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Hot Rods Delaware won't accept VA titles?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Hamtown Al, Sep 30, 2018.

  1. Hamtown Al
    Joined: Jan 17, 2007
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    1. Virginia HAMB(ers)

    If deemed off topic then please delete but I have a potential buyer of my 1936 Ford cabriolet that says the Delaware DMV will not accept valid titles from VA, or anywhere else I think he said: if the vin numbers are where some master book says they should be.
    Anybody else heard or have any experience with this nonsense?
    I could understand if it was the first time being titled or something similar but this car was titled in VA based on the GA registration card for the car(GA doesn't issue titles for old cars; if no title, a police officer comes by an verifies that a vehicle has an identifying number on it of some kind--- no matter where it is located as long as it is permanently attached with rivots, etc).
    Anybody in Delaware, or somewhere close, that has actual experience with getting your car titled if it is from another state and has a completely valid title in that state?
    Thanks, in advance, for any insight and/or help.
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  2. As seen on the Delaware DMV page. HRP

    Vehicles Purchased Outside of Delaware

    If you bought your vehicle from a different state and it is 7 model years old or newer, you'll need to verify the vehicle identification number (VIN).

    When you visit the DE DMV office to apply for the vehicle title transfer, take your vehicle to an inspection lane to have this completed.

    You will need to show the above documents to complete the VIN verification.

    NOTE: Depending on where you bought the vehicle, some of your title documents may need to be notarized. Check with that particular state's DMV office to learn more about title transfer requirements.
    LOU WELLS likes this.
  3. I've been told, Al, but I have no first hand experience, that Maryland won't take New York titles any longer due to all of the "legit" titles that folks have been using for years here. Things are apparently getting more and more difficult and the scrutiny of out of state titles is getting more and more attention.
    hrm2k likes this.
  4. Gman0046
    Joined: Jul 24, 2005
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    I live in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and have bought and sold many cars over the years including a 63 Impala a month ago and NEVER had a problem.Virginia was also extremely easy. When I moved there from Texas my Daughters Honda had a Texas salvage title was given a Virginia non salvage title. Commonwealths problematic? Not in my experience. From the information presented in this thread it appears Delaware ( not a Commonweath ) is the prolem not Virginia.

    LOU WELLS likes this.
  5. 270283
    Joined: Jun 11, 2006
    Posts: 423


    That is interesting and a little disturbing that Virginia would "launder" a salvage title from another state. Buyer beware!
  6. The is a guy up here with binders filled with ownerships!
    You see him at every swap meet selling his “ wares”
    “ historical documents” is what he calls them.

    It’s 100% illegal to re-vin a car with another cars ownership up here.
    If there is a vin discrepancy the MTO comes out looks the car over has you fill out a shit ton of paperwork and revins the car on a brass plate with a new Vin under the Provence you get an ownership etc. I know a few guys who did this. A bit of a long drawn out process but not overly difficult.

    So back to the “ historical document “ seller.

    I have no clue how he has been doing this for years and years and has never been shut down. Must have found a loop hole.
    Also see it a lot on line especially with muscle cars, guys selling door jambs and firewalls with “ all tags in place “ and getting away with it. Easy to steal the and rebage or re paper a car........ almost to easy.:eek:
    gimpyshotrods likes this.
  7. 0NE BAD 51 MERC
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    0NE BAD 51 MERC

    Never understood why there is not a uniformed nation wide system of registration. One state is this and another one is that. It is just so confusing and if you do go to your local dmv you will get a dozen different answers from a dozen different people. Wisconsin is not that hard to get a title and legal registration for a hot rod or restoration that the original title and ownership has been lost to time , but people still try to beat the system and use "Title " companies or the swap meet title guys! Best to check with the Delaware dmv and hopefully get the answers you need. Larry
  8. Hamtown Al
    Joined: Jan 17, 2007
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    1. Virginia HAMB(ers)

    Hopefully someone from DE will chime in with some insight; else I'll just call DE DMV Monday.
    Thanks for the comments and help thus far.
    winduptoy and lothiandon1940 like this.
  9. Hnstray
    Joined: Aug 23, 2009
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    from Quincy, IL

    Did not anyone read HRP's post #2 above? Seems pretty clear language to me...from the MD DMV...

