful hanging out to the last.
    alanp561, F-ONE and Sporty45 like this.
  22. F-One, I am also in a selling mood.
    Once I finish my current project there's no way I'm going to start another. I'm kinda over it.
    That and I don't want a pile of stuff left for others to sell off after I'm gone.
    F-ONE likes this.
  23. I'm a little beat up but figure I have a car or so left in me. I almost bought the farm 2 years ago, my boys know that my Ford would go to my brother who was a big part of the build. Plus he has no hotrod. The parts I have could be sold off, I don't have a huge stash like many here do. Tools I would hope they would keep.

    My next project will have to be someone's unfinished project. I don't have the time to spend 5 years getting a car together. I always have an eye out for a fire sale.
    F-ONE likes this.
  24. greener200
    Joined: Jan 20, 2009
    Posts: 362


    My dad turns 77 today .Hes got a barn (avitar)with allot of parts 33-40 Ford . Over the years I have convinced him to let me sell some parts to cars he doesn't have .3 of the 7 kids have old fords so we,ll keep that stuff. I keep tellin him ,heh ! It aint all gonna fit in your coffin ! You,ve collected it 50 years ago ,sell it an enjoy the money. owns his own business, at the shop at 7 with coffee for the men. still has to work ,age an health have slowed him down
    Hank37 and F-ONE like this.
  25. Some things I try to keep in mind when buying or selling.
    If your ultimate goal is to turn your "things" into cash...
    The moment to moment value of your thing is only as high as the guy in front of you is offering at that moment.
    This value will change moment to moment...
    Most of us will never get out of a car what we have in it (if you are counting labor, consumables, etc). Like everyone says about fixing up old cars "that's not why we do it"
    In order to "make money" in this game you need to buy low and sell high...and how do you buy low? You low ball, haggle, and basically do all the things you hate people doing when you are a
    But back to the "that's not why we do" it thing. It is a rare thing to get paid for your time on a hot rod... rodding is a passion. So unless you are building a customer car dont count on getting paid for the time you have invested, or for the consumables (chemicals, tape, sandpaper, etc.) you bought for the project, or for the running around you did collecting parts or "storage" (that one always kills me when sellers bring it up)...that all falls under passion when it's time to sell. No one wants to pay you for your passion.
    At the end of the day are we "caretakers" or "businessmen"?
    You can spend $35K building a car that is worth $25k, or you can buy the car for $25k and spend $10k maintaining it and then sell it for $25k... in the end, the "industry" got $20k, the car lives on and we got to enjoy the ride.
    Surf City, Chucky, RMR&C and 4 others like this.
  26. F-ONE
    Joined: Mar 27, 2008
    Posts: 3,535

    from Alabama

    The vehicles are....
    1950 F1 running 302 fireball 294 cam
    Needs brake overhaul
    Running the F1 3 speed.
    Solid old truck needs wiring and paint... the usual

    1964 Ford Fairlane Sports Coupe
    289 C4 parked in a garage since 77
    289 needs rebuilt
    Needs brakes
    Paint may clean up with T LC

    47 Willys CJ 2a
    Engine turns
    Transmission locked
    Tub repairable
    All original including spare
    Has PTO for bush hog or implements.

    1965 Ford F100 SWB
    Still in original paint
    It's a beater and I may keep it as a daily. Maybe not......

    I'd like to get enough out of them to get a Running and driving Flivver....Tin Lizzie. I now have the place for it I I could actually drive it to town.
    I have wanted one since I was......about 5 years old.
    hillbilly and wicarnut like this.
  27. ramblin dan
    Joined: Apr 16, 2018
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    ramblin dan

    I'm always thinking of thinning out my stash of priceless treasures but I'm beginning to get the impression that some things I feel are priceless might not be. I find as time goes on we guys who have amassed all this stuff are going to realise the next generation are going to view it as worthless junk. I've seen it recently time and time again where I'll be at a swapmeet or car show and I will approached by kids of a friend after their parents have passed and have no idea what to do with it, what it is, or how much it is worth. I have told my kids who to get in touch with if something should happen to me so they will not be taken advantage of in this case.
  28. Hnstray
    Joined: Aug 23, 2009
    Posts: 12,355

    from Quincy, IL

    Hard to 'get taken advantage of' in a market that, according to many posts here, the value of cars and parts is rapidly declining...:(

    F-ONE likes this.
  29. F-ONE
    Joined: Mar 27, 2008
    Posts: 3,535

    from Alabama

    I know what I have and what it is worth....
    I don't want to be a what it's worth or a sell thread so I keep the figures to myself.
    You have to be careful with pricing. You have to find the sweet spot.

    A junk yard owner had some vintage tin. Most of that stuff was not even good parts cars. His prices were orbiting Jupiter.
    He said I know that's high. I had that stuff priced what I thought it was really worth. It sat there. I tripled the price and sold 3 in one weekend.

    Price to low.... it scares people away...
    Too high.
    Same thing.
    Hnstray likes this.
  30. Barn Hunter
    Joined: Feb 15, 2012
    Posts: 1,527

    Barn Hunter

    Bought like first pic. Some assembly required...just nuts and bolts...sold for 1500 profit within a week. 20150721_132620.jpg 20150721_132635.jpg f1.jpg

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