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History What Ever Happened to..........?

Discussion in 'Traditional Customs' started by OG lil E, Apr 19, 2016.

  1. papa's 39 koop
    Joined: Apr 20, 2011
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    papa's 39 koop

    Scan 19.jpeg
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  2. papa's 39 koop
    Joined: Apr 20, 2011
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    papa's 39 koop

    I believe I took these at Hangin Dice maybe 86 or 87. Took me a while to dig them out. Think this is the one you looking for.
    drdave, loudbang, OG lil E and 4 others like this.
  3. What Ever Happened To..........? number 165.

    1949 Chevy Fleetline
    Owners: Ken and Sue Harper
    Holland, Michigan

    If you've been following customs and going to shows for a long time like me, you've probably seen the Harpers' '49 Fleetline before. I've seen it in magazines and car show videos for years, and I decided to try and find out more about it and add it to our growing list.
    I saw the car in person at the 20th Leadsled Spectacular in Wichita back in 2000. The pearl job on this car is outstanding! The car really shines in the daytime, but at night it takes on a ghostly glow that really stands out even under the street lamps. I remember how my late friend Charlie kept going back to give the Chevy another once over all weekend. The pearl really knocked our socks off!
    The Harpers were regulars at the Leadsled Spectacular a lot more than I originally thought. I watched a lot of video searching for this car, and it has one of the longest Leadsled attendance lists of the many cars we've covered. The first time I saw the Fleetline on video was from the '89 Leadsled in Davenport, Iowa. On that video the car was shaved and looking clean and ready for paint in ruddy brown primer. One of the "tells" for this Chevy was the fact that the Harpers had Briz bumpers on it, one of the only Fleetlines I've ever seen with them. The next time I saw the car was on the '91 video from Hamilton, Ohio. This time the car had a new look in a pinkish primer. Ken had a sign in front of the car telling that the car was not painted, but was in "raspberry primer" and that paint was soon to follow. The car's appearance stayed the same for quite a few years after that as the Harpers attended many shows in the following years. They were at the Spectacular in '92 (Holland. Michigan), '93 in Springfield, Ohio, '94 in Huntsville, Alabama, and '96 in Hamilton, Ohio. They may have been at the Spectacular in '95, but I don't have a video for that year to verify. They also made one appearance at Sled Scene East in Pennsylvania in '92 as well.
    My video collection is missing a few Spectaculars in the 90s, and since I don't have '97-'99, I can't say if the Harpers were there or not, at least from video sightings. Judging by their past history and the way they travelled all over the country, I'd venture a guess and say they were probably there in '97 and '99. I did see their car on page 67 in the March '99 issue of Custom Rodder in their coverage of the '98 Leadsled Spectacular in Davenport, Iowa. It was a nice picture, but I didn't scan it as I found quite a few pictures of the car elsewhere that I will share shortly. It was in that show coverage where I saw the beautiful pearl job the Harpers had on their car for the first time. I mentioned above that I saw the car in 2000, so we have that sighting. (On a side note, the Harpers changed the bumpers around 2000 and the Briz bumpers were gone, replaced by nicely chromed stockers.)
    I have @John B's copy of the '01 Spectacular in Lancaster, Ohio and the Harpers were there again. I have two copies of '02 (again in Lancaster) that John B and Charlie shot, but I didn't see the car on either of those DVDs. My collection of the Spectacular ends in '02.
    It seems like the Harper's made one final appearance at the Spectacular in '06 (in Salina) as I found pictures of the car on Carnut's website in a folder for that show. After that, I never saw any more pictures of the car all the way up until the show last year ('18).
    The Harpers did submit their car to the KKOA for their second book (2003), and it was accepted and printed on page 124.

    Ken n Sue Harper 49 Fleetline a KKOA1p124.jpg

    For the Harpers' car I did find quite a few pictures. That's nice for a change, huh? Lately pictures have been hard to come by for this thread. These pictures are courtesy of @KustomLincolnLady on Rikster's site and the Carnut website. I can't say when each picture was taken, but you can see subtle changes like the different bumpers and year of manufacture license plates. You'll also notice a picture of the Harpers' trailer that tagged along with them on most every trip. I couldn't find any pictures of the car when it was in primer. Maybe someone has one to post.