    ClayMart likes this.

  10. There are no titles in New York for 1972 and back. Registration only. They issued a new one every year so based on the average lifespan of these cars there could easily be 10-15 with the same serial on them.

    And they're worthless in NY because it's so easy to get a new legit registration on these cars, there's no reason to use an old one unless it actually goes to the car.
  11. BJR
    Joined: Mar 11, 2005
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    Vehicles Purchased Outside of Delaware

    "If you bought your vehicle from a different state and it is 7 model years old or newer, you'll need to verify the vehicle identification number (VIN)."
    This does not apply to Hamb friendly cars, "7 years old or newer". So 2011 to 2018.
  12. rztrike
    Joined: Apr 20, 2009
    Posts: 154


    I have had this same experience buying a vehicle when the DE owner had lost the Title. He thought he had the Title when i bought it but then couldn't find it. Wherever the vehicle is now, you need to have the State Police vehicle inspection come out and run a vin. number search. Assuming all is clear on the search you will take take report and title to DE DMV. You will tell them that the vehicle can not be driven. DMV will look up there value of the vehicle. Pay the fee and they will issue a Title in your name
  13. Hnstray
    Joined: Aug 23, 2009
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    from Quincy, IL

    Not sure what you are suggesting with your repost of the DE regs.....maybe I am mistaken...but my take is as follows...the OP.....’Seller’ is a VA resident, the potential buyer is a DE resident, the car he is selling is 1936 Ford Cabriolet, which fall well outside the “7 years old or newer” category.......therefore the buyer fits the DE description “if you bought your vehicle from a different State (VA) and it is 7 years old or newer (and it is not) you’ll need to verify the VIN.” So, an out of State vehicle older than 7 years is exempt from VIN it not? What did I miss?

    Last edited: Oct 1, 2018
    firstinsteele and BJR like this.
  14. Ray, I think my perhaps ill-timed post regarding Maryland's reluctance to accept N.Y. titles has led to some confusion. I think Al is trying to sell his car (he's in Va.) to a someone in Delaware. Sorry for the confusion.......Don.
  15. Hnstray
    Joined: Aug 23, 2009
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    from Quincy, IL


    Yes I originally got that and see I mistakenly used MD instead of DE in my response above....I have corrected that...
    But the rest of what I said is correct as far as I can see....the DE regs for VIN verification (as posted) do not apply to Hamtown Al's buyer.....

    Thanks for calling my attention to my typo.

    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  16. Mike51Merc
    Joined: Dec 5, 2008
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    No state can reject a title from another state. That would be unconstitutional under the "full faith and credit" clause of the US Constitution. They can, however, impose additional qualifications on the criteria for allowing the title to transfer.

    For example, in Pa titles have to be notarized. In other states they don't. Pa has to accept other states' non-notarized titles.
    But, if I transfer a home state (Pa) title, I do not have to bring the car to the DMV office. If it is an out-of-state title, I have to bring the car for a VIN verification.
  17. 5window
    Joined: Jan 29, 2005
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    Enjoyable weekend activity, but the OP in post 8 has it straight. Just call the Delaware DMV today and ask them for the details. Cars are sold among states all the time. There must be some provisions to let this occur. Let us know what the DE DMV says.
  18. Hot Rods Ta Hell
    Joined: Apr 20, 2008
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    Hot Rods Ta Hell

    Though I'd be first to not want more government regulations, I agree on the thought of a National basic M&P. Makes me wonder how many stolen cars have been registered in some of the "easy" states via Sheriff John Brown's signature. Other States refusing to recognize those States policies tells you something.
    loudbang likes this.
  19. old steel
    Joined: Feb 1, 2005
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    old steel

  20. old steel
    Joined: Feb 1, 2005
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    old steel

