Well haven't done much to my 40 since I joined this forum except drive the old girl (what I enjoy most ) and clean her up .A few small changes but nothing major . I Had ask many questions about lowering the old girl even bought a set of smaller tires for the front . Received a lot of good information and opinions from members that have proven methods that worked for them in the past . So at this point I think I will hold of for awhile in lowering it ." I'm a procrastinator but I'll tell you about that later " . So now thinking of going with a nice set of widewhites to give it a change in appearience . Have a set of 16x4" and 16x5" original wheels and want 4" whitewalls have seen many examples of 40s on line that have the look I'm going for . Would like to put the largest whitewall and tire size that will fit .What would be the largeest size tire I can put on the front and back . I'm thinking 650x16" all the way around or 700x 16" on the back ? Remember stock suspension with tube shocks .think I want bigger then 600x16" . I'm thinking 700s wouldn't fit on front ? I also understand I will most likely have to change my choice for the front if I decide latter to drop the front .Here are a few examples of the look I after for now ???? Thanks in advance and God bless you and yours . Dennis
To get that wide white you need to at least go with 600:16 from Coker, if you are using bias ply. This black one with the red rims looks perfect to me.
My dad's car with my brother, believed to be a 1938 but I really just don't know for sure. I remember playing in this car as a very young kid. The car had a unique old smell to it that I will never forget. IIRC we had it up until about 1964.
Dennis, We talked about this very subject at the Greaseball. I love your '40 Sedan as it is, but I understand your thoughts on changing it up a bit. Hope some of the pictures and suggestions folks have offered up will help you decide on the direction you want to go. Good luck, Don.
Here's the picture from your profile page so folks can get a good feel for the look of the car. Maybe someone with better skills than myself can do some photoshop work with various white walls.
Guys thanks for all the great comments ,pictures and suggestions,Don it was great to meet you also ,I'm sure we will cross paths again and Moose !!!!!! How did you do that ? Don't tell me I won't be able to figure it out ,think you could do me a couple other variations ? Don't want to be greedy maybe blue wheels like the car had a few other thoughts but will wait to hear from you .thanks again , Dennis
It's your fault for asking Moose for suggestions. If you were torn between two different options Moose will make it worse with five options. Now your problem is multiplied! He did that to me on my '37 Chevy project but, in the end, it worked out. He is a wizard with the photoshop button.
That's just it .thought I would put the wide whites for now and maybe lower it some down the road ,after seeing Mr Moose's variations of whitewalls and black walls at stock height and lowered think I would like the wide whites where it sits now but those lowered versions are over the top .those few more if I could Moose .saved them all to my albums on my iPad .remember I'm a procrastinator but I'll tell you about that later . Now bigger "if " if I leave it stock height whatta think would be the largest size tire back and front 16" bias whitewall that wouldn't give me any trouble with rubbing at stock height .
Bigmac48, Beautiful car. For my money I don't think you can beat the wide whites with red rims along with stock or baby moon caps and beauty rings. Is that Washington Blue. I've seen so many versions of that colour I don't know which is correct anymore.
Fortunate, thank you for the kind words ,bought my 40 already painted ,think I have the color code from previous owner .he told me was trying to get close to Washinton blue ,think it's a little brighter ?
32 my 40 is as pictured blue with the red wheels all the other pics were done by the moose to show me what it would look like lowered and with different color wheels with whitewalls and without .