First time going, the wife and I had a blast, and it's definitely going to become an annual trip. Barely made it up in time for the cruise on Friday and then went and got hammered at the Moose Lodge. I have quite a few pics that I'll post once I get around to resizing them.........I noticed that some of the cars in the pics were in different spots then when I saw them on Sat .......I had to leave Sat night........Were there cars out in the park on Sun?
I took ALL of my pics Sunday.........I was busy beating on Mac Saturday and checkin out Church's new stuff. I'm sure Macs55 can help you with any questions about his Starliner.
Hey Brandy, They wouldn't let me bring in the Impala,so I parked as close as I could.Would have liked to see you take some pics of it,you have a good eye.Give yourself some credit!Maybe I can show you the Impala at the next event. Bad Bob P.S.-Love your personality,should have talked to you more,my loss.
Hahaha you love my personality? HAHAHAHA........I'm SO mean. Course I have a good eye, it's green like the color of money.......hell I even got two of them in the deal. NO really tho, thanx for the compliments everyone. I REALLY do NOT put any thought behind anything I take a picture of. I'm usually more interested in making sure I don't tear the ass out of my pants, making sure Ragdoll is there to hoist me BACK up from the crouching position and making sure I'm nowhere to be seen in the chrome because I SWEAR it adds 10 pounds.
Brandy, Great photos. love the merc. and the Desoto. All of the Strangers that went down had a great time. Can't wait till next year, wait we still have a bunch of kick ass shows coming up. Brad
Try again Alex.............mine took a shit because Photobucket said I exceeded my bandwidth in 3 days. I've upgraded so it should work now.
I forgot my camera at camp on Saturday so I didn't get as many shots as I wanted but here are a few and you can see more here.
Heres a couple i took on saturday. I knew Cole's 36 was gonna be nice but i had no idea how perfect it was until i saw it. Not to mention he was one of the nicest guys I talked to all weekend. Enjoy!!
[size=+2]from:[/size] [size=+2]to[/size] but i still made it there!! i had to finally had to give in after #7 because i'm not fucking around with no brake!! My Favorite: Amazing Striping With the gold leaf spade:
I saw your car there Jake and tried to find you but obviously had no luck. I still need to get my ass down there to check out the car, maybe when i get my Olds all fixed up and back on the road.
I think this is "Fonzie's" car... Looking for more pics... He had a website at one time. If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it. I was following his build but I lost track of it. Thanks, Mercman
Glad you liked the 36, I still have to do a few things to it when I get it back from upholstery shop (trunk,stereo) I yanked it from upholstery shop friday night in morrow bay. Did anyone take any shots of inside it? I didnt have a camera. Thanks - Cole
If you go to Miller Kustoms link, Jeremy took a pic of the headliner: its about halfway down These pics are all great. Cole that car is jaw-dropping, thats all there is to say-Seann
Hey Cole here are the two shots I got of the interior of the car, I've got hi-res ones at the link in the post above. Kirk's right, that headliner is bitchin'. The interior really finishes off the car right. Amazing!! I can't get enough of this car man, I've been dying to see it finished for so long. I'm sure that doesn't compare to how proud you are to be finishing up such a masterpeice though.
Really good pics ,thanks .....i have noticed all the female rodders in the pics all have nice cleavages is this the thing with all american female lucky lot.
yea, beautiful car...however, when i went to complement the owner, i was told to F&@# off before i got my ass kicked!!!??? huh? true story... i walked away quickly...other than that, it was a great time! nic
I'd kick yer ass too! I didn't see you there all weekend. You shoulda called me, we could have done coffee and went shoe shopping.
i was laying pretty low and hangin' with outta' towners... shoe shopping next time, darlin'...and you kicking my ass sounds kinda' fun... what would you be wearing? kisses n