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Hot Rods 32 cabriolet that was in same Spokane family 75 years now DRIVING with 425 GS Buick engine!!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Hamtown Al, Apr 22, 2018.

  1. Hamtown Al
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    I left it there this morning. In addition to the pipes, he is also going to revise my trans mount again to be much more solid and to increase air flow over the cooler. He is also going to finish up that "hump thing.";):):) I asked him to straighten out any other particular shortfalls he found.;)
    I took him a second passenger side manifold I got from Tom T in case he thinks that will work better. Big Thank You to TomT for sharing his Buick treasures... actually it was a leftover but it sounds better to call it treasure.:D:D
    Hopefully I will get a call sometime next week... the sooner the better!
    We need to get back to showing off!:eek::D:D
    Thanks to all for the continued interest.
    Resting Al
  2. Wow! Sounds like you have a very good pipe man. Tom T. and his Buick stuff are both treasures.
    OLSKOOL57, loudbang and Hamtown Al like this.
  3. Hamtown Al
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    Readily agree
    on TomT!!

    Update: Pipe man says might be ready tomorrow!!

    Ready Al
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    from KS

  5. Hamtown Al
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    ^^ The video was very large and not very well done... and I don't know how to post it.
    In other news, the pipe man called late yesterday and said won't be ready today but should be by Wednesday.
  6. YOO HOO! Tomorrow. Hoping for dry weather and dry asphalt for more "showin' off".:D
  7. Hamtown Al
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    Thanks to some help from Don to test my ability to forward an email that has the video; I can forward the video, such as it is!, to those that PM me your email address.
    Please understand that I make no claims to be any good at making a really good viewable video:eek: but the sound track of the big Buick is great!:)
    The video begins with the very first time I attempted to move the car under its own power... and it worked! Once out of the garage and up the hill I decided to test the transmission to see if it shifts... and it did!!:)
    Just a loud trip around the block.:eek: Engine only had exhaust manifolds on it.;)
    Send me you email at your own risk!:D:D
    Thanks for your interest,
  8. Hamtown Al
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    IMG_4487.JPG Out of trailer and quick trip around the block. The transmission shifted smoothly and seemed to work fine.
    IMG_4488.JPG Tailpipes tucked discreetly under rear fenders.
    IMG_4489.JPG Forgot a picture but he did a great job on the transmission hump, too.
    Happy Al
    PS Don, no showing off on my trip around the block... this time!!
  9. Hamtown Al
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    IMG_4490.JPG Much better than mine for sure! Also included a modification to hump for driver's big foot to get to the gas pedal comfortably.
    I'm trying to get the headlights figured out and wired. Got headlights and bumper back on it.
    Looking like a real car now.
    The bad news is that I took the little chrome piece that holds the front of the hood to the radiator shell and put it some place really safe... so safe even I can't find it!!
  10. Al, I did the same thing years ago when putting my A roadster back together. Only, it was the chrom piece on the cowl that held the rear of the hood. Never could find it, had to order a new replacement. Good luck, I hope you find yours!
  11. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
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    That is your subconscious saying that you really want to run without a hood. Show off that motor! (Opportunity?)
  12. Hamtown Al
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    IMG_4495.JPG IMG_4496.JPG Up to auto parts for relays for headlights. The good news is it seems the odometer began working on the way back home!
    Also had to tighten fan belt a bit.
    Still Workin' Al
    PS Note the unsplit wishbone.
  13. Looks great, Al. That Nailhead looks right at home in there.:)
  14. BamaMav
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    Love it!
    loudbang and Hamtown Al like this.
  15. Like the nailhead and fenders..nice Hot Rod.
    loudbang and Hamtown Al like this.
  16. Hamtown Al
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    Well, I finished wiring the headlights and took it out for a spin and I thought, "What can I do to celebrate?"
    IMG_4498.JPG Y'all knew it was coming!;):D:D
    Anyway, the dang speedometer cable was raising cain so I went by the hardware store and bought some synthetic miracle grease and drove home. I lubes the cable liberally and decided on another test drive.
    The good news is the cable got real quiet pretty quickly. The bad news is the odometer and tripometer aren't working again!:(
    PS I pulled up to the ice cream shop and a lady in the group said, "It's a Buick." I said it was a Ford. She said it said Buick on the engine...:D:D I've got to find that thingie that holds the front of the hood on.;):D:D
  17. Hamtown Al
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    It used to be that you could take your old part into an auto parts store and they could give an exact, or close approximation, of the part you brought in. Not anymore. You would think that if the ride height of a shock was 12 inches you could find a similar shock. The NAPA guy said I'll probably have to go online to a rod shop to find the needed shock. Online guys would sell you any shock you had a part number for but couldn't help you find one like you needed. I finally got some real help from some folks at Oreillys that were determined to help me. They showed me the options for hunting by parameter and together we finally found a pretty close approximation. No dust shield but by then I didn't care.
    For those of you that need a shock that has studs on each end and has a 12" ride height, write down Monroe part number 5751. We found it by using the compressed length of the shock--- it had to go in the mount!
    I'll test them tomorrow but I'm certain they will perform better than the ones that were likely put on in the 1980s.
    IMG_4511.JPG IMG_4512.JPG
    Luckily, we finally found a close match and they had them delivered in the afternoon and I got them on by the end of the day but I was tired. I had to cut access holes in floor of trunk because the shock stud was hitting the bottom of the floor. The round access holes allowed me to get to the top of the shocks easily. I'll look for rubber caps to cover the holes. Opportunities!
    I should have gone for more ice cream!
  18. Ford blue blood
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    Ford blue blood