    Ken n Sue Harper 49 Chevy b KLL.jpg

    Ken n Sue Harper 49 Chevy c.jpg

    Ken n Sue Harper 49 Chevy e CarNut.jpg

    Ken n Sue Harper 49 Chevy g CarNut.jpg

    Ken n Sue Harper 49 Chevy h CarNut.jpg

    I had more pictures, but most were the same angles so I didn't post them all. You can see how different the paint looked in all the shots as the pearl on the car shifts in different light.
    So that's all I have this week. I'd like to know where the Harpers were from in Michigan, as I was never able to find what town they were from. I do know that they were active members of the Wanderers Car Club out of Western Michigan.
    I hope the Harpers are still at it cruising their sweet Chevy all over, as it seems like that's what they really liked to do!
    I hope everyone had a nice Easter, and you're as tickled as I am that the weather is getting better. I think it's safe to say cruisin' time is here! Yahoo!!!
    Until Tuesday rolls around again, take it easy! E
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2019
  4. John B
    Joined: Mar 9, 2001
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    John B

    I talked to Ken at CCR a year or so back. Let me dig for my pictures.

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  5. John B
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    John B

  6. John B
    Joined: Mar 9, 2001
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    John B

    Hamtown Al, drdave, OG lil E and 6 others like this.
  7. 30 minutes or less!
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  8. KustomLincolnLady
    Joined: Oct 17, 2003
    Posts: 1,030


    I don't remember a fire but I know that the building or bar it was stored in collasped on the roof of the car. Could have possibly been from a fire.
    They have been regulars at CCR for quite a few years [emoji7]

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  9. KustomLincolnLady
    Joined: Oct 17, 2003
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    They live in Holland, Mi and were very active in Leadsled preps from all the shows in Holland. I know they were at every leadsled show we were at for years. They came to Maybe Baby too.
    They travel with Merryman's almost always. Great people!

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  10. KustomLincolnLady
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  11. stanlow69
    Joined: Feb 21, 2010
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    That`s him in the white shirt standing in front of the trailer that Ed posted above. Any body have a picture of the display board that shows all the versions of his car. The Merryman`s have a 4-dr chopped Desoto. Scan0934.jpg
    drdave, OG lil E, Sancho and 4 others like this.
  12. KustomLincolnLady
    Joined: Oct 17, 2003
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  13. 'Mo
    Joined: Sep 26, 2007
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    I asked about those beautiful wheel lips, and was told they were cut by hand (using shears) from a Hudson, at the wrecking yard.

  14. Moriarity
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
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    Hey Ed.... @OG lil E you really need to come to Ccr.....
  15. John B
    Joined: Mar 9, 2001
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    John B

    He's right ya know. I hate to sound like a jerk but as far as I'm concerned CCR has become the top custom show. All killer, no filler.

    As for me thinking it was a fire that brought on the latest incarnation of Ken and Sue's ride, I'll admit my memory doesn't work like it should since I was in that coma a few years back. I know it was damaged for sure, but I may be thinking fire when it was something else.

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  16. Wow, you guys are all over this one! Glad to hear the Harpers and their Chevy are still together enjoying car life. I didn't know they were now regulars at the CCR. At a glance I would have never known the Harpers' Fleetline in the new red paint. I'm glad to know that after nearly being destroyed it was saved and is still cruising the streets. It looks very nice in red, but I'll miss the old version. I like wild paint.
    Thanks for the city information Debb (@KustomLincolnLady). I'll update the thread.
    No CCR this year. Too much going on and I won't be able to get away. E
  17. John B
    Joined: Mar 9, 2001
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    John B

    CCR 2016 - a couple more

    Attached Files:

  18. KustomLincolnLady
    Joined: Oct 17, 2003
    Posts: 1,030


    You know @OG lil E I loved the old paint, we have known the Harper's for many years, and I didn't even recognize the car the first time they pulled into CCR. I still can't get used to it!

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  19. .....unlike..... ;)
  20. What Ever Happened To..........? number 166.

    1950 Oldsmobile "Peggy Sue"
    Owner: Jack "Bubba" Hughes
    Hamilton, Ohio

    The custom this week is one that you may recognize, and we have actually touched on it a few times in this thread. A few pictures have been posted as well, but the history on it has been a little vague. I thought it would be a welcome addition to this thread, and hopefully more history will come of it.
    Jack "Bubba" Hughes has been a fixture in the custom movement for many years. He was active in the KKOA, and at one time he was the chaplain for the KOA before it folded. He has had a number of fine customs, including his awesome '50 Olds affectionately known as "Peggy Sue". Jack was a regular at many KKOA events as well as the KOA. He still attends the James Dean shows in Indiana and he attended the CCR within the last few years. "Peggy Sue" was sold a number of years back which we'll get to in a few minutes, but his custom these days is this cool '60 Impala. Photo courtesy of @John B.