    Delaware has no problem with VA titles the problem they have is with the location of the vin # on the car the vin on vehicles 1935 to 1940 are on the frame in front of the firewall on top of frame not on the firewall if they are not there it throws up a red flag to DMV then they have the Delaware State Police do a auto theft search on vehicle if vin # are not there they issue a reconstructive title that will show it as a 2018 reconstructed not a 1936 title so if that happens it would have to pass emissions just like new cars welcome to Delaware hot rodders
  21. BJR
    Joined: Mar 11, 2005
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    Ray I misunderstood your post. I thought you were saying that the vin verification applied to the OP's car. My bad. Now back to your regular program.:)
  22. Mr48chev
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
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    It looks like Old Steel explained it to the letter in post 20 end of story.
    The problem isn't the state the title comes from the problem is the location of the vin which is original and most states have exacting books that tell where each and every vin should be located. If the inspector in those states isn't familiar with vin location they get the book out and check and go from there. I think the guy who used to inspect most of my rigs wrote the book for this state though.
  23. gimpyshotrods
    Joined: May 20, 2009
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    Many states have private VIN/Serial inspectors. I do that in California.

    No DMV required for that.
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  24. old steel
    Joined: Feb 1, 2005
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    old steel

    The only titles Delaware will not accept are Alabama and New York not sure of any other states they do not honor. Delaware also has Street Rod tags the car has to pass NSRA inspection first then Delaware inspection and then issue a Delaware Street Rod tag if your into street rods.Not me I am a old bare bones hot rod guy myself
  25. SR100
    Joined: Nov 26, 2013
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    No. If this was true, the most restrictive state would be legislating for the whole country. Don't want to get into politics, if you care, google ' "Supreme Court" "Pacific Employers Insurance v. Industrial Accident" '.
    sidevalve8ba likes this.
  26. Hamtown Al
    Joined: Jan 17, 2007
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    Great news! I contacted the fine folks at the Delaware DMV in Georgetown and a young lady named Sky listened to my story about our concern about vin numbers and she passed me along to a titling specialist. After a long wait on the phone during which I got to hear many times that my call was important to them;):D; Don, the specialist came on the line. He told me that if I had a valid VA title and a vehicle with a matching number on the vehicle; I was good to go. I told him that my potential buyer was concerned that it would be disallowed somehow because the number was not located on the car in the original location. I specifically pointed out that the number was stamped in to a piece of metal that was riveted to the firewall on the passenger side of the car and not on the chassis. He asked me to hold the line a minute. I was again reminded how important my call was to the DMV while I waited:D.
    Don came back on the line and said he spoke with someone that did the inspections and he said that the title would be fine as long as the number matched the title; no matter where it was located.
    Happy Day for all y'all in Delaware! I called the Georgetown DMV at 302-853-1000 if anybody wants to double check... I will not be offended in any way.:)
    I'm glad we were able to get this potential calamity for any old car buyers in Delaware resolved.
    I am very pleased to get it from the front of the horse that valid titles for old cars and trucks from other states are welcomed in Delaware as long at the number on the title matches the number on the car; no matter where it is located.

    Now, if I can just convince my potential buyer what a great car I am offering him at such a bargain price!:D:D

    Thanks to all that have contributed.

    Happy Al
  27. Glad you got that sorted out, Al. Good luck with the sale, hope all goes well.......Don.
    lothianwilly71 likes this.
  28. Hamtown Al
    Joined: Jan 17, 2007
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    Thanks, Don. Regardless of what happens to the potential sale; it was worth the effort to me to help get this potential issue cleared up for all our fellow hot rodders in Delaware.

    BTW, Don, aren't you ready to give up riding in old safe and dry coupes and start riding in a really nice 36 Ford cabriolet... maybe from VA?!!:D:D
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  29. ..............Occasionally I live on the edge and drive my Roadster.:D;) 20180816_104629.jpg
    lothianwilly71 likes this.
  30. Hamtown Al
    Joined: Jan 17, 2007
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    Well, there is that one... and it is a well travelled beauty... just the way I like them!
    Thanks for sharing,
    lothiandon1940 likes this.

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