Have you looked at the Forum listings on the main board? If you'd like to discuss a hot rod or custom only, there are two forums that deal just with that particular genre. If you want to get the majpr amount of discussion, The Hokey Ass main board is the place to go. If you're looking to buy or sell, go to the classifies section. There is no section for any particular make or model of car. Anything up to & including 1964 is cool. The section you're in now, the "Antiquated" is more to discuss the more periphreal aspects of the hobby, such as collecting gas station memorabilia or hood ornaments, for instance. Not directly related to either hot rods or to customs, but interesting side hobbies others may enjoy. Start reading the other forums and you'll soon get a feel for how they roll. If you have a question on a stock, pre-war Chevy, check out the Vintage Chevroley Club of America forum ( VCCAchat.org ), but they DON'T like to discuss hot rods or customs there.