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Vintage Speed Boats

Discussion in 'The Antiquated' started by Ryan, Sep 11, 2006.

  1. Fedcospeed
    Joined: Aug 17, 2008
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    When the pictures show up for the one i want to buy, i,ll post. Original 56 ,35 hp merc and a 50s gator trailer.
  2. Fedcospeed
    Joined: Aug 17, 2008
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    Now I,ll have the two aluminum boats ive always wanted. Going to maryland next week for the Feathercraft. Nos wind vagabond1.jpg vagabond2.jpg vagabond3.jpg vagabond4.jpg vagabond5.jpg vagabond1.jpg vagabond2.jpg vagabond3.jpg vagabond4.jpg shield!!
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2018
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  3. Fedcospeed
    Joined: Aug 17, 2008
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    Got home safe and sound. Boat on a 50s Gator trailer on a 60 Gator(modified greatly) trailer. I love a good roadtrip!!! feathercfartis home 004.JPG feathercfartis home 008.JPG feathercfartis home 010.JPG feathercfartis home 011.JPG feathercfartis home 013.JPG
    Chucky, 2NDCHANCE, alfin32 and 5 others like this.
  4. treb11
    Joined: Jan 21, 2006
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    Minett-Shields 18 ft Ultimate Gentleman's Racer

  5. Onemansjunk
    Joined: Nov 30, 2008
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    from Modesto,CA

  6. triumph 1
    Joined: Feb 9, 2011
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    triumph 1

    Stopped at an auto museum in Sarasota Florida a year or so ago that had this cool vintage speed boat with a flathead V8-60 in it. IMG_1172.JPG IMG_1173.JPG

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  7. gavinnz
    Joined: Dec 12, 2007
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    Mine in the pictures... not much to see but potenital in the photos!! And a grinning idiot!! I am building a 239 flathead to power it. Its a 16 foot, barrel back, rear cockpit, slopped V stern, 1930's New Zealand build speedboat. I have no idea who built it or from what plans. I have seen nothing quite like it. It's a wreck but worth fixing I think!

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  8. mgtstumpy
    Joined: Jul 20, 2006
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  9. philly the greek
    Joined: Feb 15, 2009
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    philly the greek
    from so . cal.

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  10. Fedcospeed
    Joined: Aug 17, 2008
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    Got the news that a ghost from the past will pay us a honored visit this fall. My late father in law and a neighbor raced this boat starting in the 50s. Al Brinkman drew the boat and had it built in Florida and brought back to Grand island. there have been a half dozen versions due to various damage ect but the B/W pictures is the original and has Mr Brinkman driving and father in law mechanic. Other guys that were with the boat included the late Herb Gielow of all guys, better known around here as Mr V-8 60.

    We are floored by this news and cant wait to see it this fall.I am told it will be the featured boat at this years Clayton Boat show and will be "Home" for the ACBS show at the Buffalo Launch Club where it raced!! Just so cool!!!! seabiscuit_08...#2.jpg seabiscuit_05...3.jpg Seabiscuit photo.jpg
    Cruisin', Tritone, alfin32 and 8 others like this.
  11. Fedcospeed
    Joined: Aug 17, 2008
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    Dont know if i am getting boat blinded with the latest happenings, BUT just looked at a wood decked Jersey Speed Skiff that I have wanted for 30 years. been sitting that long and needs alot of tlc but complete. I remember the last time it ran by my house and that was the last time it was in the water. Timing always sucks!!! But its been a dream of mine and I think I have to do it. Boat has to go cause the house where its stored at has been sold.
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  12. Fedcospeed
    Joined: Aug 17, 2008
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    I think whats gonna happen now is the Skiff is going back to the original owner. The guy rebuilding my father in laws boat and i are trying to make that happen. I really think it should go back to him.
  13. upspirate
    Joined: Apr 15, 2012
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    M-9 cool boat. Always loved and wanted a Jersey Speed Skiff since I first saw them race back in the '70's in St Pete Fla
  14. Blake 27
    Joined: Apr 10, 2016
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    Blake 27

    Lake Tahoe boat show 2011 DSC03835.JPG DSC03836.JPG DSC03837.JPG DSC03839.JPG DSC03840.JPG
    Cruisin', Tritone, alfin32 and 2 others like this.
  15. My wife and I went to the Coeur d'Alene Idaho wooden boat show sum years back, and saw some beauties in the water... Bu here’s a few Pic’s I snapped at Boatique Winery up here in Nor Cal. Last Mo., best old Boat collection I’ve ever seen...