    Good parts guys are hard to come by! Most of them now couldn't find a ballast resistor (personal experience) if it isn't in the computer. My NAPA has books that list the shocks they carry. Each shock has it's respective dampening, compressed length, expanded length, and end fittings. They even have a book that will find the correct u-joint for those Ford drive shaft to Chevy rear end installs. Just have to know how to use the book! My place is great, free roaming of the gas, vacuum, heater and radiator hose area. They have the books and share:<).
  19. Hamtown Al
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    The front shocks went much easier.:) First, I had a set of new Pete and Jake's front shocks part number 2084 which are pretty short. However, the new shocks had a sleeve in the top whereas the top shock mount on the car did not use a sleeve.:eek:
    IMG_4513.JPG The new shocks had a slightly shorter compressed length which I thought was a good thing as there would be less chance to bottom the shocks out on a hard bump.
    IMG_4515.JPG I used my watchmaker vice;):D as a press.
    IMG_4516.JPG Here it is with the sleeve partially pushed out of the bushing.
    After removing the bushing, I used my drill press with a large bit to ream out the rubber bushing to fit the larger top shock mounting shaft on the car. I squirted the mounting shafts with Armor All and the nut studs with WD40.
    Now we have new shocks all around.:)
    Hopefully, it will ride better and handle better, too.;)
  20. Hamtown Al
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    The ride is better and I think the old front shocks were bottoming out when backing out of the garage as I would feel a pretty solid bump unless I went very slow. With the new shocks; I tested my theory by backing out not quite as slowly and no bump. Progress! It seemed to ride and handle better, too, with new shocks all around.
    IMG_4518 (2).JPG IMG_4519.JPG Speaking of progress, I insulated the floor under the seats and also the firewall. As I was considering the approach for the firewall, I decided to check out the old material I removed before modifying the firewall. It looked to be from an original insulation kit for the car as it was precut and fit well. I had to trim it some but managed to use a good bit of the original material on top of the first layer of insulation that consisted of Peel and Seal.
    I'm getting there.
    IMG_4520.JPG Speaking of getting there; I still have not found the original chrome piece for the front of the hood but did remember that I might have a new one that I got along with some other 32 parts I got when I bought my 32 gasser a few years ago. Found the new one right off!
    I might have to consider removing the hood sides to show the engine... it hadn't crossed my mind until I spoke with a pal and also got the comments from y'all.
    I've still got to insulate under the battery before I reinstall the passenger seat.
  21. Hamtown Al
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    I drove my 36 cabriolet to York last weekend. While there, I ordered a jim dandy air cleaner for my car that is made by O'Brien Truckers... it looks like made for the Buick and Dennis helped me check into getting the two Rivieras last fall.;) The part came today and I got it installed in record time... for me!!:D
    IMG_4619.JPG First I installed the new carb air cleaner bases and the new filters. Then I centered the aluminum plate that would seal the tops of the air filters and marked the carb studs' location along edge of the plate.
    IMG_4620.JPG Using a square, I put locating lines across the plate and then used the two mounting locations for the top to determine the needed spot for a hole for each carb stud.
    IMG_4621.JPG Then I used two bolts to secure the top plate to the carbs and then set the polished cover on and secured that.
    IMG_4622.JPG Sure looks good to me.:) Big "THANK YOU!" to Dennis for both his help in getting the cars and the prompt service in getting my new air cleaner to me.
    IMG_4623.JPG So I was thinking that I needed to do something to celebrate... y'all know where that often leads!
    Might not need that hood after all!:eek::D
  22. Looks great,Al......Sorry I missed you at York. Was only there for a few hours Saturday.
    loudbang and Hamtown Al like this.
  23. loudbang
    Joined: Jul 23, 2013
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    New air cleaner looks GREAT. :)
    Hamtown Al and lothiandon1940 like this.
  24. Hamtown Al
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    I got the floor insulated under the battery and reinstalled the passenger seat... now to take my granddaughter for a ride! She was the last rider with the 4 banger so thought she should be the first with the Buick... she might note a difference!;):D
    Today I replaced the new rear shocks with some more new shocks(Monroe 555001) which have a shorter compressed length than those I recently installed... looked like about 1.5" until bottomed!:eek: New ones allow much more and should do the job... I'll report later after a test drive when/if:eek: it stops raining.;)
    Thanks for the kind words about the air cleaner. I am very pleased with how it complements the Buick valve covers.:) The car runs and does great around town and a few miles out into the country but haven't managed a longer distance test thus far but hope to very soon. I don't expect any problems as I have driven it for an extended ride in time but buzzing around local roads and a little countryside.
    I'll keep y'all posted.
  25. frank spittle
    Joined: Jan 29, 2009
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    frank spittle

