i received a text today that long time Rockford dragway owner Ron Leak passed away. can anyone confirm this as I don't know it as fact.
Thanks. What a loss. His knowledge of the events that shaped our sport was incredible. Always entertaining on the mic.
...just got word he passed on Wednesday;...I really liked listening to him on the announcers mike....to me, he was Byron Dragway,..sorry to hear this, just saw him at the Pie Drags a couple weeks back Condolences to his family and friends.
Sad news. But I am sure Heaven is a little livelier with him and Broadway Bob together up there! Larry
Bummer! The drag racing world just got a little duller from loosing Ron. Ron was truly the voice of Byron Dragway. He will be missed. He had character and charisma like no track announcer I have ever heard. Last summer I was told a story how Ron would show up at Byron unannounced, go up into the tower and just take over the mic. Drag racing was in his blood.
He was the cherry on top If you don't have a great announcer it takes away from the event that's happening "He Made it Happen" God Bless Ron Leaks and all his family and friends and all you hot rodders.
Condolences to the Leek Family and Friends on the passing of Ron...Hotrod Heaven is getting mighty crowded it seems...may he rest in peace... Regards, Stogy
Ron Leek was the best announcer of anyone I knew. He was the Father of bracket racing and a legend in drag racing history. Thanks for your commitment to the sport... There will never be another one like him.