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  16. George Klass
    Joined: Dec 31, 2007
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    George Klass

    A Chris Craft Cobra, looks like a 21 footer. My ex-boss, Henry Kaiser (I worked for him at his home at Lake Tahoe, when I was in high school) bought one just like this one in 1955. It was powered by a 331" Hemi Chrysler (dual carbs). Mr. Kaiser had a bunch of boats at his home, he let his guests take them out if he thought they were reasonably competent. Although I was only 16 at the time (1955) he let me take the Cobra out now and then. The boat got alot of attention but the truth is, I never really thought it was that good of a boat. It did not handle that well in the turns and was not nearly as fast as it should have been. I chalked it up to the boat having too fat of an ass. I remember that eventually, he shipped his Cobra to Hawaii, stashed it at one of his hotels. I never knew what happened to it...
  17. George Klass
    Joined: Dec 31, 2007
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    George Klass


    A typical Chris Craft triple cockpit runabout, probably from the middle 1920's or very early 1930's. The most popular model was the 26-footer, which is what this one is. I never saw a transom mounted rudder on one of these before, but it could have been original. Chris Craft manufactured their own engines back then, a decent running V8 for a boat this size. They could run at about 40 MPH at sea level, somewhat less at Lake Tahoe (6229' altitude). I still saw the original Chris Craft V8 engines in boats like this in the 1950's, but parts were scarce if you broke something, and it was cheaper to dump the original engine and substitute a later model big block (Caddy, Olds, Hemi, or Chevy).
    Cruisin', neilswheels, Paul B and 4 others like this.
  18. 33 Ford Sedan Delivery
    Joined: Jun 24, 2010
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    33 Ford Sedan Delivery
    from Fl

    Does anyone have pictures or information on 348 - 409 powered race boats??

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  19. 33 Ford Sedan Delivery
    Joined: Jun 24, 2010
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    33 Ford Sedan Delivery
    from Fl

  20. flyin-t
    Joined: Dec 29, 2004
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    1959 Long Beach drags, Biesemeyer hull.

    619570pre_wm_cc7dd32de3d7e8d.jpg 619572pre_wm_e371b0dc923285f.jpg
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2019
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  21. flyin-t
    Joined: Dec 29, 2004
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    1960 Boat show, maybe Long Beach, maybe Los Angeles. Biesemeyer again with an unbelievably cool hull that I've never seen before.

    846003pre_wm_25881e188aa51c2.jpg 846001pre_wm_9d61ce9f94a2f17.jpg
  22. 33 Ford Sedan Delivery
    Joined: Jun 24, 2010
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    33 Ford Sedan Delivery
    from Fl

  23. Litchfield
    Joined: Sep 9, 2013
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    from Carlsbad

    511B50F7-3A56-4B7B-9DD2-9454A20FB617.png B3D7A6DA-4BA3-4188-90A0-D4ECD65FA0AA.jpeg 7C4CCE54-C92D-4F01-920D-47755C3A6920.png AA7A5CDD-2FAD-4192-8A7D-2374F22FAB7A.jpeg
    Just finished this a couple months back.
    The 1963 Hallett Blown Fuel Hydro...BANZAI
    Driven by Barry McGown
    Engine by Keith Black.
    Held World Record many times.
    Best was 166.27 in 1966.
    Cruisin', Paul B, lurker mick and 6 others like this.
  24. George Klass
    Joined: Dec 31, 2007
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    George Klass

    Not just any speed boat, this is Edsel Ford's "Woodfish", built in the very early 1920's. Early race boats, before step hydros and 3-point hydros, were basically speed boats with more horsepower. This boat may be a little different, however, as it appears that the engine is not in the middle of the boat, as they are in most speed boats of the era, it looks like it's well aft, which would mean that it must have some sort of a V-drive system. I actually know nothing about this boat, never heard of it before or knew of it's existence. But, being Henry Ford's son and knowing that Henry had a good relationship with John Hacker, it could be one of Hacker's designs. Looks like Edsel behind the wheel (he liked bow ties), and it's probably on the Detroit River, maybe taking a break from the office, in his suit and tie...
    Cruisin', southerncad, Paul B and 3 others like this.
  25. George Klass
    Joined: Dec 31, 2007
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    George Klass

    Edsel in his race boat cruising past his dad's River Rouge Plant.

