lot of cool stuff going on there on that bench.I spy a Black Widow build up in the background,I'm on the hunt for the soft tires from the re-issue if you have any extras
don't be so hard on yourself,your builds are just as good as any.Your from the Peoria area,I'm from Springfield and have a model club that meets in Champaign at a hobby shop,one of the members is from Morton his name is Cary Foster.Can I interest you in hanging out with us this coming Sunday the 10th from noon -3 or 4 at Slot & Wings Hobbies on Bloomington Rd just off Prospect Ave exit.
thanks man,Replicas and Miniatures of Maryland cast some really nice Halibrands that fit the Black Widow soft tires.I had a set that I didn't use when I built the kit so they are already mounted on the Halibrands and I bought another kit from ebay and would like at least another 2 sets so then I can order 3 more sets of rims.Pretty cool wheels that will look good on Revells Highboy kit or Roadster.
I built this 8 years ago it wont numerous awards and features 110 machined aluminum parts I made mostly by hand myself.i took a modeling break but am In the process of starting to build again. The Willys Man
Also built this 38 willys coupe at the same time.I hand casted my own nose and used the 41 main body.it features 125 machined aluminum parts I made mostly myself.i have a machinist degree I never did nothing with but make model car parts lol.l guess I do it well. The Willys Man
Some good looking builds going on...... I acquired all these a while back ..was just going through them and trying to put them in some form of order....or I could use them to wall paper my hobby room that I am working on....? I saw something about the" Black Widow " I may have some parts from that kit.... I will look through some stuff see what I can find.... Sent from my QTASUN1 using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Thank you for the offer - that sounds like great fun! Unfortunately family commitments will have me tied up. Maybe another time if you meet regularly?
thanks for looking out but I was referring to the Black Widow from Monogram that was re-issued with rubber tires and not the plastic ones.Again,I appreciate the effort. George
your welcome,maybe next time.We get together every 2 months and the members are from the Central Illinois area,so we designated the hobby shop we meet as the place to go as it's a central location for the members.I'll let ya know when the next one will be and we'll go from there.
No problem..... I don't even know what them tires and wheels are from...the directions came with all of them others that I posted... you said the ones that your looking for are soft pliable rubber...the one's that I posted came from my , one of my, large tubs of just tires....and if this is not soft and pliable rubber....wow..any ways was just curious....my brother sets up and puts on estate sales and deals in old stuff ...so he runs across alot of stuff ..models , die-cast, old toys etc....and I usually end up with it...one room in my house is full of tubs and box's full just old toys ,models, die-cast, hot wheels on and on some I haven't even gone through yet..... I ,just got a couple more slot car tracks complete one appears to be never used...that makes 10or 12 sets now..they are just old Eldon sets but price was right..the plan is to combine them into a large Pike's Peak hill climb sort of set up in one of my other rooms....sorry for rambling....good luck on your search.... Sent from my QTASUN1 using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
I'm working on another badass willys.split grill 40 with a handcasted nose I did years ago. The Willys Man
I like building HAMB-friendly models of customs that are a bit wacky. The original car is easily seen but there are one or more major mods that other builders usually don't do. Here's a '60 Ford three-wheeler from a couple of years ago. Currently I'm working on this custom rod as if it was commissioned by Pontiac in 1961. The much-modified body is from a Club De Mer concept from the mid '50s. It's on a Z'd 1961 Ventura chassis with a 389 and 3-2s. Here's a rough mockup of my next one: a '66 Riviera. The body is narrowed but the suspension and fenders remain at their stock width. The fenders will be finished to mimic older cars with separate fenders as they were in the '30s.
And my last built is a '50 Cadillac from "MODELHAUS",shaved,dropped,sombrero hubcaps with bullet & two-tons paint!!
Glad to see I'm not the only one that likes to cut these things up and rebuild them into something else....I have a shoebox project going on myself...mine is a die cast...I started it over a year ago, and just recently brought it out sgain for some roof ideas...here's some idea's I was coming up with.... Sent from my SM-T387V using The H.A.M.B. mobile app