More old tin as we meander our way through Wyoming .... Just another nice guy letting three strangers look at his stuff .......
TomT, one of these days I'm going to be in Lanexa when you are at home in Williamsburg. I come up once a year either at Thanksgiving or Christmas to visit my sister, who is in the American literature dept at WM&Mary and who lives in Lanexa not far from John. If you like, I can PM you with her name. Enjoying your guided tour of our journey home the scenic route
Weather was not cooperating much for Mt Rushmore and the ongoing Crazy Horse sculpture but here's what I was able to get .... Here is what the Crazy Horse sculpture will look like .... On our way to Carhenge ...
Nebraskans are so hospitable - they even provide rest areas. Carhenge ..... Miserable day but we are making the best of it!
TomT, I'll wait till you get home and settled in, rested up and back in the groove then i'll drop yopu a PM about my sister at Wm&M. John has met her and been to her home with me.
Thank you Tom, as is the case with most of us we are in a hurry to get to our destination and the return trip home without any thoughts of taking the back roads or seeing what travelers experienced long before the interstates bypassed the quaint burgs in the middle of nowhere but still exist for the adventitious individuals who take the time to explore places that take you back to a simpler time. Hope you guys have a great time and thanks for sharing. HRP
We have been overwhelmed by the kindness, hospitality, and good humor of everyone we have met along the way. They stopped what they were doing, opened their garages and shops to us, showed us (with humble pride) their hot rods, antiques and customs, laughed with us, regaled us with hilarious stories, and wanted to hear all about the exploits at Bonneville. An interest in old cars, it seems, creates an immediate bond. This evening, for instance in North Platte, NE, the motel front desk man told us about his former work as a photographer of jet cars on the Salt. Who would have expected that? We are also pleased to report that the local Mom & Pop dining establishment is alive and well- as long as you get off the Interstate. The announcement that "Breakfast is served all day" is a sure-fire sign you are about to get a good meal, whatever you order. We are eating our way back to Virginia on homemade pies whenever we stop. The hot rod community is a tight one, and touches far more people than we ever realized. We are blessed to be part of it, and thankful that we have been able to share our joy with so many others along the way.
Tom, she's single and always has been, she and I are a lot alike in that we are free spirits who prefer doing things our own way. Biggest diffeence is she recognized it from the beginning and I had to go thru 2 failed marriages to figger it out!
We stopped at the Pioneer Village Museum in Minden, Nebraska. What a place - tons of cars, planes, engines showing how life moved along from the mid 1800s to the present day. Sometimes known as the Harold Warp Museum, a real must see and it will take you more than one day to go through it to see everything properly. Here are sone pics to give you an idea .... Really cool place and these pics just give you a taste. You have toys, fashion, sculptures, airplanes, bikes, engines, actual structures moved into a town square, they have trailer hookups to stay, an airfield to fly into and there is just something for everyone ....
This is a great museum/pioneer guys travel safe and keep the photos coming Not to hijack your thread, but here is from last year for Rount Mushmore and Crazy Horse when Judy and I left the Hill Climb Sorry the weather didn't cooperate for you. Pretty spectacular in person. Hope to see you guys again soon Larry
Thanks, winduptoy - I appreciate the pics. Just left the Speedway Museum and we were blown away. He has a whole nother museum worth of stuff in storage. I wonder if they might think of opening a second museum in another area of the country?
This is all great stuff!!!......makes you appreciate what great country we live in!! travels.....Mark
So , with no expectations of finding anything to stop and look at today, we come up on Auto World Museum in Fulton, MO. It had 75 cars, many that were the huge limos and roadsters if the late 20s and early 30s, about 75 cars. Nicely done, we popped in and toured around - here are a couple Mod As and a 32 roadster that were there .... There were Lincoln's, LaSalles, Rolls Royce, Moon, Hispano Suiza, Cord, Studebaker, and many others. Very enjoyable ....
We about froze in SD. The young guy at the coffee shop in Rapid City claimed he saw a little snow on the ground. Baby, that's cold to us Southern boys.
No worries - regardless of the weather, it was a great trip. Hope to do it again some day and sound sone more time ....
Thanks gents, for all your comments - I enjoy road trips very much and I have been fortunate to do several. Today we will be home sometime in the early evening and I then need to prep my roadster for a run to the Adirondack Nats in Lake George, NY, leaving the Tuesday after Labor Day. Did I say I like road trips?!
What really sets Regis apart is the copy of Vermeer's " Girl with a Pearl Earing" on the puzzle table.