Hahahahahaha !!! There... I said it LOL. What cracks me up, is that you guys gave me five more likes for saying it LOL. I hope you're doing well, br40. Sent from my VS835 using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
I find this whole post truly inspiring. From your attitude to the many friends you have. I lost a family member from that disease, and I think with your outlook, you'll be around for some time to come. I had a stroke a little over a month ago (age 72) and have 3 projects waiting for my return. Bless you..
Throwing good vibes and prayers your way! This is heartbreaking and inspiring at the same time. Best of luck it seems you're in good hands..
Mick, when you initially started this thread I read your post and was immediately heartbroken because it reminded me of my brother, and his own race against time. Until this morning I’ve avoided revisiting this thread, but I’m sure glad I did. Your prognosis appears to be improving and no matter the outcome, your life and the lives of the friends that stepped up to help have surely been enriched by the experience. I sincerely hope your health continues to improve so you can enjoy the car and the company of good friends for many years to come.
If you have a local machine shop, they should be able to make you some based on the sketch and your dimensions...
Stay positive. It is commendable the way you are thinking of your wife but remember, nothing is over till it's over. I have a buddy that his dad is good friends with another guy that went to the hospital and they told him he had cancer and approximately six months to live. He told them (bull shit) exact words and walked out of there. Last I talked to to my buddy it had been ten years and his Dads friend was healthy as an ox. Always remember that doctors are just mechanics that work on people and there is alot more that they don't know about their work than what they do know and they make wrong diagnosis's just like us car mechanic's do at times. Keep the faith ! Speak out loud every morning to your wife and everyone else that things are turning out the way you want them to and say nothing of the bad and wrong diagnosis. We just had a grandbaby that every doctor ,surgeon, specialist, you name it tried to abort her and said till the last day that we left the hospital that there was no way she was going to survive. We left with her born and weighing one pound and she is healthy as the most healthy three year old on the planet riding her tricycle in front of me right now. We spoke success over her the whole time. I can give you countless other examples.Never surrender to negative speaking. It always comes from the wrong place.
If I'm putting two an two together correctly looks like Mickey contacted Reggie Hill about buying the '40. Must have been a painful decision to sell but it sure went to a good home. Lee
I Hope the Hotrod sees the road in short order to take Mick for a ride and if he can do it himself even better...regardless of ownership... Healing Thoughts Your way @blackrat40...and a Thank You to the Group helping Build the Quest for a Heartfelt Passion and of course all you other Hamber's hoping for a moment of joy through the hell...
Reggie posted on FB, and that was the conclusion that I put together, too. Continued prayers for Mickey and his family.
Okay thanks, I don’t follow Facebook so I wouldn’t know. Too bad we don’t hear from him here. Yes, continued prayers for him and his family.
I'll try to remain positive and think that Mickey and His Missus are trying to give their All in the fight to beat his affliction. All I can add is that I will send Healing Prayers to Help give them strength!
A little late with this post. 2 months gone. Rest in peace, Mickey. https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/dallas-tx/mickey-davison-9122392