Ryan submitted a new blog post: Photoshoot Road Trip: The Nebraska Boys Continue reading the Original Blog Post
As always, great writing and photos. I’m so glad to see that you got to get out and see these hooligans. Great bunch of people and rides. I’m much more famous on the internet than in real life
@Ryan , I don't even know what to say, except Thank You! Our crew up here is quite special to me, something I need to always remember to not take for granted. You going out of your way to visit us means a lot. This just made my week, seriously. (and I happen to have a birthday ending in zero coming up this Saturday)
I'm familiar with Nebraska weather. Glad you didn't end up in OZ! I'm thinking... perfect lighting! Dave
Awesome you got to head up and hang out with those NBs. Always a hoot to rub elbows with them at KKOA and HAMB-drags.
Great read and shots Ryan. Question, did you pull your trailer with the Ford? Didn't realize you owned that.
No sir... That's owned by Mike Lewis... and it's a fantastic car. We just pulled it there to stage that pic. I pulled the trailer with a late model GMC pickup.
great article, Nebr weather can turn quickly...driving from Lincoln to Omaha after Good-Guys Day at the Hay in 2017, I got caught on the edge of a tornado in my 40 Ford. it turned as dark as midnight at 7:00pm & raining so hard I couldnt see the end of my hood.. I pulled over & could feel the wind moving my car. soon I was crossways on the highway with my foot on the brake so hard my leg was cramping, made it home ok with no damage after it passed...scary time
What a cool shoot, we are certainly blessed with a fabulous group of hot rods here in Omaha. Proud to see one of my Hot Rod Gang, Rob Lee and his Model A Coupe of "The South Omaha Turds" included in the event. Love that bad ass trailer Ryan, tough weather for you, thanx for braving the storm and honoring our bunch.
Thanks to all the Omaha guys showing up to make the Boss feel welcome, the cars are great, I hope to meet these guys in the future. HRP
Thanks for the good write up. That sounds and looks like it was a good time! Yeah we are a different breed out here. I have lots of shouldn't be out here storm stories with the wife and I but they are ot because we were on the bike.
@Ryan At times, I’m certain the gusts hit over 30 mph... Have you been gone that long? That's amateur hour in the Boomer state...that's daily.
In Iowa we don't even feel the breeze unless it's over 40 MPH. Just used to it. Something to do with how Nebraska blows, but Missouri sucks. I kid. .
Thanks for taking some time to hang out with us. Really meant a lot to the whole gang. Kinda bittersweet now that the 36 is gone, but there will be another...
I'm glad you made it seem like I actually ate food instead of my hydraulic dinner! It was awesome having you in town! Sent from my SM-N960U using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Great read. I’m glad you got to have an actual Nebraska expectancies compared to having just visited Nebraska.
god damn good to visit with you Ryan with nothing more going on than just hanging out. Thanks for coming up to hang with us hoodlums. I truly wish I was able to just lean against your badass vintage camper and enjoy a beer with you and shoot the shit but even in great times like this sometimes life gets in the way. I may have to search you out at the drags and make up for the abbreviated time hanging out. Sometimes when life gives you lemons you hang around badass hotrods....
WHAT!!?? You guys all had dinner together? I shoulda stuck around. It was good to see you, Ryan. See ya in August. BTW, sorry it took 37 tries to get my car situated for the photo.....I'm old.