    Jack Hughes' 60 Imp JBC.jpg

    Jack attended the Leadsled Spectacular many times in a few different cars. I can't say exactly which cars were there what years, but I did find the '50 on many videos. Jack and "Peggy Sue" were at the Spectacular in '89 in Davenport, Iowa, in '92 in Holland, Michigan, '93 in Springfield, Ohio and '96 in Hamilton, Ohio. Like I mentioned, he was there many years, but these are the years I actually saw the Olds on the videos.
    Early on the car was fairly mild with shaved handles, trim, frenched headlights and bubble skirts. This is the way it appeared in the first KKOA book (1993) on page 63.

    Jack Hughes' 50 Olds a KKOA1 p63.jpg

    Our own Jim Stanley (@stanlow69), also a regular at the Spectacular took this shot of Jack's car at one show. You can see interesting details in this pic like the dingle balls above the rear window and the trademark wild Hughes' hubcaps.

    Jack Hughes' 50 Olds d unchopped JStanley.jpg

    I can't say what year exactly, but eventually Jack's '50 went under the knife and was chopped, crossing over from the mild custom side to the wild side. During this time the car received many other modifications including a wild interior with a really cool guitar on the back seat, neon lighting and so on. I've seen a few pictures of Jack's interior, but I couldn't seem to find one. I'm sure that Jim (@stanlow69) or @John B can help here.
    This version of the car was pictured in the second KKOA book from 2003 on page 170.

    Jack Hughes' 50 Olds b KKOA2 p170.jpg

    Jack attended a KOA show in Tennessee in 1993. I found a few pictures from that show on Rikster's site, but I couldn't find who the photographer was. You can clearly see the car was chopped at this time.

    Jack Hughes' 50 Olds f KOA TN 93.jpg

    Jack Hughes' 50 Olds g KOA TN 93.jpg

    I also found one other nice shot on Carnut's website from another unknown photographer. I believe it was taken at a James Dean Run Show. I don't know the date of this picture, but you can see the '50 was chopped.

    Jack Hughes' 50 Olds e JaDnRun carnut.jpg

    Jack and "Peggy Sue" were a fixture at shows for many years, but in the early 2000s Jack decided to put the car up for sale. I remember seeing it in the KOA Styleline newsletter classifieds in many issues. Then, in the July/August 2003 issue of the Styleline, I saw a bold "sold" stamped across the ad. "Peggy Sue" was headed to a new home.

    Jack Hughes' 50 Olds b KKOA TS JulAug 03.jpg

    After the car was sold, I never saw it again that I know of. The car may have been painted and taken out of the white suede, but all the Oldsmobile customs similar to Jack's that I've found look to be another car.
    That is where you custom faithful come in. I know many of you are active in the Ohio and Indiana areas and may know the whereabouts of the car. Also, many of you know Jack and may talk to him from time to time and can maybe find out from the man "hisself" what became of his girl, "Peggy Sue"..........
    Let's see what turns up.
    Until next time, see you around! E
  21. stanlow69
    Joined: Feb 21, 2010
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    If he attended the CCR, would of been nice to meet him again. As always, good write up.
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  22. KustomLincolnLady
    Joined: Oct 17, 2003
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    Humm don't ever remember him at CCR, Jack's brother Bubba, lives in Fort Wayne. Haven't seen him in years. Bubba pinstripped our 51 Pontiac, LaBamba. Their Mother lived about 5 blocks from where we used to live and we often saw "Peggy Sue" parked at her house.

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  23. KustomLincolnLady
    Joined: Oct 17, 2003
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    Couldn't remember Jacks brothers name last night. It's Bill Hughes (Bubba)

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  24. I guess my mention of Jack being at the CCR was a little vague. I remember someone posted that he was at the CCR. I can't remember what year, or who posted it, but if I'm not mistaken, there was a picture of Jack checking out the cars at the show.
    Jack didn't take a car of his own, but rode to the show with somebody to check it out.
    Does this sound familiar to anyone? I've been digging around the HAMB looking for that post but it seems to have dropped off into the twilight zone..........E
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  25. Ron
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
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    I've been to every year I don't remember him but, not say he couldn't have been there and I did not see him.

    I'll just throw this out there, any car featured in this thread has an open invitation to the CCR.