    Congratulations with the swap. There is only one problem in the future I see. Your small capacity gas tank. Those Grand Sports engines love gasoline.
  26. Ford blue blood
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    Ford blue blood

    Should not be a problem. My personal experience with small gas tanks is my wife's bladder range has never exceeded that of the tank.
  27. Silva
    Joined: Apr 28, 2005
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    Congratulations Al, Nailhead powered hot rods rule!
  28. Hamtown Al
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    Today was somewhat of a milestone day for travel under the new Buick power.
    IMG_4633.JPG I drove about 40 miles roundtrip to meet some pals for breakfast and late this afternoon I took my granddaughter to a small town south of us that has a tradition of Wednesday afternoon and evening gatherings... a little over 60 miles roundtrip. Over 100 miles in the same day! All with the top down! All went well until my granddaughter and I were just getting back to Smithfield; it started to mist some! The rain wasn't due, per the forecast!, for a couple more hours! We drove on with the top down and I managed to get her home and the little cabriolet back in the garage without any serious rain... but it sure had us moving!
    I also have to report that it was a very windy day all day long and if my hat for sun protection had not had a string going under my neck for keeping it secure; it would have been gone very quickly and very early!
  29. Bet the Granddaughter had a fun time as you "hastily" motored back home to beat the rain.:D
    loudbang and Hamtown Al like this.

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