Bump! Come on boys I know we’re all tucking our cars away for winter but let’s see some more Canadian bacon Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
Okay, okay! ..I'll play your silly game! Just celebrated 41 years with this one: Twelve years with this one: On the road for 2 years after a complete re-do: Annnndddd... Finished this one 13 years ago: I'm a very lucky fella! Dave
After a brief pause while we played with a bike for three years then the A coupe for a couple of years, back on the road again. A favorite for fourteen years.
Here’s mine , roadster with my grandson going out for a cruise along with the bill of sale .... and my coupe a couple of weeks ago ........
Recent addition stock 29 roadster pickup and getting really close 32 pickup. Sent from my iPad using The H.A.M.B. mobile app