Been trying to re up my subscription. I tried at the GNRS was told they were only doing it online. Been trying to do it online but it just kept saying "subscription sold out" now today there is a letter under subscriptions that doesn't sound good! Best magazine out there hope they are not done! That’s the letter. I’d say they are probably looking for a new printer or something that can keep up with the growing demand. Generally if your going under you don’t say stuff like “growing pains” Just calm down and I’m sure they’ll let us know what’s going on.
Sounds like the management doesn't want to do what some magazines in the past have done and sell new subscription, take your money and not be able to provide the product, that's the mark of a good business decision and doesn't leave a bad taste in the mouth of the subscriber. I for one have had it happen to me and if the defunct title was revived I don't think I would invest my hard earned money again. I appreciate the Hop Up crews being up front with their situation. HRP
Well, that answers my question. ‘Hope they find a way to keep it going. The publishing business is brutal these days.
This's one of my favorite magazines and I for one still like my print. I really enjoy the purity and how non commercial it is throughout. That's why I advertise, and the fact that good people are behind it. I wonder if there's more or something that we could do as consumers/subscribers? I think the majority of us want to see HOP UP and others live on (if there really is any threat of them stopping print). Maybe they need more committed subscribes? I would imagine if there was a need we'd come to aid to see it live on!
That sounds like the polite way to tell you some of the crew thinks they need to add more ads, or charge more for the mag, or they want to just be done and move on. The idea that want to get feed back from current subscribers probably means the end product probably doesn't look much like what you have seen in the past. One has to wonder that if they haven't been taking subscriptions for a while, who exactly are the "current subscribers" they waiting to hear from? Gene
I'm seeing a lot of the same chicken little responses that popped up when The Rodders Journal was offering lifetime subscriptions to raise capital... Lots of assumption that Hop Up is done and out. While I won't say I'm friends with any of the crew running Hop Up, I've met a couple of them on numerous occasions and know that everyone involved is very invested and involved in not only the magazine, but our hobby in general. I believe that if they thought they were done, they'd be upfront about that. Let's not count them down and out until they decide they're down and out.
Just got the latest issue a few days ago and it was a good one. They're still taking my money for my ad. I'm sure as with every business there's a few hiccups along the way. I'd resubscribe today if my sub was up.
Hey I dropped a hundo at Autorama.. love my new Hop Up zip up hoodie.. got more Hop Up stuff to wear. They aren’t going this crew!!
Got my latest Hop Up on Monday. I’ve probably been stiffed on as many short subscriptions as anybody I know. Go live in a cave if you can’t roll with the punches. There are way more important things to stress over than this particular situation. CHILL.
The print magazine is a difficult business, especially when you only have 18 subscribers (Right Morty?). And they have been busting their butts to give us an additional high end/traditional hot rod magazine. I would work for free for them, if they would have me,,,,
Never found the online version by Mark Morton, Veteren hot rod builder, publisher, entrepeneur, and George Dickel sampler? Never heard of Hop Up. How about Stormy Daniels? (Ain't thet right, Whiskey Man?)
I Just spent the weekend hanging with one of the partners in Hop Up at the Detroit Autorama. I wouldn't worry about their future. They are all true car people and have a passion for what they do. If you've read the magazine that's obvious. While we did not talk about it this weekend, I'm betting they are just experiencing some growing pains. I, for one, will just keep buying their magazine and wearing their merchandise to show my support to one of the highest quality hot rod publication to ever be produced.
I know all 4 of them.. and you guys are suckers..... Please relax... this is S A R C A S M..... they are all super folks and quite passionate of what they do.. all is fine and healthy...