The shop is still thrashing away on my 36 ( I'm helping on what I can) .. Who's all coming to this years event...I know Deuce Days was last weekend .. I'm hoping some of the cars featured in pictures on Instagram and The HAMB will be there... See you in Puyallup !
I will be going again this year. If my back and my car survive I 90 we should be there Friday morning. I hope the rain stays away on Saturday.
I'm so broke after Deuce days I'd have a hard time running over for the day on Saturday even though it is tempting. Got an event of the year wedding to go to a week later so my spare change isn't very spare.
I will be there again this year, I just hope my dad dosen't win the goodguys giveaway hotrod again. what a sweet ride! The red 49 shoebox and 51 F1 in the background are my dad's also. Todd
Back out for Saturday... Gary and Marshall at Thunfield busted their asses and got the 36 going this morning(HUGE THANK YOU !).We went out with the 32, and 40 the shop just finished and my car..I tell you parts quality these days just sucks(battled pressure plate issues).. had the trans out three times.. and finally got it.. again, can't thank them enough for all their hard work...See ya all out there!