Someone else's post on gas tanks made me think about this one, don't really want to run a cowl tank, but what kind of options do I have - especially on a pickup, or a fenderless car? I know that sidesaddle tanks are available that go along the running boards. Seems like I've seen one of those portable air tanks used as a fuel tank, although you have to adapt a sending unit to it, weld on a filler, etc. I'm thinking of measuring the space under the bed floor - bear in mind I haven't looked under there yet (I have to keep these cars 75 miles away if they don't have plates or the neighbors have a shit fit and whine to the town) to see if there actually is any room, but the bed on this truck sits on a base that looks like it leaves some room to hide a small flat rectangular tank above the frame and ahead of the rear crossmember. I have what I think is a Mustang tank, it came with a '50 Chevy trunk pan I picked up for that car but is not a Chevy tank, which I can use sort of as a guide to judge what might fit in there. I'm guessing if I go open drive I'd want to run a driveshaft loop if the tank is anywhere near the driveshaft, just in case it ever breaks. With a torque tube it doesn't seem like it would be as much of an issue.
in my `29 A pickup , which i built in the late 70's , i made a tank out of 16 gauge to fit under the bed floor and in front of the rear crossmember. i recall it held about 10 gallons , but there was room for a bigger tank. the filler neck stuck up through the bed floor never thought about a driveshaft loop
This is an interesting topic, one of which I've thought about before many times. Both of my Model A's are running stock tanks. What I've thought about doing is putting in fuel cell tank in the back and underneth somewhere. I've seen cars that have been hit from behind and sometimes the tank will rupture, so whatever you do make sure that it is protected well and gas line and filler can't be pulled out. Here is a link to Speedway and some of their fuel cell tanks. There are others, but these were the one's that I have thought about using.
That looks like a nice safe way to go, price is reasonable enough (as low as $150). The 8, 12 and 16 gallon units should be close to fitting set in the front of the bed floor. Looks like the disadvantages would be no sending unit and having to set it in the bed floor, no way to move the filler and you can't just toss crap in the bed when you're using your truck, as a truck. (you probably won't mess up the 20 gauge case, but they sell replacement caps for a reason I'm sure).
I had an aluminum tank made for under ther bed right behind the cab. Is about a 12 - 13 gallon. Took the fuel off of the front left side to a filter to a Steward Warner electric pump mounted on the frame. Cut the top and used an universal sending unit that came with my gauges. The fill neck is up through the bed with a 35 hubcap for a cover for it that snaps into the bed. Butch
Check out "Boones" car, he used a mustang gas tank which mounts flat, he set it under the rear seat frame... theres a ton of pics on his well in a tudor...
I have used the 32 style tank which worked out well,except of course if you get rearended that might not be good.I made a custom tank to go under the floor in another A sedan ,that didn't work out so good.I had a custom tank made for a 28 sedan,part of it went up under the rear of the body,the rest hang out[it was nice and round]and protected by the bumper,see 1st design.In a pickup I used a tank mounted below the bed floor with a piece of the bed wood hinged for access to the hidden filler.I have also used the stock tank in a few,including both the coupe and the roadster I built over the winter.It's just easier.The biggest drawback is the fuel gauge,which I solved by using the stock one and recessing it into the [steel]32 style dash with a piece of exhaust tubing.For the coupe I took an old SW gauge apart and used the bezel and the lens in the dash so it looks kinda like the rest of the gauges.No illumination at night though!
I just installed a 1932 Tank in a 1930 coupe It is not very hard, I made the frame, but you can buy one from a place called "Dagel's".
made and aluminum tank to go in front of the rear. has a tunnel in it for the drive shaft and 2 pickups on the bottom. flush harley gas cap to fill it and made the bed tilt so i did not have to see a filler in the bed. it holds 16.75 gallons.
You know, the bed on mine has a steel bottom - no wood. It needs to be redone anyways, the back had a load of trash left on it and it rotted underneath at the back. But I already know someone redid the truck once, since it has 34-36 wheels and bright blue paint. A coupe, the '32 tank works well, and you could slip something in the trunk too if you're not using a rumble seat. The mustang tank is a good fit for a tudor. I think with the pickup a similar tank with the filler on the side would work, if it's not too deep. Either made up from scratch, or adapted from something else. I'm thinking about hiding a tool box on one side maybe 6" wide, below the bed floor, and custom making a tank that is lower on the other side and has the fuel pickup there.
Aw man, you guys have gas tanks? I've been driving with a bucket of gas in my lap and a garden hose running out the window to the motor.
I put an aluminum one I got from Cabelos(not sure of spelling) out of the catalog=was for a boat and came with sender n fill hole I adapted gas filler tube to=worked good in a 28 pickup under bed in front of rear end
Probably Cabela's. Good outdoors store. I'm partial to the looks of a Model T tank in the bed, but if you're going to be using your truck as a truck, there are obvious disadvantages. -Dave
Kerry Hopperstad in Belvidere IL hand fabbed this stainless tank for me, abomber30 rolled the beads and fabbed the neck tube; it nestles into the space behind the seats. Early 60s Jag filler cap. Kinda overkill, holds 22+ gallons
Not a Model A but you get the picture. I had the local radiator shop solder some tubes on the top and bottom for a gas gauge.
In my Model A pickup, I have a custom built stainless steel tank running lengthwise on the driverside between the frame rail and the the driveshaft. It holds about 12 gallons. The filler neck comes out of the lower bed panel in front of the rear fender. I built a cardboard template of it initially to check for fit.
I made two tanks for my roadster that nest in the center H section of my frame. Because I decided I wanted to keep the rumble seat functional, and I had to recess the firewall because of the long Nailhead, this was my only option. Plus, I don't like the look of it hanging off the back 32-style. I made a template out of an EPS foam block, after I sanded it to fit, I transfered the dimensions into Pro-E (cad software) where I built a 3D model to get a volume measurement. It comes out to approx 7.5 gallons per tank, so 15 gallons total. Then cut the templates out of stainless and had a buddy who welds stainless tankers for a living weld them up. These are in the early stage in the pix. the sending unit is now in, and tabs are welded to the tanks and frame for mounting. I still need to connect them together so they fill evenly, add the fill tube, and vents, but you get the idea. Casey
Casey, Your tanks look nice!! Will they unbolt and drop out the bottom, in case you need to remove them for some reason?
Yes, exactly! There are 4 tabs, 2 on each end that bolt to some threaded standoffs I welded to the inside of the frame rails. The 5th tab runs perpendicular to the frame rail and bolts to a standoff welded to the vertical tube of the H memeber.
The stock vertical mounted gas tanks from 1961 thru 1964 Chevy Full size cars fits perfectly just below the rear glass panel on A coupes...the filler kneck was in the upper quarter panel corner just behind drivers side roof post. Plus side is it does not interfere with a coupes trunk space or the frame being kicked up in a sedan..... [It also fits nicely in the very rear of an A 2 door sedan] -behind the rear seat back..... new repros are available for 150-ish dollars