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  26. KustomLincolnLady
    Joined: Oct 17, 2003
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    I agree Ron, I sure don't recall him being there either, and we've been every year. But like you if he came as a spectator it would be pretty easy to miss him. Heck 1/2 the time I can't find Rob lol

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  27. Got a stupid question.What is a screw jack suspension?Is it another term for hydraulics?Forgive my ignorance I just never have heard of that before.
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  28. s55mercury66
    Joined: Jul 6, 2009
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    from SW Wyoming

    I have never heard of that being used on a custom car, but on circle track cars, with coil springs, there is a bolt running through a nut that is welded in place where the shock absorber used to be, on the front of a GM car anyway. That bolt pushes on a cup that is on top of the coil spring, allowing a person to add or subtract "weight" at that particular corner of the car. Adjusting the screw down to add weight to that corner, or adjusting the screw up to take it away. Could someone adapt that with an electric motor like an old satellite dish aimer to a car? Or has someone already done so and I've never heard of it?
  29. What Ever Happened To..........? number 167.

    1959 Ford Galaxie "Cathi's Clown"
    Owners: Joey and Cathi Calato
    Baltimore, Maryland

    This week's car is pretty obscure, and I'll be really surprised if anybody other than those that went to the KKOA's Sled Scene East in the early 90s will recognize it. As far as I know, the Calatos never attended a Leadsled Spectacular, just Sled Scene East.
    The way I discovered this Galaxie was when I looked through the first KKOA book from 1993 after I bought it on Ebay. Thumbing through it I saw the Galaxie and liked it immediately. The Calatos sent in a picture of their '59 Galaxie and it was printed on page 123.

    Joey and Cathi Calato 59 Galaxie a KKOA1p123.jpg

    The write up was very nice and gave a cool little history of the car. Remember when you could find a nice clean 50s cruiser for a good price that ran and drove? Add a few goodies, lower it down and you were cruisin'. It all used to be so simple. Those were the days!
    The Calato's Galaxie was very mild, with mostly bolt ons and lowering, but this car seems like the type of car that a kid in the 50s or early 60s would have had to go to school in, get to their little part time job, take on dates or just cruise around in. A few dollars here and there and they had a neat car they could be proud of.
    Since the picture in the KKOA book is black and white, it made it tricky to find the car. The thing that really helped identify the car was the name "Cathi's Clown" lettered underneath the trunk lid, along with the silly arm hanging from the trunk. That's when it all came to light.
    I saw the Galaxie on the Sled Scene East videos I have. The Colatos were regulars at the show, and they were on the videos I have from '92-'94. That was when I was finally able to see the color of the car--nice Ford baby blue.
    Joey was the president of a custom club called "Street Cars of Desire" and their club was at every Sled Scene east I have videos of. They were very active on the east coast.
    On the '92 video, there is footage of them receiving the "Little Guy Award". This was an award that was given out at Sled Scene East for folks who may not have had the most beautiful car at the show or the most radical, but for people who just loved to cruise, go to shows and have a good time. They looked proud to receive the honor, and their clean mild custom baby blue Galaxie fit the bill perfectly.
    Recently I was watching a video on Youtube of Sled Scene East from 1991. If you read the caption on the Galaxie that was posted in the KKOA book, you noticed that Joey talked about the number of horns he had on his sled. Well, as I was watching the video, cars were rolling into the park and the cameraman was catching all the action. You could hear different horns in the background. First a cattle caller, then a Bermuda bell chimed a few times. Next was the blast of an old siren. That's about the time you see the Galaxie come into the shot. It turns in front of the camera and enters the park. The next horn you hear is a beep-beep Roadrunner style horn and then the cattle caller again. You know it was the Calatos. The video was shot in black and white, so again, the color was in question, but the rolling horn collection gave it away.
    I've included a link to the video. It's a nice way to spend some time as the show looked great! If you watch the video I put a link to, you'll see the Calato's car cruising into the park that I described. It's at about 8:40 on the video.

    Unfortunately, I couldn't find any pictures or more information on the car. Maybe it's because the Calatos stayed mostly in the east and east coast pictures from that time frame can be hard to come by. Another thing is that maybe their car was so mild that people didn't take many pictures of it. The last thing is that a lot of folks don't really seem to care for '59 Galaxies, so maybe it just got skipped. That one I'll never be able to understand as I've always liked '59 Galaxies. When I was a kid, I called them "owl cars" and they were always cool to me. Don't you wish you would have bought one when nobody wanted them? Wish I did!
    Let's hope the Calatos are still cruising around, blasting horns and having a good time out east and beyond! I hope you guys have more on them and "Cathi's Clown".
    Until next Tueday rolls around again, y'all take care! E
    Ron, kidcampbell71, stanlow69 and 6 others like this.
  30. John B
    Joined: Mar 9, 2001
    Posts: 1,498

    John B

    Joey Calato is still around. He's on Facebook. DJ's a dance party at a Senior Center. From the photos on his page the car is still with him and Cathi as well.

    Found this one that was taken by Grant Deffinbaugh in 2013

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