We just finished 3 days of shoveling snow off the roof, 3 foot drifts on the south side of it. Now it is snowing again. Dave
I wish that the Globull warming was actually true. I hate the cold more every winter. I getting too old to cut so much firewood. I had cut all the viable firewood trees on my other place and my home corner. Bought 4 acres ajoining my other place last November. Ive already cleared a 1/2 acre just cutting firewood. My outside wood stove use's a lot of wood. My wife isn't happy unless its 80 degrees in the house.
Don't forget that winter came on strong well before thanksgiving this year. Tried to finish the siding on my garage addition. Guess I'll get it done sometime soon.
We all know it's winter and can expect snow and cold up north here, but we've had big-time RECORD Snow and Cold this year. Now the forecast here is for 10" of snow starting tomorrow night and thru the weekend, then another Storm forecast for the middle of next week. Then,,, let the floods begin..........Beam me up Scottie !!!
I just put tire chains on one of my doodlebugs so I can get out back for MORE wood . I carry in four 5 gallon buckets of wood at dusk to get through these single digit nights and it's really getting old. I go through last years pics to keep me going lately....because...."i'm fucking losing it"... But the weather might finally break this weekend? two days ago:
Thanks @BLUSHU yes it is Hamber @Koz's workmanship I believe with Homemadehardtop's assistance. It uniquely is formed like the original canvas and is reminiscent of vintage WWll aircraft skin Aviation certainly influenced the Hotrod/Custom/Race movements over time...
Damn -27C this morning. I think this is the end of the deep freeze as daytime temps are going to be near or above freezing for the next week.
Its warming up here and just starting to drizzle rain. I went and hauled a load of firewood today. got it unloaded and under cover before it started to Rain. Its forcasted to be in the 60's Saturday with strong wind and Thunderstorms. However the jonquils are bloomed. and the elm trees are starting to bud. greenup has to be close. Also the deer have already shed their antlers
Sure we're all cold and want to get out and drive, but let's all stop feeling sorry for ourself. Take a minute to think about the tornados that ripped thru the south and the massive flooding on the west coast. We will eventually get warm and then bitch about how hot it is, but those people have had their houses, garages AND their cars totally destroyed. Anyone want to trade situations?
No bitching about the heat this year! At least when it’s 95 out, I can drive the old Chevy and ride my Harley! Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Low 30's everyday this week, just got the bugs worked out of the '47 and haven't been able to drive it due to cold and rain, maybe someday soon.