    A close up of the same photo. The boat name was "Nine Ninety Nine", and it's also attached to the bow. If you remember, Henry's original "race car" was also 999. Edsel was always interested in high speed boats, and was one of the first to have Liberty aircraft engines (from WWI) installed in his boats. Henry was also interested in high power aircraft engines converted for marine use (See Henry's "Evangeline" on this same thread) Anyway, Edsel had several boats along with "Nine Ninety Nine", including "Woodfish", "Goldfish" and "Greyhound Jr.". I really don't know anything about the hull or the designer, but having been around these old wooden boats for most of my life, I'm thinking that "Woodfish" might be a Gar Wood design, rather than John Hacker's...
    Cruisin', UNCLECHET, Paul B and 5 others like this.
  26. rumblegutz
    Joined: Aug 29, 2008
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    Years ago we took a tour of Edsel & Eleanor Ford's home on Lake Shore Drive in Grosse Point Shores. One of the things the tour guide spoke of was Edsel's love of using his speed boat to commute to work.
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  27. flyin-t
    Joined: Dec 29, 2004
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    Good looking boat, but step hydros have been around since the teens of the last century.
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  28. flyin-t
    Joined: Dec 29, 2004
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    Oh, forgot to mention, it is a Hacker design and ran in the low 50's with it Liberty engine. Edsel did not drive the boat in races but when the driver and riding mechanic were almost killed in a race, Ford ended his racing career.
  29. 40 Olds
    Joined: Jul 2, 2008
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    40 Olds

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  30. George Klass
    Joined: Dec 31, 2007
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    George Klass

    A great shot of El Lagarto, loose as a goose...

    Fremont Boat Drags - 1961 by Bill Hewitt (11).JPG
    This is a Belmont runabout hull, powered by an Allison V-12. Before the advent of the flat-bottom V-Drive ski boats, the Belmonts were pretty much the fastest non-step speedboat hulls. They had a a "very" shallow V at the transom, it was almost flat but not quite.
    Fremont Boat Drags - 1961 by Bill Hewitt (10).JPG
    If I'm not mistaken, these photos were taken at the Fremont Drag Strip. They had a small lake on the property and held boat drags on a regular basis. These boats were all wood (mahogany) and were built in Fresno, CA. The typical length was 19' 6", and were powered by big block engines, such as Chrysler, Lincoln, Caddy, etc., customers choice. I had access to one on Lake Tahoe with a supercharged 430" Lincoln (Paxton blower) that hauled ass (Lake Tahoe is at 6,229 foot altitude, so a blower really helped). The Belmont's did not rely on a cavitation plate, they had a unique lever that the driver could pull that would raise the rudder about 4 or 5 inches. It made a big difference when the rudder was in the raised position and really freed to boat up when the water was flat, as it is in the above photos.

    I suspect that most people have never heard of the Besotos runabouts. These were your regular all wood speed boats but had a great hull, and were usually powered by Chrysler hemis or Cad engines. My employer Henry Kaiser had one at his Lake Tahoe home (Caddy powered) and it would run circles around the Chris Craft Cobras.

    They really looked like a regular speedboat. You could have them built like this one with an open cockpit straight, drive engine set up or a V-Drive set up like the top photo shows. These were built in Stockton, California. Both the Belmonts and the Besotos were pretty popular at Lake Tahoe...
    images (1).jpg
    Finally, another speed boat that was popular up at Lake Tahoe in the 1950's. It was the Higgins speed boat. Higgins achieved fame for all the Landing Crafts he built for the D-Day landing at Normandie beach. He also built may PT Boats for the Navy. There was nothing very trick about these boats other than being built out of plywood instead of mahogony planking like the Chris Crafts and Century speed boats. They had a nice hull and ran fast enough if you had V-8 power, although most of the ones I saw were powered by straight-6 Gray Marine engines (the single exhaust is a giveaway on this boat). Top speed at Lake Tahoe for a straight-6 speed boat was about 40 to maybe 45 MPH (because of the altitude and because you usually had a 1/2 dozen friends piled in for a ride.

    Damn, I miss the '50's and the '60's...

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