Hang-Em-High High Roller Bungee cord hood hold down for weight savings speedometer cable dragging for static discharge Jim Zakia in black
Dinoland yea yea Kansas Twister II posted by @PoTaToTrUcK here:https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/hougen-park-corn-roast-abbotsford-bc.1161757/
Too nice not to post? Even though it's not a vintage gasser? Even though it doesn't have the required straight axle, front mounted Moon tank, and it actually has a front bumper? Wait, those are all good things...thanks for posting.
Yes, a very nice 57 Sedan delivery, but not something that was ever produced from the factory. I seriously doubt that any 57 Deliveries were made with fuel injection. But, I can see this one being made as a baseline V-8/3 speed manual transmission. Look closely, the right hand (passenger side) exhaust manifold is a 265 exhaust manifold, and a car of this quality, well you'd expect it to be more"correct". Pretty sure there were never any fuel injected, 265's, ever made; must not have been able to find any rams horns exhaust manifolds (?). Nice car (truck), just the same!!! I am Butch/56sedandelivery.
...this is one of my favorite threads, I love all the different names for these drag cars, ...here's a couple posters I sell for $5.00 each (+shipping)they are 14"x 17"