Hey y’all! Haven’t logged in here in a long time but I’ve been lurking! I recently started building my tudor after collecting parts and piddling around the last two years with ideas. Shooting for a late ‘50s styled street/strip car. (Technically I think considered an altered from how much my engine is set back ) Any who. I see a lot of T’s that are well built, but the proportions are always a mile off and that bums me out. I tried my hardest to nail the proportions on my car..I like it! These are the last few mock-up pictures, it’s getting town down for paint and finishing this week. Thanks and take care
I love the direction you're heading, maybe time to start on my '27 T Tudor. I'll be watching this one [emoji869]
love the profile... but IMO... I think the w/s header should be sectioned 2" to 3" as the windows are considerably taller... oh, and it helps the traffic light thing... ...go s55b go !
^^^^ Have to agree with the guys above, please trim up into that windshield header! Match the windows height in the doors? With the w/s frame, it'll appear lower than it looks 'empty'... Traffic lights are a very real situation. Ask me how I know...
Yeah that header panel is trimmed shorter than stock. I was thinking about trimming it more, but I think I’ll leave it, seeing is overrated anyways. I’m making my roll bar brackets tomorrow then the body’s coming off to get worked over with new patch panels and the works. Planning on having the whole car apart by tomorrow night to weld out my frame and get that in paint. Thanks! Ps. Still bouncing around header ideas...any ideas fellas? Thinking some staggered drag pipes
Looks like you're off to a good start. I second Atwater Mike's comment about the windshield header. You can take about 3" (if I remember correctly) out of it if you're careful. I did the same on mine and was able to keep the factory top and bottom so the frame would fit right. I have some photos in my thread if you want a reference.... https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/oldsboy-_t-sedan-build.549465/ Keep on it. It's good to see another T coming to life!
That looks like it's going to be a great car! Your radiator looks like it's sitting a little high in relation to the cowl in this pic though. Do you have any blocks under the body yet? As for visibility, here's a zany idea, I was shopping around on Sailrite yesterday and found this stuff, you could make a clear cover for the roof with it. I've been pondering uses for it myself since I dig the look. They have the regular clear stuff too. It's what you'd use for side curtain windows on an open car. It's not that expensive either. https://www.sailrite.com/Monofilm-4mil-X-Ply-54 You could also use a mesh for the visor. Also, check out this post from @Jive-Bomber this morning: https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/be-differen-t.1142356/
Thanks for the input guys! The header is staying, it’s actually not bad sitting in the car, and I like the look of having some “meat” above the windshield. A shallow visor might happen, we’ll see.. The radiator is actually about an inch below the top of my cowl, my grill shell falls about a 1/2” below, to me that’s money...it might end up getting a three piece hood once it’s done. The frame is in my garage now getting welded out, I have a few small gussets to add around my steering column mount, radiator supports and two legs to add to my cross member. Then it’s time to prime and paint it. During that time I’ll be freshening up my suspension components and getting that prepped to throw under my frame. Then it’ll be time to finish my body. Motors waiting in the wings...
That shits pretty cool! The clear roof idea probably won’t happen though. It’s getting an insert made, courtesy WW2 era canvas tent.
Checking in. Frame is DONE (well almost, I ran out of paint at 3am so it needs another coat.) Gonna try to have my suspension and fun shit all assembled, loctited, and in paint by this week and under the frame. I’m tired.
Hey guys hope everyone is staying safe out there. I’m back on it, body’s up on horses getting finished this week; planning on joining the two here soon. Chassis is back together! This was taken pre shock install. I need header ideas.
Started lining up window frames and finishing the chop. Doors are hinged and opening (phone died before I got more pictures last night.) Scored the correct latches and modified hinges from an earlier T to work. I’ll be hammering down on it this week