Looking to contact person or company that was at Hershey several years ago with a new center steering box to replace center steering boxes like Gemmer on vintage oval sprint cars. I believe he was from Ohio. Help will be greatly appreciated. Seaweed
I don't know who the vendor is you are looking for, but older conversions to center steering used Franklin or Ross gears. More modern set ups used Shroeder. The only thing bad about s Shroeder gear is that they were made for racing only and were either a 6::1 or 8::1 ratio which makes for high effort steering standing still or at low speed. Ross was used on forklifts and other industrial equipment and may be easier to find that the Franklin units.
Thanks for reply. I am familiar with these other units. Many are in bad shape and cost more to repair than a new unit. This man repaired the old units until he manufactured his own. I would be interested in any complete center steering boxes suitable for a Big Car (pre sprint car) at a reasonable price. We run vintage 4 banger Ford oval cars in New England. Any further help is welcome. Seaweed