Ever have one of those moments, where you know you've seen something before, but you just cant put your finger on it ? (The older I get the more this happens. ) Every Tuesday morning, a group of us local Hot Rodders meet at a restaurant in St.Helen Mi. We have breakfast and pretty much annoy the wait staff We talk about what were working on, help each other out, and tease each other unmercifully. Sometimes one of the guys will have a question or a part they can't quite identify,..... Last Tuesday was such a case. My ol' Pal Roland, Came in and sat this Tachometer on the table,..... O.K. , I know I have seen one before, But I cant remember anything about it. So how about it guys,..... share your knowledge , What can you tell me about this Tach ? ( I thought it might have something to do with Sun Instruments ) Here is what it says,... Radatron Inc. N. Tonawanda N.Y. USA And here are some crappy cell phone pictures,.... Thanks Guys
I found some information on Radatron tachs here: http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/search.php?searchid=9635563
I have one almost like it,except mine has checkered flags crossed on it.by radatron.would like to know also.
Back in the 60's & 70's they were called R.A.C.,this brand of gauges was available at K-Mart and Western Auto. "Gotta Rac Tach" ?
Hi there , , I’m dave from Australia , I’ve been to your town and and find memories , you also have the London bridge , I’m looking for one of those radatron tachometer , I really like them and my buddy is building me a 32 in Nebraska rite now and it would go so nice - anyway would you sell yours or do you know anybody that has one for sale / any help would be much appreciated - thank you Dave